Chapter 246 Recognition (Fourth Update)
"What are you talking about? The Duke's Mansion is your home. Besides, there is Brother Nan. As Gongyiyin's cousin, he should take care of her."

Qiaogu kowtowed to thank: "So, I would like to thank the old lady."

Old Madam Shen waved her hand, and she sighed: "Rong Niang, arrange a yard for Qiao Gu and the others so that they can be raised in the Duke's mansion now."


After settling down, Mrs. Shen left.

Shen Mingnan only found out that Gongyiyin had come to the Duke's Mansion the next day.

It was Mrs. Shen who called him to tell him.

He didn't finish listening to Mrs. Shen's next words, and walked towards the Wanqiu Pavilion arranged by Gongyiyin with anger.

He pushed open the door, and there was a strong smell of medicine inside. Gong Yiyin was wearing her underwear and leaning against the bedside to drink the medicine. When she heard a "bang", she was startled and trembled like a little rabbit.

She whispered, "Brother Nan..."

"I really didn't expect you to come after me here." Shen Mingnan sneered.

Gong Yiyin shook her head: "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, it's all because of my poor health, I obviously wanted to save Sister Chan, but I didn't expect to cause her trouble."

"Brother Nan, don't be angry, okay. I promise I won't cause you any trouble. I'll leave when I'm healthy."

Her voice is very soft and light, with Jiangnan's usual soft words.

"Better so."

After the person left, Gongyiyin called out: "Aunt Qiao, I want to see that peasant girl."

Qiao Gu replied lightly: "I'll take you there when you feel better."

Gongyiyin nodded: "Then I'll sleep for a while."


Zhao Huiwei was reading the script in Yaoguang Pavilion, she forgot that Shen Mingnan was taking a rest today, so she couldn't go to Wuyi Lane if she wanted to.

But at noon, Shen Mingnan came to look for her, and dragged her away without any explanation.

"Why go, in such a hurry."

"Aren't you going to Bird Clothes Lane? I'll accompany you there."

Zhao Huiwei didn't struggle anymore, and was dragged away obediently by him: "Why did you figure it out? Didn't you still refuse to live or die yesterday?"

Shen Mingnan cast a glance at her: "If you don't want to go, I will stay in the room with you."

"Go! Go! Go."

He was holding the lead, but later she pushed him away: "Hurry up, Qin Zhou should be here."

On the carriage, Shen Mingnan was thinking about how to tell Zhao Huiwei that his cousin had moved in...

After thinking all the way, I don't know how to speak better.

They pushed open the courtyard door, and Qin Zhou had already arrived, along with Xu Yunchen.

And Ji Zhuo, who always seemed mature, was holding Qin Zhou and crying.

"Wuuu, brother, I've finally found you."

Qin Zhou reached out and touched his head. Hearing the movement, he turned his head and knelt in front of Zhao Huiwei with Ji Zhuo.

"Young lady, Zhou will keep it in your heart. If you are in trouble in the future, just call Qin Zhou, and you will go through fire and water, and you will not hesitate."

Zhao Huiwei turned her body sideways, she really had a headache, why both of these brothers are of the same virtue, they like to kneel and kneel when they are grateful.

"Qin Shaoxia, get up quickly, I won't be polite if I need you."

Only then did Qin Zhou stand up, and he looked at Ji Zhuo with forbearance in his eyes: "Tell my brother, has Lu Churen..."

Ji Zhuo looked at the people around him, lowered his head with some humiliation on his face: "No."

"I'm not going to let him touch me."

Ji Zhuo seemed to be back in that little house again, where it would be a nightmare of his life, and it was the first time he knew that a human heart can be so dirty.

Qin Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, he was to blame for not taking good care of him, which made him suffer catastrophe. If Ji Zhuo were gone, Qin Zhou might not be able to live on. is condemnation.

Ji Zhuo has indeed suffered a lot, but luckily he is still alive.

There was a knock on the courtyard door, Wu Yin went to open the door, she was stunned for a moment when she saw someone coming, but she still turned sideways.

I saw Lin Huaian and King Huainan standing outside...

They were not surprised that Lin Huai'an came, it was just why the Huainan King was following him.

King Huainan came to see Zhao Huiwei. The palace banquet was too far away that day, and he ran away with Shen Mingnan before he saw the person clearly.

However, when he took a closer look, King Huainan lost his mind for a moment, as if... his eyebrows and eyes really looked like his elder brother.

Shen Mingnan has been observing them all the time, especially King Huainan, who behaved a little out of composure. He wanted to block his sight, but his eyes were attracted by the mutton jade on King Huainan's waist.

His eyes flickered slightly. Although the shape of the suet jade was different, it was not difficult to see that it had the same texture.

Combined with the abnormal reaction between him and Lin Huai'an, he looked at Zhao Huiwei who still knew nothing, and a guess in his mind vaguely formed.

Lin Huai'an and King Huainan seemed to be passing by here, they looked around and then left, leaving everyone confused.

The father and son got into the carriage, Lin Huai'an asked, "How is it?"

"Like your uncle, it's just that it's impossible to judge based on this."

Lin Huai'an played with the jade pendant on his waist: "Yes, that's why I have to work hard, Father, you have to go to Luohua Village."

"The person I sent to investigate didn't find out anything. The people in that village almost kept silent about this matter, and they couldn't get anything out of it, especially the family where sister Huiwei was. Chasing people away with a broom is very vicious."

After hearing what he said, King Huainan gave him a sideways glance: "Before it's confirmed, my sister called out one by one."

Lin Huai'an ignored his ridicule: "So this time I will trouble my father to go there."

"how about you?"

"I have to stay in Beijing, lest some little wolf cub take my sister away."

Needless to say, everyone knew who the little wolf cub he was talking about, and King Huainan also had a headache, how could he get involved with the son of the Shen family, then Shen Mingnan was a trouble, especially his life experience, a trouble among troubles.

"So father, hurry up, and in Jingzhong, you will go to visit the mountains and rivers to the emperor Bingming, confirm it early, and bring your sister home early. It is not a problem that she has been living in Shen Guogong's mansion."

King Huainan nodded: "Okay, I will set off tomorrow, I hope it is really your uncle's blood, so that your grandparents may come out of the pain of the year."

It wasn't just Gongyi's family that was hurt back then, if it wasn't for their Lin family's quick movement, the late emperor would have died before he could wipe out the Lin family together.

Otherwise, Lin Yuanhui would not be the only one to be lost by the Lin family.

Every time he thought of this, King Huainan felt chilled, loyal ministers would never end well.


Gongyiyin lived in the Duke's Mansion, and everyone in the mansion except Zhao Huiwei basically knew about it, and the one who reacted the most was the Qi family.

She can tolerate Shen Mingnan because he also has half of the blood of the Shen family.But why did Gong Yiyin live in the Duke's mansion?
Just because she is Gongyi Yunmei's niece?They must be taken in by the government?
At this moment in Fumantang, Qi's family was confronting Mrs. Shen: "Mother-in-law, I absolutely do not agree with Gong Yiyin living in Shen's house!"

 Sisters, here are some green tea quotes, I will study~

(End of this chapter)

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