The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 441 If you like someone, you will chase after him with shamelessness

Chapter 441 If you like someone, you will chase after them with shamelessness
"Father's group of disaster victims have gone crazy, how can my younger brother cope with it alone?"

Chi Guanglei sighed: "Hua'er, Da Yan's Wenchang military has declined, and there are very few generals who can use it. Recently, the Beidi border has begun to be restless. I'm afraid they want to take advantage of this disaster to deal another heavy blow to Dayan. , external troubles and internal troubles, alas."

Chi Hua put her hands on her stomach and frowned. The border of Beidi used to be guarded by Chi's family. After returning to Beijing this time, Beidi was guarded by Chi Guanglei's deputy generals An and Zhang, and nothing went wrong.

Chi Xianzhi used to only run errands on the battlefield, but this time Chi Guanglei arranged for him to be alone. Although Chi Hua was worried, there was nothing he could do.

"Sister, don't worry, I can take care of the victims." Chi Xianyu comforted her, and he smiled softly: "I have grown up."

Chi Hua looked at him. Chi Xianyu was a very handsome young man with red lips and white teeth. She had grown up with her younger brother. From babbling to 17 years old, he was about to grow into a responsible man.

She also smiled: "Yeah, my brother is almost eighteen, and it's time for the crowning ceremony next year." Chi Wei blinked at Chi Xianyu: "I don't know how long it will take you to come back after going out this time." , maybe three months, maybe half a year, and the period will be seventeen, and it's time to find a son-in-law, why don't you go express your heart as soon as possible?"

Hearing Cheng Qiqi's name, Chi Xianyu couldn't help blushing, even his ears were hot, finally he pursed his lips lightly and smiled openly: "Sister, it's not suitable."

Chi Hua frowned and looked at him: "Why isn't it suitable? If you like someone, just chase after him with a face. And I found that Qiqi seems to be interesting to you too."

Chi Hua felt that she really broke her heart for Chi Xianyu, this younger brother who had been sensible since childhood had withdrawn emotionally.

Chi Xianyu lowered her eyelashes: "Sister, she is a princess, I'm just a little general with little reputation, I'm not suitable for her, she should have something better."

He grinned at Chi Hua: "Besides, if I really marry her, if I die in battle, she will be a widow, how pitiful."

"Bah, bah, why don't you die in battle? How can there be so many wars in the future? Besides, this time you are just going to resettle the victims, but you haven't reached the point of going to the battlefield yet."

"I'm just saying if."

"No ifs."

Chi Xianyu was silent, then turned around and walked out: "I'll post the conscription notice."

"Damn boy." Chi Hua muttered, shook her head and went back to her room.

Huainan Palace
Zhao Huiwei looked at Shen Mingnan's letter to her, and simply talked about his situation, and said that he might not be able to spend her birthday with her this year, and said that he had prepared all the presents, and waited for him to come back. Give it to her personally.

Zhao Huiwei pouted dissatisfiedly: "Who wants a gift, just left without saying a word, I'm so desperate."

Gifts or not are secondary. She is mainly worried about his situation. Although the cooking situation has been relieved, she heard that the victims there have fallen ill again.

It would be bad if it spread into a plague.

So he took up his pen and wrote back to Shen Mingnan.

Ask him not to be impulsive when things happen, he must take care of himself first, and he doesn't need to miss her, she is very good in the capital, she wrote a page eloquently, and she sealed it in the envelope after blowing it up.

"Yingluo, send it for me."

"Okay, girl."

Zhao Huiwei just supported her chin and looked outside until someone notified Xu Ziheng was coming, she was a little surprised, what did he come for.

So he went to the main hall and sent someone to welcome him in.

 Delicate and cute little princess x young and promising general

(End of this chapter)

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