The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 434 You Can Really Grind People

Chapter 434 You Can Really Grind People
The door of the palace was pushed open, Shen Mingnan came in with a steaming bowl in his hand, Zhao Huiwei lay on the white jade table uncomfortable.

Seeing this, he put down the bowl and went to get a cushion for her to put under his hands: "Be careful not to catch a cold."

Zhao Huiwei looked up at him pitifully. She didn't know that drinking a cup of rose iced tea made her auntie ice out. No wonder her stomach ached when she took a bath.

Seeing Shen Mingnan's not-so-good complexion, she didn't dare touch him for a while, God knows he had to put in so much effort to hold back and not kill her.

Zhao Huiwei touched her nose, coughed lightly, and reached out to fetch the brown sugar water he boiled. It was so sweet, it was so warm that her stomach didn't hurt much.

It was too quiet, and she felt that the silence should be broken, so she laughed and praised: "It's well cooked and delicious."

Shen Mingnan didn't speak, and it could be seen from his indifferent eyes that he was very upset, Zhao Huiwei lowered his head guiltily, and sipped.

There was a strong wind outside, and the moon receded unknowingly. Judging from the situation, it was going to rain. The capital had been under the sun for more than a month, and it was finally going to usher in a heavy rain.

The rain was pattering down, making the windows rattling, and the humidity dilutes the heat. The two of them sat in the house watching the rain without saying a word.

"Cough, it's only four or five days, we will continue when the time comes." Zhao Huiwei pushed his arm with his elbow.

Shen Mingnan: "..."

He looked at her quietly, then held her face in his arms and kissed her, quite a bit like gnashing his teeth.

"As you said, I will really go crazy if I bear it any longer."

The warm, fragrant and soft jade is in his arms, but he can't touch it one after another. Shen Mingnan feels that he is too old, and he plans to find a time to pay homage to the old lady Shen, and let her old man's spirit in the sky bless him to do things smoothly!

Zhao Huiwei nodded obediently: "I'm serious." She looked at the heavy rain outside again, and said with joy in her tone: "It's finally raining, I thought the capital would also be dry, this rain should relieve the drought, right? "

"Not necessarily." Shen Mingnan said lightly, one rain can't solve anything, it needs continuous rain to relieve it, and the geography is different, rain here doesn't mean it also rains in dry areas.

The sky is dark and dense, and there is a posture that the mountains and rain are about to come and the wind is full of the building.

He reached out and touched her cold hand, then touched her lower abdomen, and asked in a low voice, "Does it still hurt?"

Zhao Huiwei nodded, with Shen Mingnan here, she nestled in his arms and acted like a baby, and said aggrievedly: "It hurts, I don't know why this time it hurts more than before."

"Eat less ice."

He stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek, then got up and closed the palace door: "Go to sleep."

Zhao Huiwei lay on her stomach lazily again: "I don't want to move, you hug me."

Shen Mingnan turned around and hugged her to the bed again. He stayed away from her while sleeping: "I'm cold, you sleep inside, stay away from me."

Zhao Huiwei stared at the back of his head, and turned around, not touching him.After a while, there was the sound of Zhao Huiwei's steady breathing, accompanied by thunderstorm and lightning, and Shen Mingnan slowly fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Shen Mingnan felt someone pulling him. He turned his head and saw Zhao Huiwei who was trying to find a place to lean on him. She seemed a little cold.

Shen Mingnan knew that she wasn't sleeping well, he was almost sleeping beside the bed, but Zhao Huiwei still rolled onto his back and stuck to him.

After grinding like this, he became very hot again, so he hastily pulled her into his arms, Zhao Huiwei didn't move, and nestled quietly in his arms.

The rain outside had stopped a long time ago, and occasionally there was the ticking sound of rainwater falling from the eaves. Feeling the warmth in his hands, Shen Mingnan sighed: "You are the one who succeeds, and you are the one who loses. You can really grind people."

He lightly pinched the soft flesh around her waist, and buried his head in her hair: "I'll let you go this time."

 Definitely next time~
(End of this chapter)

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