The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 236 Don't Praise People, We Can Not Praise

Chapter 236 Don't Praise People, We Can Not Praise (Add One)
"Shen Shu?"

Shen Xiuyu frowned, her mind was full of nonsense, she was so stupid, he didn't even want to mention her.

"Yes, that's her." Duan Wang smiled, his sharp eyebrows raised slightly: "Only stupid people can do amazing things."

Shen Xiuyu glanced at Duan Wang, his eyes dodged.

"You are the grandson of Mrs. Shen. She will trust you very much. If you do what I say, the Duke's Mansion will be yours."

Shen Xiuyu was so nervous that his hands were trembling. On the surface, he belonged to the prince, but in fact he belonged to Prince Duan.

The temptation given by King Duan was too great, so Shen Xiuyu agreed.


The next day, Shen Mingnan went to work with a very bad face. The happy holiday was gone, and he became a migrant worker again.

The happiest thing is Zhao Huiwei, the brown sugar is finally gone, she feels that the air is fresh, and she has only now discovered that he still has the attribute of being clingy.

The kind that sticks and doesn't come off.

With him around, she couldn't even jump out of bed even if she wanted to. Hearing that he was out of the house, Zhao Huiwei hopped out of bed with one leg, but Ying Luo found out and pushed her back on the bed.

Yingluo looked serious: "Girl, your legs are not in good condition, so you can't get out of bed."

Zhao Huiwei: "..."

She's feeling better and she's going out in the sun!

So her brows and eyes were listless for a moment, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly, with a pitiful look: "Good Yingluo, let me go out to bask in the sun, I'm going to be moldy."

"I promise to bask in the sun and blow the wind and lie on the armchair, it won't work if you don't move."

Yingluo hesitated for a while, but under Zhao Huiwei's persuasion, she agreed.

So I thoughtfully moved a recliner chair for her and placed it under the hibiscus tree, which was shaded.

After lying down, Zhao Huiwei sighed comfortably: "It's still comfortable outside, by the way, how is the child that Wuyin took care of?"

"It seems to be recovering well, and I can get out of bed and walk around."

"What about Lu Churen?"

"He was ordered to be cut into pieces by the emperor, and executed at Meridian Gate the day after tomorrow."

In the past few days, Zhao Huiwei knew more or less about Lu Churen, and she didn't sympathize with him, but felt sorry for the 25 people killed by him who couldn't come back.

She looked at her feet wrapped like rice dumplings again: "It's a pity that I hurt my leg, otherwise I really want to take a look."

Yingluo opened her eyes wide: "Girl, it's bloody, I suggest you don't watch it."

In fact, Zhao Huiwei didn't tell her that when her master often took her to "see the theater", she was no longer afraid...

Yingluo was tying the net, and looked down at her feet. She was thinking of rhubarb again. In the past, that silly dog ​​would squat beside her to accompany her in tying the net.

"Girl, this servant misses rhubarb a little bit." Yingluo's voice was a little sullen.

Zhao Huiwei covered her eyes with her hands and looked at the blue sky and white clouds, why didn't she want to?

That silly dog ​​was brought from Luohua Village, but it's only been a long time since he came to the capital, so the dog's life is here.

After so long, she has given up hope that Da Huang is still alive, but she still comforts her: "Du Huang must be recuperating on his stomach in a corner we don't know about."

After the words fell, the master and servant stopped chatting.

Look at some silly dog ​​again.

Huainan Palace
After Kong Qingzi's treatment, Rhubarb is now able to walk on the ground, although it is still limping, it is following Songlang at the moment.

And in front of them were Lin Huai'an and his father, King Huainan.

King Huainan arrived in the capital just today.

All the way was full of dust and dust, he just wanted to wash and take a bath.

But his own son kept pulling him to the main hall, not allowing him to leave.

"What are you doing, boy? Didn't you see that I was sloppy?"

Lin Huai'an didn't look sideways: "Father, you can take a bath at any time, you come and listen to me first."

King Huainan: "?"

So he was pushed into a chair by Lin Huai'an, and then Lin Huai'an began to carefully observe his father's eyebrows and eyes.

Even though King Huainan was middle-aged, he was still handsome, and he carried the mature charm of a middle-aged man in every gesture. Overall, his charm still remained.

But... not like Zhao Huiwei...

Anyway, he didn't find any resemblance to Zhao Huiwei in his father's eyebrows.

Huainan Wang felt his scalp tingling from seeing him, he quickly pushed him away, and looked at him warily: "What are you doing?"

Then he touched his face again: "I can tell you, I have been innocent all the way here, and my mother has not seen a single one. If I go back to Liangzhou, how dare you talk nonsense in front of your mother and concubine?" , look how I beat you to death."

As he spoke, he shook his fist threateningly.

Lin Huaian: "..."

It is estimated that no one would have imagined that King Huainan, who is majestic on the battlefield, is a strict wife in private, and he is simply a model of 24 filial piety and a good husband.

He rubbed the center of his eyebrows with a headache: "It's not about this."

Only then did King Huainan feel relieved, he brushed off his sleeves: "Tell me, what's the matter."

Lin Huai'an frowned: "Do you still remember what uncle looks like?"

King Huainan glanced at him, stood up and gave him the first shudder: "It's against you, how dare you come to me to inquire about your uncle."

Lin Huai'an covered his head, sometimes he really wanted to change his father and king, and he didn't know if his mother and concubine agreed.

He is eighteen years old, and Mr. Pianpian is alone, and he is beaten up from time to time. Fortunately, he is at home. If someone sees this outside, he will lose all face.

Who told that the person in front of him was his father, and he was not easy to get angry, so he could only patiently say: "I saw a little girl who looks a bit like Uncle."

King Huainan, who was still furious, calmed down instantly, and even retorted: "You have never met your uncle, so stop bragging here."

Lin Huaian: "..."

Did he apply for a different father?

He suppressed his voice: "It was Kong Qingzi who said it."

Kong Qingzi?
Only then did King Huainan ponder: "How similar is it?"

"Kong Qingzi said that you can see the uncle's three-point shadow between his eyebrows and eyes."


"Really." Lin Huai'an affirmed: "That's why I asked you if you still remember what uncle looks like. I want you to draw it down, and I'll check it out to confirm."

When he heard that he still wanted to paint, King Huainan hesitated: "Do you still want to paint? Don't you want to finish it? Only your mother and concubine can see my painting skills."

Lin Huai'an looked at him inexplicably: "Didn't my concubine say you are the number one painter in Liangzhou?"

King Huainan nodded. He did have such a good name. Back then, he and Princess Huainan became acquainted because of painting, so his wife was full of praise for his painting skills.

King Huainan hesitated for a moment before nodding: "Okay, prepare the paper and ink, and I will draw."

Hearing this, Song Lang went to get the paper, ink and pen, and Da Huang simply squatted in the main hall and did not leave.

King Huainan took a look at it, and boasted: "Hey, this dog looks quite handsome." Then he took a look at his handsome son: "As expected of your dog, it looks no worse than you."

Lin Huaian: "..."

"Father, if you don't know how to praise others, we don't have to."

 Shen Mingnan: 24 The title of filial husband is mine, don't grab it!

(End of this chapter)

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