Chapter 232
Fu Mansion is located in Qingyu Lane.

The Xu family lived on this street, and the Chi family lived at the end of the street. The mansions in their circle were basically next to each other, not far apart.

At this moment, in the Fu mansion.

After receiving the emperor's order, Fu Junze prepared to go to Xuanpinghou's mansion.

He was wearing a purple official uniform, and his black hair was all bundled up in the official hat.


Fu Junze stopped, his back straightened and he turned slowly: "Mother."

Behind him is a woman who looks about 40 to [-] years old, with gray hair mixed with white hair, and her whole face is very serious, giving people a feeling of inhumanity. She is Fu Junze's mother, Mrs. Jiang.

Standing in the distance, Mrs. Jiang said indifferently, "Why did you reject the Huang family?"

Fu Junze looked directly at her: "It's not suitable."

Jiang sneered: "What's wrong? Give me a reason."

Fu Junze was silent for a moment, and then said: "Mother, you know my physical condition, I don't want to delay my good girl for nothing."

"Fu Junze!" Jiang Shi was angry: "Yingying didn't dislike you as a sick child, but you just rejected it. Is it because that Chi Hua came back? Didn't she hurt you enough?"

Fu Junze's usual cold eyes were sharpened: "Mother, why do you know about me? It has nothing to do with Chi Hua. You can't take your anger out on her for no reason."

Jiang shook her head: "It's her! If it wasn't for her, your father wouldn't have died, and you wouldn't have been tortured by illness for five years. I really regret that I brought you into Chi's house when I was a child."

Fu Junze was speechless. In the year his father died, his mother was already close to madness.

"Jun'er! You must leave an heir. I will never allow the Fu family to end their incense here."

After Jiang finished speaking coldly, she turned around and went back into the house.

Here it is again, every time it's the same topic, asking him to leave an heir.

He didn't know why, but he dragged it on until now, and he told himself three years ago, let it go.

But if he couldn't let it go, he couldn't let it go, he couldn't force himself.

His footsteps were a bit heavy, the sun was shining outside but his body and mind were like falling into a cave of ice, the cold made him numb, fortunately he was used to it.

But when he saw the scorching red outside, the coagulated blood in his body slowly flowed again.

The girl in red led her white horse and waited for him at the gate of Fu's mansion just like many years ago.

Chi Hua turned her head, her bright face tore through the dark clouds above his head, and the sun shone on him again, warm.

She raised her eyebrows: "Isn't it an investigation? Together?"

Fu Junze's jade-like eyes moved slightly, and he walked in front of her: "Let's go."

The two were speechless all the way, until Chi Hua of Xuanping Hou's Mansion said the first sentence to him: "You can't not strictly investigate him just because he is Lord Hou, you have to be worthy of your official robe!"

She spoke seriously, as if she was thinking of him, Fu Junze didn't expose her.

He only said softly: "Understood."

Zhou Cheng had already been waiting inside, and Lu Lu was waiting with him, he was going crazy now, what did that scoundrel at home do without telling him.

When he heard that 25 lives were committed by his eldest son, he couldn't believe his ears. Most importantly, the emperor knew about this matter, and he ordered a strict investigation.

He was a little flustered, he just hoped that the evil son wouldn't leave all the evidence in the mansion.

Lu Lu said: "My lords, I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding in this matter. Dogs don't even dare to kill a chicken, let alone kill people."

Chi Hua sneered: "Knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing their hearts, he can even invite ghosts, let alone kill a few people?"

When Lu Lu heard about Guimenzong, he panicked again.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Now who knows that the Ghost Sect is simply the emperor's taboo, if it really has something to do with it, not to mention that his son can't be kept, the whole Hou Mansion will be ruined.

Zhou Cheng cast a glance at him, and cupped his hands towards Fu Junze: "Master Fu, where do we start to investigate?"

"Order the servants to check every room, especially the walls to see if there are any secret passages, and leave some people to guard Lord Lu."

His Danfeng eyes were clear: "At this time, Lord Lu Hou has to be wronged and wait in place, don't run around."

"My lords, please go ahead. The dog is definitely being falsely accused. When the time comes, I ask you two lords to give the Xuanpinghou's residence justice."

"It's natural." After Fu Junze finished speaking, he headed towards the garden behind Xuanpinghou's Mansion.

Chi Hua followed closely behind him. Fu Junze wanted to go to Lu Churen's courtyard, but was held back by Chi Hua. He looked directly at the slender hand on the sleeve.

Chi Hua realized something and immediately let go, and even took two steps away from him: "Don't go to Lu Churen's place, you won't find anything there, it's meaningless, come with me."

The two came to the backyard flower garden of Xuanping Hou Mansion together, where the flowers grow gorgeously, and the delicate roses are so red that they seem to bleed.

Chi Hua glanced over the flowers indifferently: "They couldn't find any clues in the room, and sometimes there may be unexpected harvest outside."

Chi Hua came to a place with strange rocks, touched it, and said to Fu Junze who was on the side: "I met him once when I was in Beimo. Beidi people are cunning by nature, and they sneak into the flying In Yan City, the people in the city cooperated with each other and opened a secret passage in a house."

"Coincidentally, that house happened to be mine. When I found out that something was wrong, I filled in stones and buried the secret passage. I searched from house to house and found several secret passages."

"If Beidi people are really allowed to enter the city through secret passages, then the entire Feiyan City will face the situation of being slaughtered by Beidi."

Fu Junze looked at her: "What happened next?"

"Later?" Chi Hua raised her eyebrows, and groped on the stone for a while: "The few people who collaborated with the enemy and treasoned the country were all killed by my sword, and I went to learn about secret passages."

She paused for a moment, then twisted her hand vigorously: "Look, isn't this the way to find it?"

"Crack." The rockery stone door slowly opened.

Chi Hua hugged her hands, very proud: "So, who is still killing people indoors now? It's not safe and easy to be discovered, let's go, go in and have a look."

The secret passage was very dark, and Chi Hua walked ahead with the torch that he had prepared early in the morning, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

When the two came to the dark room, the stone door opened as soon as it was pushed, and the inside was full of torture instruments. Chi Hua found the candle inside, and the whole dark room was clear at a glance when it was lit.

There was a string of iron chains on the ground, and a corpse beside the chains.

Chi Hua approached, knelt down beside the corpse and reached out to touch the blood that was still thick on the ground.

A brocade handkerchief with pine and cypress fragrance was handed to her. She was stunned for a moment, and when she looked up, she saw Fu Junze's cold eyes.


Chi Hua reached out to take it: "Thank you."

She stood up: "The person who died last night should be a servant of the Xuanpinghou Mansion."

"I thought I came here to destroy the criminal evidence, but I was cut off by the people behind." Chi Hua said indifferently: "This person's technique is also neat, sealing his throat with a sword."

 Fu Junze: You are so capable, why don't you be the Minister of Dali Temple?
  Chi Hua: It’s not impossible~

(End of this chapter)

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