Chapter 468 Epilogue (End)
Zhao Huiwei covered her head with her hands, she seemed to have forgotten a very important person, someone she couldn't remember no matter how she thought about it.

At night, she didn't dare to close her eyes and go to sleep, but she couldn't hold back her drowsiness. Sure enough, as soon as she fell asleep, the nightmare-like voice followed.

"You promised will live a long life with me."

"You said... you want to be with me year after year."

"You want to wear a red wedding dress, we want to have lovely children, and we want to grow old together, you can't lie to me, I will die..."

The scene in the dream moved quickly, and finally it was fixed on a red wedding dress. She vaguely saw a man in a black dress, holding an embroidery needle in his hand, embroidering the pattern of the wedding dress stitch by stitch.

The person in the dream seemed to feel something, and looked up into the void, he was silent, his black eyes were full of sadness.

She dreamed of this dream for a week, repeating it every night to watch people embroider the wedding dress, and when she woke up again, the only thing she remembered was the wedding dress.

Zhao Huiwei has been in a trance recently, either in a daze or seriously distracted, she only recovered after calling out several times, Zhao's father was a little worried: "Hui Hui, what's going on with you recently?"

Zhao Huiwei looked a little haggard: "Dad, I told you that my room has bad feng shui, and I have nightmares every night, which tortured me to death."

Only then did Father Zhao take it seriously: "Isn't it really a ghost? I heard that there is a very spiritual temple in the next county called Lingshan Temple. Would you like Dad to accompany you there to worship? Pray for a peace talisman to keep you safe." it is good."

When she heard about the temple, her heart trembled for a moment, and after a while she said, "Okay, let's go and have a look."

Lingshan Temple is only an hour's drive away. Father Zhao looked at the long stairs, but to his surprise, there was no one here. He was a little puzzled: "What's going on, I heard that this place is very spiritual, so there is no one there. "

Zhao Huiwei stared blankly at the three big characters "Lingshan Temple" in front of the mountain gate. The image of her riding a horse and coming here flashed across her mind. It was so familiar, as if she had been here a long time ago.

She walked forward uncontrollably, and the front of her turned into a desert, with blood-red flowers of the other shore planted on both sides, swaying gently with the wind.

Every step she took seemed to be stepping on blood.

There was a man in front, kneeling on the long steps step by step, his knees were covered with blood, and there was a long and glaring bloodstain on the steps.

"Shen Mingnan..."

Zhao Huiwei's voice trembled a little: "Shen Mingnan!"

The kneeling man paused for a moment, then turned his head slowly, his eyes were flushed, and he whispered: "Yanyan..."

"Hui Hui!"

The accident happened only in a blink of an eye, Zhao Huiwei felt a stabbing pain in his head, and fainted on the ground, Zhao's father hurriedly went to help her, and rushed to the hospital with his daughter in his arms.

And she fell into the endless abyss...

"The believer, Shen Mingnan, is willing to use flesh and blood as a guide, and his soul as a sacrifice, in exchange for her to come back..."

"The believer, Shen Mingnan, is willing to use flesh and blood as a guide, and his soul as a sacrifice, in exchange for her to come back..."

"The believer Shen Mingnan..."

He kowtowed step by step, kowtowed a word, and begged aloud.

Her tears flowed silently, and the dusty memory was opened, and she remembered who the person who harassed her every night was.

How can there be such a stupid person in the world, who obviously don't believe in gods and Buddhas, but wants to pray to gods and Buddhas. They are obviously separated by a whole time and space, and they may never meet again in this life.

Why does the obsession have to be so deep, why does it still wake up her dusty memory...

What should she do?
She can't go back.

When Zhao Huiwei woke up again, he could see the white ceiling and the pungent smell of disinfectant on the tip of his nose.

Zhao's father blamed himself: "When I get back, Dad will move. It would be great if Dad paid attention to it earlier. You were too nervous, and suddenly your strings tensed, and you passed out."

Zhao Huiwei sat up, her face pale: "Dad, there's no need to move, I'm fine, I'm leaving the hospital and going home."

Father Zhao couldn't hold her back, so he had to take her back, so he asked, "What nightmare did you have? It's been a week."

