The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 452 Yan Yan wants to be clean

Chapter 452 Yan Yan wants to be clean

Lin Huai'an looked at his back, and a lot of words that he wanted to say were stuck in his throat. He was obviously only twenty, but now he looked like a dying old man, holding on to a young skin.

When Lin Huai'an went in, he found Xu Yunchen was also there. He was sitting on a chair, his eyebrows and eyes were as clear as snow on a mountain, and he was drinking tea at this time.


Shen Mingnan closed the door, pointed to a chair and said, "Sit down and talk."

Lin Huai'an looked at the two, and to be honest, the room was really depressing: "What are you doing?"


Xu Yunchen responded lightly, and he smiled: "Suddenly want to change the world."

Shen Mingnan looked at Lin Huai'an, put his palm on the armrest of the chair: "Lin Huai'an, I need your help."

After a while, Lin Huai'an couldn't help laughing.

He suddenly didn't hate Shen Mingnan anymore, because he had wanted to do this a long time ago.

He raised his eyebrows: "Okay, let me overthrow the imperial power, I will do it with you."

A conspiracy that could not be called a conspiracy was completed just like that.

The three of them tacitly agreed that they had only one goal, to overthrow Dayan.

Xu Yunchen secretly left Zhenbei Palace first, Lin Huaian stood beside Shen Mingnan: "Where did you bury Yanyan? I want to go and see her."

Shen Mingnan lifted his eyelids slightly, and refused in a cold voice: "No."

Lin Huai'an was pissed off again, and she still hated it as usual: "Shen Mingnan, don't go too far! That's my sister, I advise you to tell us where her graveyard is."

Shen Mingnan left without looking back: "You will disturb her."

Lin Huaian: "..."

How did this man become so obsessed.

Cangyue Pavilion Villa

Shen Mingnan came here after leaving the capital. He said that Lin Huai'an would quarrel with Zhao Huiwei, but he really would.

He stepped into the palace. There was a person sleeping on the bed in the palace. Her face was almost bloodless and her eyes were closed. Shen Mingnan walked to the bedside and took her hand. It was cold, but her pulse was still weak. beating.

He covered her with his own hand and kissed her finger: "Yanyan, your brother came to see me again today, he came almost every day, I was so annoying to him, so today I saw him, As soon as he comes, he will ask you, I will let him come when you wake up, okay?"

There was silence to answer him, Shen Mingnan put her hand back again, and went to a distant closet to take out a bright red dress.

He sat on the side of the bed again, holding the needle clumsily in his hand, and carefully threaded the gold thread through it.

"Yan Yan, they say that the newlyweds have to embroider the wedding gown by themselves, so that the marriage can be blessed for a long time, but you don't know how to embroider. In order to protect us for a long time, I will embroider the wedding gown. When I finish embroidering, It's also spring, and in spring, you will wear this wedding dress and happily marry me, okay?"

"Su Qianqian said, I can't keep you, but I want to try, what if, what if I keep you, right?"

As he spoke, he paused, and his finger was pricked by a needle again. He had never done this before. No matter how smart he was, he was still a little clumsy when it came to female reds.

He brought a white brocade handkerchief with fine blood marks on it. He couldn't remember how many times his hand had been punctured in this month. Shen Mingnan waited for the punctured place to stop bleeding before continuing to embroider.

"Yanyan has to be clean, not a little bit of dirt, not even my blood."

In the empty bedroom, he was the only voice. He was actually very afraid, very afraid that the person he forcibly stayed would leave inadvertently one day, he didn't even dare to close his eyes.

 Poor old Shen
(End of this chapter)

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