Chapter 460 Ending (Part [-])
"How come I never knew about this place?"

Shen Mingnan gave her a funny look: "Except for the royal relatives, no one else can enter here, except of course me."

The whole capital is lit up, like stars falling to the ground one by one, very beautiful, full of the smell of fireworks in the world.

Unexpectedly, the stars in the sky are more beautiful than the stars on the ground.

One after another, Kongming lanterns fluttered into the air like stars, and finally paved a bright river of stars, and the long night became ever brighter.

"There are three thousand bright lights here, and each one carries the most sincere blessings."

"But I only have three wishes."

"I wish Yan Yan more joy, Changan peace."

"Second wish that Yan Yan will live a hundred years without any worries and always be in good health."

"Three wishes, Yanyan and I will hold hands day and night, and we will live forever together in this life."

Every word and every word of his hit her heart heavily, and her heart was full of pain. She shed tears, and finally turned into a choked sob: "Shen Mingnan, you have to come back early, I'll wait for you."

She had to wait to see him return home triumphantly.

Early the next morning, Shen Mingnan went to war, and Zhao Huiwei went to the teahouse to see him off quietly, but he still spotted her at a glance.

Shen Mingnan ordered her not to come here, so the second she was discovered, she pulled Yingluo and quickly left here.

The days calm down.

She would miss Chi Hua occasionally, but every time she asked Yingluo, she would say that Chi Hua was fine in prison.

Everyone told her that she could be saved and let her feel relieved.

She could only accompany Little Watermelon every day, watching him spit bubbles, and occasionally fantasized about whether she and Shen Mingnan would be as beautiful as Little Watermelon if they had a child.


Chi Hua has been here for some time, and the verdict from above has not yet come down.

Maybe it was blocked, maybe it was because Beidi was in a hurry and had no time to take care of her.


The door was opened, and a pair of pink embroidered shoes inlaid with pearls appeared in Chi Hua's eyes, followed by a bright red wedding invitation thrown in front of her.

Chi Hua was stunned for a moment, and when she raised her head, she saw Huang Yingying looking down at her.

Huang Yingying had a winner's smile on her face: "Because Sister Chi is in prison, I deliberately used my relationship to come in just to send you a wedding invitation from me and Fu Lang. Sister Chi, will you come?"

Chi Hua's body was slightly stiff, the wedding invitation was spread out, and she saw Fu Junze's name at a glance.

She and him have never had a wedding invitation.

But she was also to blame, she wanted to persevere, knowing that Fu's mother would not agree.

Huang Yingying left after sending it off: "Sister Chi, I hope you can come to my wedding with Fu Lang."

Chi Hua sat silently until she heard another flurry of footsteps, and the door was opened again.

Fu Junze saw the dazzling red wedding invitation at a glance, his Adam's apple moved slightly, and finally called out tremblingly: "Huahua..."

Chi Hua picked up the wedding invitation and stood up against the wall, with a very calm expression: "Fu Junze, you lied to me."

"I didn't, Huahua, it's not what you think."

"Then what is this?" The wedding card in her hand smashed hard on his face, drawing a red mark: "Tell me, why is your name on it? Why?"

Her eyes were red, but she stubbornly refused to cry.

Although she knew it was impossible, she still hoped in her heart that Fu Junze would not let their love be stained with dirt.

But now it's not only stained, but she feels disgusted just thinking about it.

"I regret it, I really regret it, I regret how I met you in this life to torture me like this."

Now that her home is gone, her love is gone, and her heart is terribly empty.

She wiped the corner of her eyes with her sleeve, and choked out a sob: "Fu Junze, don't see you again in the next life."

The wedding invitation was thrown on the ground by her like filth, and she stepped over him and left the cell.

Fu Junze went to hold her belatedly: "Where are you going?"


"Are you going to die? Beidi broke through the defense line and has already reached Feiyan Pass. If you can't hold it, no one can hold it."

Chi Hua shook off his hand vigorously: "My father died there, it was the place where he guarded all his life, he is condemned and wronged by the world now, and I, as his eldest daughter, I want to tell the world, Family, open and aboveboard, Chi family, loyal to the emperor and serve the country!"

"Huahua... Think about Xi'er, he is still so young, he still doesn't remember his mother's appearance, why don't you go because of him, the cabinet minister has already promised me, he will do his best to save you, don't go ..."

His voice was pleading, but Chi Hua found it particularly harsh.

"So, that's why you want to marry Huang Yingying? So you nodded and agreed to marry her for me?"

Finally, she mocked softly: "Don't disgust me, I would rather die than live in such a humiliating way."

She looked at his pale cheeks, closed her eyes weakly, and said in a hoarse and desolate voice, "There will be weak water to replace the sea, and there will be no more lovesickness to send to Wushan."

"Fu Junze, we will never see each other again in the next life, please let me go."

Chi Hua left.

In her hand is a gold medal for avoiding death bestowed by the late emperor.

She was alone, and asked to go to the Beidi battlefield, and made a solemn oath, she would guard Feiyan Pass with her life, and if the city was broken, she would apologise with death.

Seeing this, Cheng Shengquan gave the Chi family another chance to make up for their mistakes.

Chi Hua rode away towards the north the next day, and she didn't even see Fu Xi again.

By the time Zhao Huiwei heard the news, it was already September, she was just stunned for a moment, took Xiao Xigua's hand, and said softly: "Your mother went to the Beidi battlefield, you must bless her to come back safely ,do you know?"

Fu Xi tilted his head, drooling, his eyes widened: "Huh?"

Zhao Huiwei wiped him with a brocade handkerchief in disgust: "Drool baby."

After finishing speaking, she handed Fu Xi to Yingluo, and she went to Shen Mingnan's study to write to him.

Shen Mingnan had already arrived in southern Xinjiang, and sent her many letters, asking her to take good care of herself.

She will definitely take care of herself, and she still has to wait for him to come back.

She spread a layer of letter paper, and just picked up a pen and wrote the four words "everything is fine", when blood splashed drop by drop on the letter paper.

Zhao Huiwei paused for a moment, then touched his nose with his fingers after putting down the pen.


Yingluo came in with Fu Xi in her arms and saw this scene. Her girl stood there staring blankly at the blood on her hands, and her nosebleed was still bleeding.

"Girl, what's the matter with you?"

When Zhao Huiwei heard about it, she quickly wiped it with a brocade handkerchief: "It's okay, it's okay, it should be a fire, I'll drink more water and it will be fine."

But Yingluo would not listen to her fooling around, she immediately went to tell the old Huainan princess, who was so anxious that she sent someone to invite Kong Qingzi.

Everyone attached great importance to Zhao Huiwei's physical condition, and as a last resort, she could only reach out for Kong Qingzi to feel her pulse.

Kong Qingzi's face became more and more ugly, but Zhao Huiwei was calm, quietly waiting for him to declare the result.

Kong Qingzi looked at her and said calmly, "When did you fall into Nankeyimeng?"

(End of this chapter)

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