Chapter 241 I Only Love You

Shen Mingnan's eyes were cold: "I have nothing to do with you."

Sure enough, when he finished speaking, her eyes turned red, and her breathing became more and more rapid.

As soon as Qiaogu came, she saw such a scene: "Little master, do you want to piss off the young miss?"

She hurriedly came to Gong Yiyin's bedside, and stroked her back: "Don't cry, little miss, the little master is just joking with you, he misses you the most."

Sure enough, after Qiao Gu coaxed her, she slowly calmed down again.


Qiao Gu gave Shen Mingnan a warning look, and then coaxed: "Of course it's true, he has a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart, and you are the one who cares most in his heart."

"Miss, sleep well and take the medicine later."

"Aunt Qiao, I don't want to sleep." She said, her gaze still on Shen Mingnan.

Qiaogu frowned, and comforted: "Don't worry, the little master will not leave, I promise."

Then Gongyiyin closed her eyes obediently.

After she fell asleep, Qiao Gu looked at Shen Mingnan: "Come with me."

Walking outside, Qiaogu closed the door gently, and looked at Shen Mingnan with anger: "Are you a log? Didn't you see how much Yin'er likes you? You still hurt her like this."

"She likes me?" Shen Mingnan said sarcastically with black eyes, "If she likes a dog, she won't like me."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Yin'er came from Qingcheng just to see you. After a farewell eight years ago, she called you by your name even in her sleep. This time she managed to regain some health. She couldn't wait. I just want to come to see you, Yin'er has already reached this point, what else do you want?"

Qiao Gu's voice was cold and serious, as if he had hurt Gong Yiyin and it was a heinous crime.

Shen Mingnan scoffed lightly: "She likes me, so I'm going to like her? Qiao Gu, what you said is a bit unfair."

"Yes, if she likes you, you must like her! Cherish her a hundred times, and you can only be her in this life."

Shen Mingnan's expression sank: "Why?"

"As this is the princess' last wish, you have to treat her well all your life."

They used his mother to suppress him again, but he was not as good as they wanted.

He walked straight out of the house without saying anything.

Sometimes Shen Mingnan felt that his birth was a mistake, all directions would come to oppress him alone, he was a living person, not a puppet, he had his own thoughts, a girl he liked, his heart was only so big, it was filled with .

But this group of people did not let him go.

He breathed out lightly, and no one could force him.

When Shen Mingnan returned home, Zhao Huiwei still lit a candle and waited for him, but this time his Yan Yan seemed a little unhappy.

"Don't tell me, which city gate has the accident again."

"Accidents happen every day at the four city gates for five days. Are you playing me for a fool?"

Shen Mingnan: "..."

Zhao Huiwei took the lead and silenced Shen Mingnan. He raised his hand and rubbed his brows: "No..."

"No?" Zhao Huiwei raised an eyebrow: "That means there are women outside."

Her expression was indifferent: "Shen Shizi is romantic and passionate, I, a little peasant girl, won't accompany you in this emotional scene, I can't afford to bet."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Huiwei pushed him away and wanted to leave, but was hugged by Shen Mingnan: "What are you talking about, I don't have any women outside."

"Let go." She pushed him hard, but this man held her tightly.

"Listen to my explanation, Yanyan."

"I don't listen."

Zhao Huiwei stared at him angrily, now she knows why people become irrational when they fall in love, she is really going to die of anger, this dog man lied to her.

The two looked at each other for five seconds, and Shen Mingnan was defeated: "I'm...going to pick up my cousin these few days."


What a cousin, she still kept it from her.

"That seems to me that I don't know what's interesting. My cousin's affectionateness is a bit of an eyesore for me to mix in."

Shen Mingnan: "...I have nothing to do with her."

Seeing people still didn't believe it, he almost swore: "I only like you."

Zhao Huiwei glanced at him quietly, and when Shen Mingnan confessed to her, she suddenly lost her temper: "Hmph, there is also the matter of the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet, why didn't you tell me?"

"I want to surprise you."

What Shen Mingnan said was the truth, he really wanted to give Zhao Huiwei a surprise, but the little surprise was ruined by Xu Ziheng, so he had to give her a big surprise that day.

Zhao Huiwei accepted his statement and warned him: "Come back early tomorrow."

Shen Mingnan responded, "Understood."

He didn't want to go either. Whether Gong Yiyin died or lived didn't matter to him.

So Shen Mingnan really went home when he was on duty, no matter how Qiao Gu delivered the letter to him, he pretended not to see it, and even Xiu Mu stayed in the mansion all day, never going out.

This made Qiao Gu who wanted to find Shen Mingnan angry and hated.

On the way, Gong Yiyin fell ill again, and she was able to stabilize herself after consulting a famous doctor in Beijing, but she didn't mention Shen Mingnan again.

The days passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, it was August [-]th, the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet.

Shen Mingnan prepared clothes for her early in the morning, and the weather was getting cooler in August, so the clothes he made would be thicker than thin shirts.

The material of the clothes is the two horses of cloud silk that the emperor rewarded him, and it is made into a light blue feather shirt, which looks very luxurious.

Yingluo also applied light makeup on her, and she was so beautiful with every frown and smile.

Shen Shu saw her back from behind, and she was so jealous that she pulled her clothes, but this time the emperor personally ordered her to enter the palace, so she dared not speak even if she wanted to ridicule.

Otherwise, her words would be spread as slander to the emperor if they were publicized by those who cared about her. Shen Shu was still very cautious about this.

Compared to Shen Shu, Shen Chan is much calmer. Since she fell into the water that day, she has been like a transparent person in the Duke's Mansion, without any sense of existence.

Sometimes Shen Shu wonders why falling into the water is like a different person. Shen Chan used to love to laugh, but now she can't find a smile on her face.

It was so weird that Shen Shu even suspected that she was possessed by a water ghost.

So when he left, he deliberately walked around her, for fear that he would also be stained with dirty things.

Shen Chan is still wearing a white shirt, her slightly round face has lost a lot of weight after this time of depression, and even the bruised meridians on the back of her hands can be seen.

Fangcao waited beside her, and if you look carefully, you can even find that her eyes are a bit hollow.

Shen Chan stood up and reached out to support Fangcao's hand: "Let's go back."

Fangcao trembled slightly: "Yes."


The sky quickly darkened, and the palace lanterns were first lit.

Mrs. Shen smiled and led Zhao Huiwei: "I didn't expect our little Hui'er to be so successful. I have also tasted the wine. It is delicious, but it is too little."

She was discussing: "Will that brat from the Xu family sell me a few more pots later?"

Zhao Huiwei also laughed: "I'll give it to you, it's not worth a lot of money, if you like it, I'll get you a few jars when I go back and let you be blessed."

"That's good, I've already thought about it, but Chaohua won't let me drink more."

"It's fine, it's fine."

The two entered the palace laughing and chatting, Shen Mingnan followed behind them.

 Suddenly I feel that Shen Gou is miserable, after dealing with the outside world, he has to deal with the family, hahahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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