The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 224 I throw my arms around you

Chapter 224 I throw my arms around you
It was rare for Ye Lanzhi to be interested. He asked, "Didn't she do it to her maidservant? She absconded in fear of crime and died accidentally."

Cheng Qiqi saw that Ye Lanzhi was paying attention to her, so he quickly told all he knew: "Danyang said no, her maid blocked the knife for the man behind, and became a scapegoat."

"Because the emperor's grandmother's birthday is approaching, and the emperor doesn't want to cause trouble, Danyang began to search the palace. Even my Shaoyang Palace was turned upside down."

"Will I still harm her? My concubine mother told me to be patient for a few days, and it will be fine when the incident is over. If my concubine mother didn't stop me, I would have to rush up and beat her up."

Cheng Qiqi waved his fist vividly as he spoke, and Ye Lanzhi touched his nose, so there was a reason why he didn't like Cheng Qiqi. She stayed with Chi Hua for a long time and became a violent woman.

He likes gentle and virtuous women, not Cheng Qiqi.

He changed the subject: "He You."


"You run out like this every day, won't your father give you the hammer?"

He You quickly swallowed the kebab in his hand, and then licked the corner of his mouth in aftertaste: "Never mind, I said that I don't want to be on duty in the palace, I'd rather be a doctor in Beijing than serve those ladies .”

After finishing speaking, he quietly glanced at Kong Qingzi, who was also eating greasy.

He has a new target now, the genius doctor Kong is simply the god of their Xinglin world, not to mention that he appeared in the capital, if the news broke out, it would cause a great sensation.

I'm afraid that the group of royal relatives will treat each other with courtesy and condescension.

He wanted to worship Miracle Physician Kong as his teacher, but he heard that Miracle Physician Kong hadn't taken any more apprentices since his only apprentice disappeared.

Thinking of this, he looked at Zhao Huiwei again, could he get to know God Doctor Kong through Zhao Huiwei?At first he laughed at Ye Lanzhi for saying that he wanted to curry favor with Zhao Huiwei, but now he wants to be really sweet.

Just when he was hesitating how to build a good relationship with Zhao Huiwei, Ye Lanzhi took the first step. He held a roasted lamb leg in his hand, and handed it to the busy Zhao Huiwei with a shy face. Huiwei.

"Hui Hui, eat leg of lamb~it's hot."

Zhao Huiwei was brushing the sauce on the meat skewers, but when he heard this, his hands trembled and almost brushed Feng Ming's face.

Shen Mingnan was even worse, he looked at Ye Lanzhi coldly.

Hui Hui is also what he can call?

Ye Lanzhi, who realized something was wrong with hindsight: "..."

He smiled awkwardly: "Wrong call, it's Master Hui, does Master Hui eat leg of lamb?"

Zhao Huiwei: "...No, thank you."

Ye Lanzhi looked regretful, and He You couldn't see it.

In the end, Zhao Huiwei was about to move a table and put it in the middle of the courtyard, and stopped it with one hand: "I'll do it."

She looked at Lin Huai'an who was moving the table, it was really strange, what was he doing hanging around in front of her all the time?
You can't mean anything to her, can you?

Thinking of Zhao Huiwei, she shuddered first, and sure enough, Shen Mingnan stared at her coldly...

Damn, can't she even take a look... It's a headache.

The table was moved out, Chi Xianyu baked the last batch, and put them all on the table, several people sat around the table, the breeze carried the smell of barbecue far away.

It attracted people living in Bird Clothes Lane to go out and look around.

"Come, come, drink."

"Master Hui's roasted whole lamb is really unique. I have never tasted such delicious food in Beijing."

Ye Lanzhi raised his glass: "Brothers, let's meet tomorrow in Akiyama!"

"Come on, cheers."

Everyone toasted and laughed.

Both I and the breeze are drunk, and I live up to the present and the youth.

When the night sky is full of stars.

Cheng Qiqi returned to the palace, and Chi Hua asked Chi Xianyu to take her to the gate of the palace.

Fu Junze left alone, Chi Hua glanced at him, and his long shadow was cast on the ground.

She turned her head and left in the opposite direction to Fu Junze.

Shen Mingnan sat in a carriage with Zhao Huiwei, Yan Yuan led his chasing wind, he stretched out his hand to Zhao Huiwei for the first time in the carriage: "Come up."

Zhao Huiwei slowly stretched out his hand and grasped his fingertips, and he pulled the man up with force, and hugged him full of him by the way.

"Yanyan, throwing yourself into your arms is not good."

Zhao Huiwei blushed and wanted to push him away angrily: "I didn't throw my arms around you, let go."

Shen Mingnan let out a low laugh in his throat: "It's not you, it's me."

"I throw my arms around you."

He lowered the car curtain, hiding the figures of the two of them.

The carriage drove on the road in a low-key manner, but what they didn't know was that everything they did was seen by others.


"I thought the little master was in a hurry, so he ignored our secret letter. I didn't expect that we are busy here, so it would be convenient for him to talk about love!"

"Brother Long! I can't take it anymore, I want to invite the little master right now."

Long Qian looked at the leaving carriage with his hands behind his back and his eyes were dark.

They are the last force of the Gongyi family, and Shen Mingnan is their pillar. He bears the rise and fall of the entire Gongyi family.

He would never allow anyone to come and spoil the plan of Gongyi's revival, no one else.

"Lingfeng, let's go, I will take care of it."

Lingfeng wanted to say something else, but looking at Long Qian's back, he felt relieved, he said he would solve it, and he would.

On the other side, after the carriage left Bird Clothes Lane, a figure came to a small house through the night.

There was a man waiting there quietly.

After this figure came in, he respectfully reported: "My lord, Zhao Huiwei was taken away by Shen Shizi."

The man turned his head, and it was Lu Churen.

He grinned sinisterly: "Have you found Ji Zhuo?"

"I found it. It's in the courtyard of Second Master Xu, but there are people guarding it, so it's not easy for the subordinates to approach."

"It's okay." Lu Churen said in a low voice, "Then let's take Zhao Huiwei first."

"Go and invite Aoki, the deputy head of Qinglong Hall of the Ghost Gate Sect, and I will accept whatever he bids."


A ruthless look flashed across Lu Churen's eyes, he would torture that little girl to death.

In the carriage, Shen Mingnan didn't let go of the person in his arms.

He even suggested in a low voice: "Yan Yan, try it when you are awake?"

Zhao Huiwei shook her head and refused, but she wanted to stay away from him but was caught by him two or three times and held in his arms.


When getting off the car, Zhao Huiwei was walking back to Yaoguang Pavilion angrily.

Shen Mingnan followed her quite leisurely.

"Yanyan, this is called adapting in advance, otherwise, what can we do in the future?"

Zhao Huiwei turned her head and glared at him angrily: "Shut up."

Shen Mingnan raised his eyebrows, expressing his innocence.

Zhao Huiwei was almost dying of anger, since he got in the car and went back to the Duke's mansion, he didn't stop for a second, and now her mouth still hurts.

She thought it was not good for them to do this, and then she tried to reason with Shen Mingnan.

"Young master, isn't our behavior too outrageous!"

Shen Mingnan replied: "I don't think so."

"I mean..." She looked around carefully, and whispered: "It's not good for us to do this without a name and a role!"

Who knows, Shen Mingnan looked at her with slightly bright black eyes: "You mean it's enough to be famous and have a share?"

 I hope that the Jingzhong Xiaobawang group will always be there.

  Now I want them to kiss and hug each other every day, something is wrong with me!
(End of this chapter)

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