The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 422 It would be great if you were still here

Chapter 422 It would be great if you were still here
Yingluo felt that it didn't matter, she shrugged her shoulders and staggered away from him: "It's up to you, come if you want."

He You looked at her back, gritted his teeth and followed her.

There was a lot of greenery here, and Yingluo came to Feng Ming's grave.

Compared with two years ago, this place has changed a lot. Yingluo erected a monument for him in the past two years, and came to clean up the weeds for him when she was free. White flowers were also placed in front of the tomb.

When Yingluo came, she brought another bouquet. She touched the tombstone, then took a bouquet of white flowers from the basket on her arm and put it in front of the tomb.

Then he poured himself another glass: "Feng Ming, I've invited you to drink."

As she spoke, she gulped it down.

In previous years, she would bring wine to sit in front of Feng Ming's grave, as if he was drinking with her too.

"Feng Ming, the eldest princess is dead."

"Feng Ming, we have avenged you."

"Feng Ming, it would be fine if you were still here..."

Yingluo drank and thought.

He You exhaled, took out three sticks of incense and stuck them in front of Feng Ming's grave.

Although he was not familiar with Feng Ming, he had met him before. He was a very happy-looking little white fat man.

He You's actions did not attract Yingluo's attention, and she took out a straw woven rabbit from the basket, dotted with small white flowers, and gently stroked it with her hand: "Feng Ming, this is the rabbit flower I made for you. , and, ah, I like you very much, but unfortunately..."

Too bad he never came back.

He You felt sour in his heart. It turned out that Ying Luo, who was carefree every day, lived in her heart. No wonder, he was so obvious, Ying Luo didn't seem to know.

Because of her, I can't live with other people in my heart.

Yingluo drank the last glass of wine, put the rabbit flowers away, and stood up. She smiled slightly: "Feng Ming, I'm leaving first. I'll come see you next time."

She was very grateful to Feng Ming for teaching her to like it, but her emotions were too dull, and she didn't realize until he died that she was also looking forward to the rabbit flowers Feng Ming gave her.

When He You left for the last time, he took a look at Feng Ming's grave. Even if she liked Feng Ming, he still didn't believe that a living person couldn't compete with a dead person.

He will slowly walk into her heart in the future, until Yingluo accepts him, he will not give up, he will always be by Yingluo's side, year after year.


Zhenbei Wangfu
Yu Jiujiu became more silent, his eyes lost the light, he looked into the distance, and when he approached with a sleeping middle-aged man on his shoulders, his eyes became brighter.

"Brother Seventeen..."

Yu Shiqi glanced at him indifferently, and responded lightly: "Yes."

Then he wanted to bypass Yu Nineteen and go to Shen Mingnan's study to report back.

"Brother Seventeen..." Yu Shijiu's voice trembled a bit, and Yu Shiqi looked at him again, and Yu Jiujiu, who had been acting very mature and cold, blushed, "Go and see if Brother Shiba is okay. "

Yu Shiqi clenched his hands tightly: "Nineteen, brother has to go back first."

"Brother Seventeen!"

Yu Shiqi ignored him and went to Shen Mingnan's study.

"Master, I brought the imperial physician who treated the old matriarch. He was not too far away. He just created an illusion of leaving the capital and hid in a small remote county town."

Yu Shiqi threw the man on the ground, Shen Mingnan glanced lightly at the imperial physician, and then ordered: "Yanyuan, find a place to detain him."

Yan Yuan stepped forward to take the man away, and Yu Shiqi bowed his hands respectfully: "Master, what else do you need to do?"

Shen Mingnan glanced at him, and then said after a moment of silence: "Go and see Shiba."

(End of this chapter)

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