The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 425 Never Feel Guilty To Me

Chapter 425 Never Feel Guilty To Me

Zhao Huiwei blinked: "Why is the token of my engagement with Yang Mingting with you?"

Shen Mingnan was originally in a good mood, until she mentioned Yang Mingting and directly turned black. He lifted Zhao Huiwei's chin with his hands with a cold face: "This is my redemption, it is my betrothal token."

Zhao Huiwei reached out and slapped his hand away, and glared at him: "It turns out that you were the son of the capital that the pawnbroker said back then."

"Well, it's me." Shen Mingnan confessed, playing with the suet jade with his slender fingers: "It's mine."

She didn't expect that he had worn her mutton fat jade for two years, but she still hadn't found it. She couldn't help but wonder: "Why haven't you seen it usually? Where did you hide it?"

"Don't worry."

Seeing her in a daze, he took her hand and put it on his heart: "Here, can you feel it? My heartbeat."

"Yan Yan, next March, we can get married."

The heartbeat under the chest, beating again and again, poured out his warm and deep love for her.

Zhao Huiwei hummed lightly, and looked at him with twinkling stars in his eyes, gentle and gentle: "Shen Mingnan, we will have a home soon."

Zhao Huiwei seldom talks about love, seldom promises the future, and seldom says he likes him.

When he heard the word home, his heart still beat uncontrollably for her.

Shen Mingnan looked at her and laughed. He felt that the most incredible thing in this life was that he always took the initiative to chase after his little girl. He thought he could be cold-hearted all his life, but the little girl was under the hibiscus tree on that rainy day. , when he ran out chasing him with an umbrella, it crashed into his heart at once.

In fact, there is a demon in his heart, that demon is vicious and sick, hates the world, and longs for the world.Until someone opened the iron cage for him and let him out, he tried hard to restrain his sharpness, carefully guarding the hard-won light.

He pulled her into his arms, and pressed his chin against her hairy head: "Zhao Yanyan, let's talk about it first. If you mess with me, it will be your life. Don't even think about running away."

Zhao Huiwei buried her face in his arms, and said with a muffled laugh, "Where can I go?"

"Only by my side." He lowered his head and kissed the corner of her lips, Zhao Huiwei wanted to push him away, but someone was too strong, she pushed him like a lump of iron.

After a while, he let her go.

Zhao Huiwei hurriedly blushed and looked around, she didn't forget that she was outside!Fortunately, their place was remote enough, and there were no people around, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Mingnan was a little dissatisfied: "Can you be more serious."

She glared at him shyly: "It's outside!"

He raised his eyes and looked around, his words were very domineering: "So what, who dares to look?"

Compared with the traditional ancients, Shen Mingnan didn't have so many taboos, he bypassed this topic, and took out a long box from his sleeve.

"give you."

Zhao Huiwei opened it and saw that it was a more delicate hairpin.

"That peach hairpin was crushed by me."

Zhao Huiwei's hand holding the box trembled suddenly, that was not a good memory, for her, it was the thing she regretted the most.

She lowered her eyes, how much effort did he spend on the hairpin in the box?What kind of mood did he make this hairpin with?

What has been done still exists, and has not disappeared with the passage of time. She can still recall his desperate and dead eyes at that time.

Zhao Huiwei's eyes were a little hot, and suddenly he didn't dare to look up at him.

"Zhao Yanyan, look at me."

Zhao Huiwei lowered her head and shook her head, refusing to raise her head. Shen Mingnan had no choice but to hold her pink cheeks with both hands, look at her watery almond eyes, and said very lightly and seriously:

"Yanyan, never feel guilty towards me."

(End of this chapter)

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