Chapter 104 Pediatric illness

Huo Qiqi paused when he heard Imperial Physician Wen mention favors.

Last time, she performed an operation on Gu Guangning's bone, because she had no one available around her, so she invited two imperial physicians to the mansion as assistants.On the whole, she did owe them favors.

Doctor Wen is younger, with a freer personality and a thicker skin.But Doctor Wang is in his early fifties, he is very embarrassed.

Speaking from their side, they actually took advantage of Huo Qiqi.Ancient healers were not willing to communicate with each other.As the saying goes, the disciples of the church starved to death of the master, and everyone relied on their true skills to eat.Therefore, each of them hid their housekeeping skills like a treasure, and only Huo Qiqi was careless and didn't hold anything back.

Therefore, they admired Huo Qiqi's medical skills, and the two imperial physicians also admired Huo Qiqi's personality even more.

"Tell me, who is sick?" Since he owed someone a favor, and the other party came to ask for it, Huo Qiqi didn't rush back home.

"Doctor Wang, you have to be ashamed." Wang Shaojie didn't have as many worries as Huo Qiqi. In the past, he still had some scruples about Doctor Wang. A good doctor with good medical skills is equivalent to saving one's life.

But now that he has Huo Qiqi, he's still afraid of shit.Besides, he really couldn't understand Wang Taiji's face.These two guys obviously took advantage of Huo Qiqi, but they still have the nerve to come here to get favors, their character is not good!
Doctor Wang's face turned even redder when he saw him getting angry, and even the cheeky Doctor Wen also turned embarrassing.

"Prince Wang misunderstood them." Chen Defu explained with a wry smile, "They are just worried about the child."

Wang Shaojie didn't listen to his explanation. Besides, do other people's affairs have anything to do with him?

"Children?" Huo Qiqi keenly grasped the key words.

"Yes, the Chen family has a difficult heir. My old friend only had one in his early forties." Imperial Physician Wen also explained with a wry smile, "A few days ago, the child always had a fever at night, and nothing happened during the day. Imperial Physician Wang and I went there. Thinking it was due to the cold, the two discussed and prescribed medicine, but it didn't work."

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Seven, I also invited other famous doctors to make a diagnosis. Some agreed with the diagnosis of the two old friends, saying that it was a cold. Others said it was a heat syndrome, and prescribed another prescription. But it took several days , the child's condition has not improved, but has become more serious." Chen Defu said while sighing.

"Since the two of them are here, I can go there. However, the ugly thing is that I don't have a medical certificate, and I haven't filed a record in the yamen. Don't blame me." Huo Qiqi said lazily.

Chen Defu was taken aback when he heard that, he didn't know that Huo Qiqi didn't have a medical certificate, so he looked at the two old friends hesitantly.

Doctor Wen's heart sank.Chen Defu didn't know Huo Qiqi's ability, he did.

Huo Qiqi likes to scare people with her mouth, but her medical skills are real.

Huo Qiqi went there, it was equivalent to saving half of the child's life.

"I have been close friends with Doctor Wang and Doctor Wen for many years, and I can trust the people they recommend. The seventh son only cares about the past, even if something happens, our Chen family does not have that kind of blessing." Chen Defu gritted his teeth and said .

Since the other party talked so much, Huo Qiqi had nothing to say.

Several people got into two carriages and hurried to Chen's house.

The Chen family is a merchant, and their yard is located in the west of the city, while the Duke Huguo's Mansion is in the east, so the distance between the two is relatively far.

"It's obvious that they took advantage of it, but instead asked for favors from you, it's shameful. According to me, you shouldn't spoil them." Wang Shaojie was unhappy, and complained endlessly along the way.

"Don't worry, Seventh Young Master is not a serious doctor, but her medical skills are really high. Otherwise, I wouldn't make a fool of myself and ask her to come here." Imperial Physician Wen said with a sigh.

Physician Wang nodded, "I have seen the medical skills of the seventh son, you can rest assured."

"I can't trust her, can't I trust you?" Chen Defu smiled bitterly, "Even if you are convinced by her, what else can I say. But, this time, you may also offend this seventh son. For the sake of my son, instead It makes me feel bad to let you pull back the favor."

"No matter what, it's important to cure my nephew first." Imperial Physician Wen smiled wryly.

Physician Wang followed suit and nodded.

When we arrived at Chen's house, the sun was already in the west.

After Huo Qiqi and Wang Shaojie dismounted, they followed Chen Defu into Chen's house without saying a word.

The Chen family has been in the medicinal material business in the capital for many years, and the family is very wealthy.However, the descendants of the Chen family were in a difficult situation. The mansion married several concubines, but they only had a precious son. Besides, they didn't even have a daughter.

"Master." Mrs. Chen saw Chen Defu coming back, and rushed to meet him.Then, she saw Imperial Physician Wen and Imperial Physician Wang, and hurriedly said hello.

As for Huo Qiqi and Wang Shaojie, she didn't know each other, but she didn't let her down.

"Sir, sir." Chen Defu didn't dare to neglect Huo Qiqi, even though Huo Qiqi had no official position.But Huo Qiqi's status is noble, so it's not like he, a small drug dealer, can afford to offend him.It can be said that Huo Qiqi's ability to enter their Chen family's door is to give him a big face.

"No need, just watch the child." Huo Qiqi ordered lightly. "By the way, what medicine did you prescribe?"

"We prescribed iron powder pills for salivation. Other doctors also used prescriptions for clearing away heat and relieving exterior symptoms." Imperial Physician Wen replied honestly.

After Huo Qiqi asked a few words, he didn't speak anymore.

"This is the child's room." Soon, several people came to an elegant courtyard, and Chen Defu led the way in front of him.

Huo Qiqi entered the room, and saw the child lying on the bed at a glance.

Just as Mrs. Chen was about to go over, Chen Defu grabbed her and shook his head at her.

Mrs. Chen had no choice but to stand still, staring at Huo Qiqi's every move worriedly.

The child on the bed was about four or five years old, his face was flushed, and he was falling asleep, with saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Huo Qiqi stretched out his hand to put on his wrist, and the hearts of the Chen family's couple suddenly lifted.

After a while, Huo Qiqi withdrew his hand and ordered, "You can't use the method of placing a bet to treat it. Let someone grab one or two of Atractylodes macrocephala, boil it in three liters of water and take it during the day."

"It's that simple?" Chen Defu blurted out in surprise.

"It's that simple."

"The child is very thirsty, is three liters of water too much? Will it cause diarrhea?" Physician Wen asked.

"As long as the water is boiling, you won't have diarrhea. If you have mild diarrhea, don't make a fuss. I'll come back tomorrow afternoon to take a look." Huo Qiqi replied lightly.

The Chen family couple was skeptical, but Huo Qiqi was a noble person, they invited him, so they would not neglect him.Besides, after the other doctor prescribed the medicine, the child's condition worsened. Even the two imperial physicians were helpless, so they could only trust Huo Qiqi once. (The story of Qian Yi, the paediatrician master)
(End of this chapter)

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