The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 447 Birds and fish have different paths, and mountains and seas never meet again

Chapter 447 Birds and fish have different paths, and mountains and seas never meet again

Lin Huai'an's eyes were very dark, and the atmosphere in the entire Huai'an Palace was very gloomy.

The old Huainan princess was so angry that she was bedridden, and the old Huainan prince guarded her to let her relax.

"How could this be? My Yan Bao." The Huainan old princess was lying on the bed and weeping, her eyes were swollen from crying.

"Is this still a country? My family, Yan Bao, was not born in Yinshi. Why should he treat her like this? Who can save her? It's okay to take the old man's life."

"The way of heaven is not fair, the way of heaven is not fair, good intentions are not rewarded! Huh huh."

The old Huainan princess was crying intermittently.

Lin Huai'an closed the door and asked, "How many private soldiers are there in the Huainan Palace?"

King Huainan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Why are you asking this? Don't think about it. Our Lin family has been loyal to the emperor and patriotic for generations..."

"What's the use?" Lin Huai'an interrupted him: "Father, haven't you figured it out yet? Then what kind of heavenly legal person's goal is Yan Yan! Although I don't know how he predicted the drought, but Yan Yan is a demon girl." It's impossible!"

"Do you want to rebel!"


"Yan Yan is such a good girl, you can't treat her like this. If you can't save her, as a brother, you can only overthrow this dynasty and seek justice for her!"

King Huainan stared at Lin Huai'an for a few seconds, and finally lost his battle and sighed: "Twenty thousand, that's all."

"I know, father, I will not be impulsive unless it is absolutely necessary."


Zhao Huiwei stayed in prison for three days, and then belatedly remembered that today is her birthday.

Then he smiled wryly again, this birthday was pretty bad, and he had to spend it in prison.

Her hair was loose, and all the jewelry on her head was taken away. She was sitting on the floor in a lake blue gauze dress.

Zhao Huiwei didn't feel sad at all. She was in prison for the first time. On the contrary, it was a bit novel. She had only seen ancient prison cells on TV before. After she actually entered, she found...

It's really the same as the one on TV, including the mice that come out from time to time.

Fu Junze used his authority to visit her from time to time, probably Chi Hua asked him to come, and he also reassured her not to worry, the people outside were trying to rescue her.

Zhao Huiwei didn't want her family to take risks for her, but she missed Shen Mingnan again, did he know about her?Is he here?

On the same day, there was a quarrel in southern Xinjiang, and the news of the war came, but there was a request that they would retreat if they married a princess.

When Cheng Shengquan received the news, he was summoning Chi Xianyu to leave for Liangzhou tomorrow, so he went to ask someone to call Cheng Qiqi.

There's no other way, we can only let Qiqi go about the marriage.

When Cheng Qiqi came, he happened to see Chi Xianyu coming out of the imperial study room. Her eyes lit up, she held up her skirt and ran over with a smile: "Why are you here?"

Chi Xianyu smiled back: "Tomorrow I'm leaving for Liangzhou."

Cheng Qiqi was stunned for a moment, then asked, "How long will it be?"

"Maybe three months, maybe half a year."

She pouted: "Then I won't see you for a long time."

Chi Xianyu's ears were reddened by her words: "I don't see you, we haven't seen each other very much."

Cheng Qiqi glanced at him bitterly: "I won't tell you anymore, I'm so mad!"

After saying that, she ran into the imperial study.

Chi Xianyu originally wanted to leave, but thinking about Cheng Qiqi's words just now, his heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, and then he stood outside the door ready to wait for her to come out together.

Unexpectedly, a quarrel broke out inside.

"I don't make love! I don't make love! I don't!"

"Cheng Qiqi, it's up to you whether you want it or not. This is your mission, and you must go."

Cheng Qiqi cried out, "I don't want to go to southern Xinjiang, Father...don't let me go."

Chi Xianyu's body gradually became stiff, obviously the sun was shining, how could he feel so cold.

Until a figure bumped into his back, pulled him and ran away.

Cheng Qiqi took him to a secluded place, his eyes were red and tears were still falling.

She was sobbing: "Chi Xianyu, my father wants me to go get married. I'm going to southern Xinjiang. I don't want to go, Chi Xianyu."

She envied Yu in a low voice, but didn't want to in a voice.

Chi Xianyu just watched her cry and saw that the backs of her sleeves and hands were full of tears. Finally, he raised his fingers and gently scratched her cheeks to help her wipe away the tears.

"What about the princess and the minister?"

His voice was the same, always gentle.

Cheng Qiqi stared at him blankly, and hiccupped: "Can you take me away, I can go anywhere, I don't want to get married, I..."

"Princess, I can take you away, but what about the Chi family?"

Cheng Qiqi's tears dripped unconsciously, hitting Chi Xianyu's fingers, her cherry lips parted slightly, her voice was hoarse: "Then you want me to go?"

For the first time, Chi Xianyu hated that he was just a little-known general. The young general sounds nice, but he is a coward who can't even protect what he wants.

Chi Xianyu took a step back, and Cheng Qiqi realized that Chi Xianyu, who used to be similar to her, had grown so tall, and he, who used to have green brows and eyes, had become calm and profound.

"My lord, I wish the princess what she wants, and her wishes come true. I wish the princess a prosperous future. I wish the princess a happy life, peace and tranquility, a worry-free year, long-term health and well-being. I wish..."

"Stop it..." Cheng Qiqi trembled, covered his ears, shook his head, and said in a broken voice, "Stop it, woo, please, stop it..."

"Chi Xianyu, Chi Xianyu...why can't you save me?"

He didn't mention leaving a word, but asked her to leave every word.

It's like she didn't say she likes him, but she really likes him.

She stepped forward, hugged him and cried until his clothes were wet, and he let her hold him like a stake.

"Chi will never see Cheng Qiqi again."

After Chi Xianyu left the palace, the emotions he had endured completely collapsed. The corners of his eyes were flushed, and tears rolled down his face.

The reason why things backfired was that he was not capable enough.

He turned his head and looked at the majestic palace walls. He and Cheng Qiqi were obviously not far away, but he felt so far apart in a lifetime.

Birds and fish have different paths, and mountains and seas never meet again.

He should be relieved.

The next day, he set off for Liangzhou.

At the gate of the capital, I ran into a team sending off relatives.

Cheng Qiqi was sitting in the carriage wearing a red wedding dress, and all the people came to see him off.

Chi Xianyu hugged the helmet and stood there watching her last journey.

One faces south, the other faces north, the sky is high and the sea is wide, and there is no return date.


Only war can make the princess marry, and this anger was transferred to the witch. Today, Zhao Huiwei finally saw the sun.

But the direction is not very good, it is the execution ground.

 It's over, these chapters are so cruel!
(End of this chapter)

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