Chapter 406 Gu King
Yan Xi also returned, until the palace gate was closed and Zhao Huiwei's shadow could no longer be seen, Yan Xi turned around and looked up slightly.

The palace walls were heavy, and she was thrown into the Great Yan Palace like a chess piece. Her future was uncertain, and she could not go out of the palace. This might be the last time they met.

Yan Xi looked at the palace gate again, hoping that she would complete the mission dispatched by Nanjiang, and that she would be able to get out alive. She was still the ordinary Chen Chunhong from before.

How nice it would be to be able to sit in the courtyard talking and laughing with Zhao Huiwei, basking in the warm sun and chatting together.

Zhao Huiwei's carriage was driving on the official road, and after driving a short distance, she suddenly covered her heart with her hands, and her ruddy face instantly turned pale.

Ying Luo, who was sitting across from her, immediately became nervous: "Girl, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Huiwei couldn't describe the feeling, the sudden dull pain just now returned to calm, she said after a while: "It's okay, maybe it's too hot and you have heart palpitations?"

Yingluo still stretched out her hand to take her pulse. Although she learned poison, she can still take a simple pulse diagnosis. She frowned slightly, held her breath, and finally moved her hand away: "It's nothing serious, I guess it's really hot."

Yingluo lifted the curtain of the car, and the cool breeze with the heat came in. She was a little melancholy: "There is a severe drought in the north, and even the capital city in the south is blowing with hot wind. When will it rain? Let's relieve the heat."

Zhao Huiwei put her hands on her knees, and there was a strange fragrance in the air, she felt her heart was full of pain, like thousands of ants drilling holes, it was painful and nauseating.

She lowered her eyes, holding back her strangeness.

Strange, what happened to her?Could it be that the law is going to punish her again?

The carriage passed by, and there was a figure hiding in the shadows, watching her pass by the carriage, and then came out from the shadows, if Zhao Huiwei was here, he would definitely recognize her, she is the ghost sect Xiuxiang who was betrayed by her , At this time, she held a black box in her hand.

Xiuxiang's eyes were cold, because of Zhao Huiwei, her good sister Tong Le disappeared without a trace, she looked down at the box in her hand.

There is a Gu king inside, specially prepared for their goddess, Cang Lan is afraid that she will be disobedient, so he specially feeds her Gu, the Gu insect has already melted into her blood, and she is expected to dare not resist.

After returning to the Huainan Palace, the pain in her heart gradually disappeared, and Zhao Huiwei just acted as before, so she went to the courtyard of the old Huainan Princess to chat with her.

At night, she went to bed early.

In the middle of the night, she was awakened by the pain of heart-gnawing pain. When she opened her eyes, she found a person sitting not far away. The figure got up to light a candle when she saw her wake up.

The candlelight illuminated her face, she smiled and said, "Goddess, are you awake? Do you still remember me?"

Zhao Huiwei sat up with difficulty: "You are... Xiuxiang."

Xiuxiang chuckled: "It's hard for the goddess to remember me, I thought you forgot me after the prostitution."

Zhao Huiwei's eyes also turned cold, different ways are not conspiring with each other, she has no intention of doing things for the Ghost Sect, how can she take in people from the Ghost Sect?
Combined with their own situation.Looking at Xiuxiang who came to visit suddenly, she said coldly: "I feel pain in my heart today, it's all your fault."

Xiuxiang curled her lips slightly: "That's right, otherwise why would you suddenly be in pain? Fortunately, the suzerain has far-sightedness and guessed that you would not be as obedient as you appear." Xiuxiang paused and continued to sneer: "It would have been unnecessary to come here The next step is all your own fault. If you follow our plan, we won't do anything to you, but why are you so stubborn?"

(End of this chapter)

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