Zhao Huiwei looked sideways at the scenery outside the car window: "Dad, I fell in love with a man, his name is Shen Mingnan, he is good-looking, courageous and resourceful, he is arrogant and sometimes has a bad temper, but he is very Listen to me and love me too."

"We are not in the same time and space."

Father Zhao looked at her profile sideways, hesitating to speak, Zhao Huiwei knew that Father Zhao would think she was crazy, but this was the truth.

Unexpectedly, Father Zhao was only silent for a moment, then smiled and said: "I know, there must be something special about him that is worthy of my daughter's liking."

Zhao Huiwei looked at him in astonishment, her voice trembling: "Dad, do you believe me?"

Zhao's father smiled lightly: "Trust me, my Hui Hui has never lied since she was a child."

Yes, she never lied to others, but she lied to Shen Mingnan time and time again.

She lied to him never to leave.

Trick him to live a long life with him and grow old together.

She even lied to him, watching fireworks with him every year, and celebrating his birthday with him.

Lied to him, and promised to marry him when the peach blossoms bloomed in spring.

She covered her face in discomfort, tears streaming from her fingers.

"No, I'm a liar."

After she came back, Zhao Huiwei locked herself in the house. Zhao's mother was very worried, but Zhao's father stopped her: "My daughter is old, and she knows what she wants. It's useless if we persuade her. She can do whatever she wants. do something."

From then on, Zhao Huiwei picked up the needle and embroidered ancient patterns on the big red wedding dress according to the way Shen Mingnan embroidered in his memory.

She took sick leave from school and took a year off.

She is not proficient in embroidery skills, she is dumber than Shen Mingnan, but she just wants to embroider a wedding dress by herself, it is said that it can bless the lovers for a long time.

As summer passed and winter came, Zhao Huiwei had a reunion dinner with her family, and the new year began. She stood in front of the window and watched the fireworks blooming in the sky, with a gentle look on her face.

"Shen Mingnan, new year, happy new year."

In January, Mother Zhao gave birth to a younger brother.

Zhao Huiwei disliked her younger brother who was born red, wrinkled like a monkey, but after a month, her younger brother Zhao Yanxiao grew, and became white and tender, very gratifying, Zhao Huiwei's favorite hold him.

In March, Zhao's mother was already confinement, and Yan Xiao was two months old.

In spring, thousands of flowers are in full bloom, but Zhao Huiwei still loves the pale pink peach blossoms the most.

When the peach blossoms were in bloom, she put on the wedding dress embroidered by herself, put on the most beautiful makeup, and pulled the most beautiful hair.

She went outside, knelt down and bid farewell to her parents.

"My daughter is not filial. From now on, I can no longer be with my parents. I told Yan Xiao to let him take my love and honor you."

"Mom and Dad, I'm going to find him, I can't lie to him anymore, he only has me."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Huiwei left. Zhao's mother hid behind and cried so much that she couldn't help herself. Zhao's father couldn't help but his eyes were red. He held his wife's shoulders and pulled his lips slightly: "Don't cry, talking and laughing is Yan Yan. Well, our child is still here."

The stairs in Lingshan Temple are very long, Zhao Huiwei's bright red wedding dress lay on the ground, leaving traces with every step she took, the wind lifted her skirt and shook her hair lightly, she stepped firmly on the stone steps.

Shen Mingnan, the Buddha said, looking back [-] times in the previous life can only be exchanged for one encounter in this life.

You knelt down a thousand steps, and I came to find you instead.

When she walked to the last step, she seemed to see a pious person kneeling in front of the Buddha statue to pray. When the wind blew, the scene in front of her disappeared.

Behind Lingshan Temple there is a cliff of ten thousand zhang. Standing on it, the wind blew violently, making her wedding dress rattle. The peach blossom trees on the mountain were blown by the wind, and cherry pink petals fell on her black hair. superior.

She turned around, looked at the way she came from, and finally closed her eyes and opened her hands and fell back, falling into the cliff.

Shen Mingnan, look, I didn't lie to you, I really came to marry you when the peach blossoms were in bloom.

(End of text)
 The text is over, sprinkle flowers~

(End of this chapter)

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