Chapter 408 Qingluo Missing
"No, I still have to take a look, Kong Qingzi, come here."

The old Huainan princess hurriedly urged Kong Qingzi to come over.

Kong Qingzi walked to Zhao Huiwei's bedside, stretched out his hand to feel the pulse, and after a while, he said: "It's nothing, it's just a lack of Qi and blood, pay attention to replenish blood, eat more red dates or something."

The old princess of Huainan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that nothing happened, and immediately ordered her personal nurse: "Go and get some blood-enriching supplements for the princess to drink. This girl's health is the most important thing."

Kong Qingzi thought it was a big deal, so he called him over for such a trivial matter, and he rolled his eyes fiercely: "I have nothing to do, I just left, I was listening to a little song."

The old Huainan princess was also angry: "Aren't I also in a hurry? My baby has never been in such a situation. Besides, you, an old man, have such superficial hobbies!"

Kong Qingzi didn't want to spend too much time with her, so he took care of the old Huainan prince, "Play chess? One tael a game."

"Let's go."

The two elders left hand in hand, and after a while, the maid brought Sydney stewed bird's nest and a bowl of red dates and wolfberry soup.

"Come on baby, eat while it's hot."

Zhao Huiwei looked at the old Huainan princess helplessly, in order to reassure her, she ate slowly mouthful by mouthful, after eating she was forced not to get out of bed by Huainan old princess, so she lay down with peace of mind.

Having nothing to do, she began to ask Yingluo about Qingluo.

"How is it? Did you send ten 89 to ask what happened?"

"No, I only came to look for slaves yesterday on the [-]th, and I haven't found Qingluo."

Zhao Huiwei frowned, pondered for a moment before saying: "Let them go around at night to see if there is such a place as a prison in the Princess's Mansion, and then keep an eye on Cheng Huayi's movements."

Yingluo led the order to go out, found the pigeon, stuffed it with a coded message, and let the pigeon fly.

On the dense tree branches somewhere in the Princess's Mansion, this place is very remote, and most of the servants of the Princess's Mansion live there.

Nineteen caught the flying pigeon, took out the secret letter and looked at it, the next second the note turned to ashes in his hands, and he carefully released the pigeon.

"What did the note say?" Yu Shiba squatted on the branch, looked out through the dense leaves, and then looked at Yu Shijiu.

Yu Shijiu raised his hand lightly, and the dust floated in the air and was blown away by the wind.

"Your Majesty, let's look for Qingluo's whereabouts, and then follow Cheng Huayi to see her whereabouts."

Only then did Yu Shiba continue to look outside.He muttered in his mouth: "It's really strange. Why did such a good person disappear as soon as we came? He wouldn't know that we were coming to threaten him, would he? Then he found a hidden place and hid."

Yu Nineteen pursed his lips slightly, and shook his head slowly: "No, he is the eldest princess's male favourite, so where can he hide? I wonder if he let brother Yu Huai go away that day. Was it because the eldest princess found out about it?" Then Qingluo was imprisoned by her and punished."

Yu Shiba pondered: "What you said seems to have some truth. Then I will follow the eldest princess from afar. If she goes somewhere, we will act again at night, and you continue to stay here."

Yu Shijiu nodded, he had no objection, there must be someone to follow here.

So I left it to Yu Shiba to follow up.

After Yu Shiba and other handymen in the distance had left, he ran out from the branches.

Cheng Huayi bedroom

A maid in the palace was painting her nails, and she asked lazily, "Did he recruit?"

(End of this chapter)

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