The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 443 I want to marry Xu Yunchen

Chapter 443 I want to marry Xu Yunchen

When Cheng Shengquan returned to his dormitory, he thought about it and recruited Ye Anbang, the Marquis of Pingyang. He felt that the matter in southern Xinjiang was not serious enough to ask him to sell his daughter. He wanted to send Ye Anbang to negotiate, which was unnecessary. The war is not pleasing to both sides.

Ye Anbang arrived soon. Hearing Cheng Shengquan's order, he looked a little more solemn, and finally took the order with fists in his hands and went out.

When he returned home, he asked his wife to clean up for him. Ye Lanzhi heard that his father was going to the battlefield, and hurriedly said that he would go too. Ye Anbang originally disagreed, but after thinking about it, this could be a way to train him A chance, so he agreed.

He reorganized an army of [-], and led his troops to southern Xinjiang on the ninth day of August.

Empress Shen has also been exhausted these few days. The Duke of Shen's Mansion was destroyed, and she no longer had an honorable natal family to support her. Her son was even sent to the most dangerous Jingzhou, and she was extremely anxious every day.

Then she faintly listened to the latest news from her confidant, that the emperor might choose the princess and marry Nanjiang, she was even more panicked, and her hair turned gray a lot.

She has only one son and one daughter, and her own daughter is timid. If she goes to southern Xinjiang with her relatives, she may not survive a day. Thinking of this, she feels very distressed.

When she heard that Dong Zhaoyi didn't know about it, she instantly had a plan in her mind.

She sent her personal maid-in-waiting to summon Cheng Panpan.

Cheng Panpan, who didn't know why, was hurriedly brought here in a daze.

Empress Shen went straight to the point: "Pan'er, the queen mother wants to find a marriage for you, and betroth you as soon as possible."

When Cheng Panpan heard that it was a major marriage event, his face turned pale anxiously: "Mother, queen mother, why is it so sudden, I, I am not ready."

"Pan'er, you are seventeen years old, even if the queen mother wants to keep you, she won't be able to keep you."

Cheng Panpan's eyes turned red instantly: "The queen mother..."

Empress Shen couldn't tell Cheng Panpan about this, so she just kept a cold face: "Panpan, the queen mother is doing it for your own good, and the queen mother will definitely choose a good family for you."

Cheng Panpan bit her lip, and a figure flashed in her mind. For the first time, she mustered up the courage to have what she wanted: "Mother, if you have to marry someone, I want to marry Xu Yunchen, is that okay?"

Xu Yunchen?
Xu Shangshu's eldest son?

Empress Shen thought about it for a while, and she felt that it was feasible. Xu Shangshu's family style was upright, and his authority was also high. Xu Yunchen was praised as a child prodigy since childhood, and his wisdom was close to that of a demon.

Such a talent is enough to match her family Pan'er.

Only then did Empress Shen smile a little more: "Since when did Pan'er secretly like someone without telling her mother?"

Cheng Panpan blushed when she was told, she lowered her head slightly and was unwilling to speak, Empress Shen didn't force her anymore, so she said: "Go down, Xu Yunchen's queen mother will help you to speak."

Cheng Panpan bit her lip, nodded, and said softly: Thank you, Queen Mother.

"Okay, you go down."

After Cheng Panpan left, Empress Shen changed her clothes again, took a box of exquisite pastries and went to find Cheng Shengquan.

Eunuch Lan stood guard outside the imperial study room, and when he saw Empress Shen coming, he greeted him respectfully: "Good luck, empress."

Empress Shen raised her chin slightly: "Where's your majesty?"

"I'm reviewing the memorial inside, and my servant will let you know."

Eunuch Lan went in and came out soon. He lowered his head slightly: "My lady, please come in."

Only then did Empress Shen walk in.

Cheng Shengquan looked up at her and said with a smile, "What is the queen doing here?"

Empress Shen put the pastry on his table, then walked around behind him and rubbed his shoulders: "Your Majesty, this concubine is here to look forward to her marriage. She is seventeen, it's time to find a son-in-law." .”

(End of this chapter)

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