The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 411 His Brother Can't Wait For Him Anymore

Chapter 411 His Brother Can't Wait For Him Anymore

Cheng Huayi looked at the trail of blood behind them, Qingluo whose life or death was unknown was hugged and supported by them, her feet dragged limply on the ground.

Tsk, it's broken.

Cheng Huayi tilted her head slightly. In fact, she felt a little pity. The plaything was disobedient and she spoiled it. She was also very sorry. She really liked this obedient, cute and coaxing Qingluo.

She stepped back slightly, and ordered indifferently: "All—kill."

The guards at the back rushed up with knives, Yu Shiba threw Qingluo on Yu Jiujiu, and said solemnly: "You take him away, I will hold them back."

"elder brother……"

Yu Shiba stood in front of Yu Jiujiu alone, raised his knife and cut off the first person who rushed up, he turned his head and shouted: "Go!"

Yu Jiujiu looked at his back, gritted his teeth and looked back: "Brother, wait for me."

Cheng Huayi was not worried about Yu Jiujiu running away at all, because someone would stop her, and now she had to catch the mouse in front of her.

Any secret in her house must not be leaked out.

More than one person moved towards Yu Jiujiu's direction, but Yu Shiba blocked it with his own strength, but even though he was strong in martial arts alone, his fists were no match for four hands. He only dragged for a short while before his shoulder was chopped off one knife.

He got out of the way in pain, and someone chased after him. Yu Shiba had no time to distract himself, so he greeted the next wave of attack.

Yu Shijiu ran fast with Qingluo in his arms, he wanted to jump out of the wall, when the sound of sharp arrows piercing the wind came from behind, he turned sideways, and the arrow shot into the courtyard wall.

There were more and more breaking winds, Yu Jiujiu had no choice but to block the sharp arrows with his sword, and the broken arrows were scattered all over the ground. He looked sideways at the high wall, as long as he was given a few more breaths, he would jump over and escape with Qingluo The princess mansion will be fine.

The head guard put down the longbow, and he said coldly: "Put down people, put down weapons, and leave your whole body, otherwise don't blame us for being merciless."

Yu Shijiu also looked at him coldly. This time, they were too careless, thinking that they could come and go as freely as following other mansions, but they forgot that this is Cheng Huayi's site, and they blamed her for letting them relax these days Be vigilant, thinking that your whereabouts have not been exposed, but unexpectedly you will be caught in the urn.

Yu Jiujiu clenched the sword in his hand tightly, at worst he would fight with them to the death, if he could take away one of them, they might not be able to complete the errand assigned by Princess Yiguang.

He didn't want to talk nonsense with them, pointing his sword at them showed his attitude, and he didn't surrender.

The chief guard narrowed his eyes slightly: "Very well, come here, kill me."

Yu Shijiu moved his hand slightly, and a voice came from behind: "Nineteen, close your eyes."

He closed his eyes subconsciously, a white mist exploded in front of him, his body was pulled, and he took Qingluo to jump over the high wall with his strength.

"This temporarily blinding white mist can only persist for a while, let's go!"

Yingluo came here on purpose to meet him, but luckily she didn't feel at ease to see, otherwise Yu Shijiu would die here.

Yu Nineteen ran out a few steps, then turned around, "Yingluo, my brother is still inside..."

A trace of grief flashed in Yingluo's eyes: "Nineteen, hurry up, don't forget Yinwei's last mission."

His throat moved slightly, and then he left this place of right and wrong without looking back.

Yes, their mission cannot be forgotten.

Death is a heavy responsibility.

No matter when, they must put the task first, even if they pay the price of their lives, this is a qualified hidden guard.

Yu Jiujiu headed towards Zhenbei Palace with all his strength, and Yingluo cut off the queen for him.

He faced the wind, and the wind seemed to wipe away the shallow tears in his eyes.

How to do?
It seemed that his brother could not wait for him.

(End of this chapter)

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