The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 257 How about you be my father

Chapter 257 How about you be my father?
Aunt Han's words completely left Shen Shu behind.

Shen Guogong was so angry that he kicked her on the heart, blood overflowed from the corner of Aunt Han's mouth, one can imagine how hard the kick was: "Bitch! You should die! I didn't know there was such a wicked person like you in the house."

Aunt Han clutched her heart, her heart was ashamed: "If you want to kill or kill this concubine, you can do whatever you want. I just ask the Duke to let Shu'er go. She is still young and still has a lot of good times. She is innocent."

Shen Guogong sneered: "Come here, drag this bitch down and beat her to death."

The women moved their target to Aunt Han again, this time she didn't struggle, and was dragged out resignedly, this was the last thing she could do, to protect her daughter.

A sap sounded outside, and when it was time for a cup of tea, someone outside reported: "Master, Aunt Han is completely out of breath."

"Throw it in a mass grave."


Aunt Han died, and Shen Shu knelt on the ground, a little dazed, and then realized that it's good to be dead.If she died, she would not have to die.

She will definitely burn more paper money for her. Although she failed to give her a distinguished status, she finally protected her anyway.

Shen Shu thought that the matter was over before she had time to breathe a sigh of relief, but Shen Guogong cast his eyes on her. He really hated this daughter.

This time, he didn't think Shen Shu was innocent.

In order to eradicate the cancer in the mansion, he ordered: "Shut up Miss Fourth in the room, and send her to Shuiyue Nunnery tomorrow morning, cut her hair and accompany the ancient Buddha with a green lamp to atone for her mother's sin!"

Shen Shu's expression froze, she couldn't believe it, Aunt Han recognized why she still didn't let her go, she shook her head: "No, I don't want to be a girl, father, the thing is done by my aunt, it has nothing to do with me... "

Shen Guogong frowned in disgust: "My own mother won't even cry when she dies. Keeping such unfaithful and unfilial things is a disaster. Go to the feet of the Buddha earlier to cleanse your dirty heart."

"Come and drag her down for me."

"No." Shen Shu looked at Qi Shi: "Mother, you love me the most, please ask father for mercy, don't send me away."

Shen Guogong directly put down the cruel words: "Anyone who dares to plead with her will go with her."

Qi, who just wanted to act out the love between mother and daughter: "..."

She kept her mouth shut and didn't even look down at Shen Shu.

When the matter came to this point, Mrs. Shen waved her hand tiredly: "It's all gone, it's giving me a headache."

Shen Guogong still cared about his own mother, he said with concern: "Mother, I think you don't seem to be in good spirits these days, I'll ask Imperial Physician He to come and take a look at you?"

"No need." Old Madam Shen stood up: "It's all because of this group of people making troubles, so don't come to my house if you have nothing to do in the future."

After speaking, she left.

Shen Chan sat on her seat, watching the farce end with cold eyes, she couldn't help but look at Zhao Huiwei, and at Shen Mingnan who was guarding her side, her jealousy was deeply buried in her heart.

This Gongyiyin is really useless, she still looks sick after so long, how can she fight for her third brother like that?

The poisoning incident ended with such an ending.The agreed meeting with Shen Chan and Shen Xiuyu was also delayed because of this matter, so Qi decided to postpone it for a while.

Dusk fell quickly, and the day passed.

After dinner, Shen Mingnan and Zhao Huiwei sat in the courtyard to digest food. It rained last night and the weather was getting cooler, so Zhao Huiwei added an extra coat.

She was a little unhappy looking at the dark sky: "It looks better when there are stars."

"After a few days it will clear and there will be stars."

After a while, Shen Mingnan continued to say: "Yanyan, go take a bath and sleep."

Zhao Huiwei somewhat resisted going to sleep, she was unwilling to go to sleep, so she shook her head: "No."

Then Shen Mingnan didn't care if she liked it or not, and ordered Yingluo to fetch water for her directly, Zhao Huiwei could only go to clean the room as a last resort, she muttered dissatisfiedly: "You can be my father, don't care so much."

Shen Mingnan chuckled softly: "That may not be possible, but I can be our child's father."

Sure enough, the little girl seemed to be stepping on her tail, her apricot eyes were wide open: "Who is going to have a baby with you, are you bored?"

Without waiting for Shen Mingnan's response, she hastily closed the door.

Shen Mingnan saw people go in, so he left too.

After Zhao Huiwei came out of the wash, she found that the person was gone, she felt lost for a moment, she walked to the bedside, feeling a little scared in her heart.

As soon as Shen Mingnan came, he saw a certain little girl lying on the table in her underwear, she was obviously extremely sleepy but still refused to go to bed.

"Yan Yan."

Zhao Huiwei opened his eyes in a daze: "Master? Why are you here?"

Stupid girl, he must have come to guard her.

He took her arm and put her on the bed: "Sleep well, I will watch over you."

She stretched out her hairy head and blinked at him: "What about you?"

"Sleep with you."

The next moment he squeezed up, the bed became much narrower in an instant, and he hugged the delicate and soft little girl with peace of mind.Then I discovered the New World, and thought to myself, sleeping with two people is indeed much more interesting than sleeping alone.

With Shen Mingnan's company, Zhao Huiwei once again slept peacefully, so she didn't have angina symptoms until morning.

For three days in a row, Zhao Huiwei did not suffer from angina, so she drove Shen Mingnan away in disgust.

Shen Mingnan was quite resentful about this, he hugged him when he needed it, and kicked him away when he didn't need it, he had seen what face-changing speed was.

Without Shen Mingnan, Zhao Huiwei occupied the entire big bed comfortably.

It was quiet outside without any sound, she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep, but tonight she had a dream.

She dreamed that Shen Mingnan killed her.

When she woke up, she was a little confused. When she thought about it carefully, the dream was already a little blurry. She only remembered a cold knife piercing her heart, which was exactly the same as the pain in her chest in those few days.

She felt that she was really frightened by angina pectoris, that's why she had strange dreams. She didn't take it to heart, and wanted to do something else to divert her attention.

So she delivered a letter to Lin Huai'an and invited him to dinner at Linglong Pavilion.

After all, she had agreed to it a long time ago, and she could go to Bird Clothes Lane after dinner and bring Wuyin back.

Feng Ming drove the carriage to Linglong Pavilion. The Imperial Street was still as lively as ever, with vehicles passing by on the wide street.

Yingluo jumped out of the car first, and went to reserve a private room first as Zhao Huiwei asked.

Zhao Huiwei lifted the curtain behind him, and before he could get out of the carriage, a strong impact came, and the wall of the carriage was hit hard by another carriage.

Zhao Huiwei, who couldn't stand still, fell hard on his head.

The accident happened in an instant, so Yingluo had no time to react and could only watch her fall straightly: "Girl!"

A figure rushed out quickly and caught Zhao Huiwei steadily, his voice was clear and pleasant.

"Girl, be careful."

 There was a deviation from the plot I thought, thinking that [-] could be blackened, but it turned out that there were too many holes to fill, it was numb...

(End of this chapter)

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