The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 212 The stars are beautiful tonight

Chapter 212 The stars are beautiful tonight
After fiddling with the net, she took out the key from her sleeve again.

It's the key to an ordinary house, nothing special, she remembered the two words Li Niang left in a hurry, Nongqin Alley, turn left to the fifth house.

Did Li Niang hide something inside?
It's still related to Lu Churen, something he can't find.

She was still thinking about it, so Wu Yin came to tell her that Shen Mingnan was back.

She put the key away, took the net and went to him.

Shen Mingnan had just arrived in the study room, and there were a few more confidential letters in front of him. He opened it and glanced at it, rubbing the space between his brows in annoyance.

He didn't remember how many seals there were, and he threw the previous ones into the brazier and burned them to ashes.

This time was no exception. When I lit the book on fire, the letter paper was burned up.

"My lord." There was a knock on the door outside: "May I come in?"

He responded lowly, Zhao Huiwei pushed open the door, she shrugged her little nose: "My lord, what are you burning?"

"Just a few sheets of paper."

"Oh." Zhao Huiwei looked at him, his eyes turned into a crescent moon: "My lord, I have something to give you."

Shen Mingnan subconsciously missed a beat: "What?"

Zhao Huiwei felt that giving things was a bit ritualistic and sensational.

"I made a little thing with my own hands, mainly to thank you for taking care of me for so long."

Zhao Huiwei is not a wooden person, so he can't feel Shen Mingnan's kindness to her, no matter if she casually said that she likes that peach hairpin, he just found one that is exactly the same.

Before the banquet, he will give her a pastry that he thinks is delicious.

When encountering danger, he will stand by her alone.

So good that she couldn't help but be moved.

But she will leave here after all...

When the plot is over, what will happen to her and him?
Zhao Huiwei didn't dare to think about it, and she couldn't think about it, she was afraid that her heart would be shaken.

So she took out the net that was hidden in her cuff: "My lord, I made this up with my own hands, and I give it to you."

Shen Mingnan took a look, but it wasn't a purse.

This black, red and red net lay quietly in her palm, looking ugly.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Zhao Huiwei was a little puzzled: "My lord, don't you like it?"

Although ugly, but he said: "I like it."

like very much.

Only then did Zhao Huiwei smile happily: "My lord, let me wear it for you."

"This gem can calm the mind. You can touch it when you are irritable. Maybe it will help a little." Zhao Huiwei compared it with his fingers.

Then he lowered his head and put the net on his waist, compared with his expensive purse, Zhao Huiwei felt that it was too much.

She regrets a little...

"Young master... why don't I give it to you after I make up a better one."

"No need." Shen Mingnan touched it with his hand: "This is fine."

Zhao Huiwei still felt that something was wrong, and wanted to take it back, but Shen Mingnan dodged it sideways.

Then he was kicked out of the study.

She looked at the sky speechlessly, but unexpectedly found that the starlight was beautiful tonight.

The next day, after Shen Mingnan got dressed, he went to duty after having breakfast.

Before he went, he deliberately put the net in the most conspicuous position, a person with eyes should be able to see it, right?

As soon as he arrived in the palace, Qi Yang greeted him respectfully: "Master Deputy Envoy."

He smiled flatteringly, "Where do we start our tour today?"

Shen Mingnan: "?"

Didn't you see his new net?
He coughed lightly and deliberately changed the topic: "You are dressed very energetically today."

The patrolling circle continued: "The purse on the waist is not bad."

Qi Yang: "..."

He looked down, and there was a maroon purse pinned to his waist: "Damn, my wife embroidered it for me, and it has been used for a long time."

"By the way, where are we patrolling from, Mr. Deputy Ambassador?"

Qi Yang raised his head and saw Shen Mingnan's death staring, he was a little slow to react before he saw the other webbing around his waist, which was particularly conspicuous, but a little ugly.

Qi Yang didn't know anything else, and said a lot of unconscionable words: "Oh, Mr. Deputy Ambassador, this net is so beautiful, did you give it to me?"

Shen Mingnan pretended to be cold, and responded lightly.

Qi Yang continued to flatter: "Is it the girl who fell in love with you last time?"


Qi Yang clapped his hands and said happily, "I'll just say, if you don't care about your face, things will come true."

"A boy has to be willing to face down."

The next moment, he received a cold stare: "Who are you talking about?"

Qi Yang scratched his head: "It can't be that girl, can it?"

Shen Mingnan: "..."

"Start patrolling from the Golden Luan Hall, stay away from me."

After he finished speaking, he left without looking back.


Nongqin Alley
Zhao Huiwei came here with Wuyin and Yingluo.

In the capital, there are prosperous places and poor and dirty places.

Most of the beggars live in Nongqin Alley.

Dirty people sat on both sides of the alley in twos and threes, or alone. They were scantily clad and skinny.

Seeing someone passing by, they just flicked their eyes slightly, then looked to the other side dully.

Yingluo sighed lightly, this is the capital city, where the rich are extremely rich, and the poor are extravagant to have a full meal.

Wu Yin looked at Zhao Huiwei: "Girl, what are we doing here?"

"Looking for something."

Li Niang must have something to tell her, but she didn't have time to say it, and she didn't know why Li Niang gave her the key so trustingly.

The three of them walked through the messy alley, and turned left with a row of houses.

From the outside, it is an old building, and it can barely shelter from the wind and rain. There is dirty water everywhere at the entrance of the house, and no one takes care of it.

Zhao Huiwei walked to the fifth house, the wooden door was mottled, covered with a thick layer of dust, and a rusty iron lock hung on it.

People from several other houses put their heads out curiously, and saw that the three of them were dressed like Miss Jiao from a wealthy family, especially the one at the head, who really looked like a fairy descended from the earth. people.

Zhao Huiwei took out the key from his sleeve, and with a "click", the lock opened.

She pushed the door open, the dust filled her nostrils, she covered her nose with her sleeve and entered, followed by Wuyin and Yingluo.

Then close the wooden door to block the probing eyes from outside.

The house didn't look like it could be lived in. There were spider webs growing in many places, and the yard was overgrown with weeds. Zhao Huiwei didn't know how to settle down.

There were still a few pieces of fallen rubble on the ground, and a few dead branches lay beside them, creaking when stepped on.

After entering, there was still a closed door in front of her. Just as Zhao Huiwei wanted to push it, Yingluo stopped her: "Girl, let me come."

As she said that, she kicked it up, and the crumbling wooden door collapsed to death because of her kick, causing a burst of dust.

Zhao Huiwei coughed because of the choking.

Wuyin put the brocade handkerchief under Zhao Huiwei's nose, and said to Yingluo, "Look at what you have done, we are here to find things, not to rob houses."

Yingluo touched her nose: "Aren't I afraid that someone will plot against me behind the door? It's written like that in the scriptures!"

Wu Yin: "..." Let's talk to you and live your life.

Zhao Huiwei waved her sleeves, her eyes became clear, she walked in, looked left and right, she saw that the tables and chairs were broken, there were broken bowls on the ground, and the water tank had a hole.

The only thing that stood out was a big wooden box not far away, just when Zhao Huiwei was wondering what Li Niang was doing to bring her here.

A slight movement came from the wooden box...

 Shen Mingnan: Even if I jump from here, I won't be dead skinned...

  Hey, it's delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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