Chapter 109 Intercession
"Since Mr. Zhao thinks that we are directing and acting on our own, that's fine, I won't bear the false name. Go on, just pretend that I didn't say anything." Huo Qiqi said with a smile, with an expression on her face. The cynical look on his face clearly showed the dominance of a dude.

"You..." Zhao Xiankun didn't expect her to do such a trick, and he was furious immediately. "you dare?"

"You think I dare not?" Huo Qiqi was extremely angry, and the smile on his face deepened.She felt that Zhao Xiankun was just a two hundred and five, and she didn't want to argue with a mad dog if he caught and bit him. "Wang Shaojie, I will not interfere with your great philanthropy. Go ahead!"

"Who told you to meddle, it obviously has nothing to do with you. It's my master who treats guests to dinner. If you want to meddle, I don't want to agree." Wang Shaojie replied with a playful smile.

Zhao Xiankun saw them talking and laughing as if there was no one else around, and his face became even uglier with anger.

"Troubleshooters, just call them out. And you, what are you still doing there? Hurry up and send someone to the yamen to say something. If you don't see it, you'll make trouble at your door." Zhao Xiankun gritted his teeth and prepared to fight back.

"Come on, stand up and line up, don't make a fuss. We have money in our hands, and we are guests who come to eat. Don't make a fuss to make us look petty. Later, people will be arrested as troublemakers." Before the shopkeeper Zhao spoke , Wang Shaojie began to yell.

A large group of beggars were feeling upset.Everyone was touched by Wang Shaojie, and they couldn't help laughing immediately.

Even if they are beggars, they are not stupid.Wang Shaojie is right, everyone has silver in their hands, and it's not that they don't want to come to beg for money, so why doesn't Gourmet Zhai let them in to eat?
In an instant, all the people spontaneously lined up and waited to enter the house.

The noisy scene immediately became quiet, and shopkeeper Zhao was dumbfounded.

Opening a store to welcome customers, if customers are excluded because they spend less money, the store will definitely have a reputation of bullying customers.

With such a notoriety, who would want to eat at the door?

"Huo Qiqi?" Just when he was in trouble, a pleasant voice sounded.


"The villain has met His Royal Highness the First Prince."

Seeing the visitor, Zhao Xiankun and shopkeeper Zhao greeted the visitor in surprise at the same time.

The visitor called Huo Qiqi's name, and Huo Qiqi couldn't help but give him face. She went over to greet him with a smile, "So it's His Royal Highness."

"Huo Qiqi, what happened just now is that the gourmet restaurant is not right. Can you please take care of me and invite these people to the Zuixian Tower for emergency treatment. The first day of the opening of the gourmet restaurant, to be honest, I didn't prepare so many steamed buns. Since There are steamed buns in the Drunken Immortal Building, so it is an emergency." His Highness was in his 20s, with a smile on his face, looking friendly.

Don't hit the smiling face, let alone the prince of the dynasty.Even if Huo Qiqi's temperament is too weird, he can't slap the other party's face, but Huo Qiqi doesn't want to be scolded after doing something good, "It stands to reason that if the eldest prince speaks, I must give him face. The prince also heard it just now, Mr. Zhao thinks that I came here for emergency. Although I am a shameless person, I don’t want to be scolded and splashed with dirty water after doing something, don’t I?”

The eldest prince listened, and nodded with a smile, "Don't worry, I don't blame you. If you are willing to help, I will definitely not let you be wronged."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Zhao Xiankun at the side, and ordered with a faint smile, "Young Master Zhao, you will inevitably encounter difficulties when you open the door for business. As the saying goes, colleagues are enemies, but according to me, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. We are close to Gourmet Zhai, and we are acquaintances. If you encounter difficulties in the future, you will have to help each other. You are upright and impulsive. What happened today, Seventh Young Master is willing to come forward to solve problems. How can you brush off his kindness? Instead, think people in a wrong way? If you go and apologize to the Seventh Young Master, this matter will be exposed."

Zhao Xiankun looked at the eldest prince with unbelievable eyes. He thought that the first prince must have come here to give him a boost.Who knew that the eldest prince would actually talk to Huo Qiqi?
For a while, he felt a little unacceptable.

Seeing him in a daze, the First Prince's smile faded a little, "What are you doing standing there, it's time for dinner soon, don't miss the guests' dinner."

"Thank you, Mr. Seven, what happened just now is that I was too reckless." Zhao Xiankun saw that the eldest prince was faintly showing signs of anger, so he had no choice but to apologize to Huo Qiqi with his face drooping.

The other party was insincere, and Huo Qiqi didn't care.

She knew that through today's events, the relationship between her and Zhao Xiankun had deepened.

What happened today was to save face for the eldest prince, and besides, she didn't want to be told that she and Wang Shaojie were working together to cheat Zhao Xiankun.

"Wang Shaojie, since it's your guest, I'll trouble you to lead your guests to Zuixian Tower and line them up." Huo Qiqi ignored Zhao Xiankun, but directly ordered Wang Shaojie.

Seeing that she ignored him, Zhao Xiankun blushed even more.

Wang Shaojie wasn't happy either, but he wasn't stupid either.The eldest prince came forward, if he continued to make trouble, he would be too ignorant of good and bad. "Come on, Lord, please go to a better restaurant."

It doesn't matter if the beggars change places. After hearing his greeting, all of them left with a smile on their faces.

Huo Qiqi bowed his hands politely to the eldest prince, "I have something to do in the restaurant, so I'll take my leave first."

"Huo Qiqi, my prince will remember what happened today, thank you." The eldest prince looked at her with a smile and said.

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Huo Qiqi also laughed like a flower.

The two were polite, but Zhao Xiankun who was on the side was mad.Damn Huo Qiqi, damn Wang Shaojie, they even tried to trick him before he left. What is Zuixianlou a better restaurant? In the future, he will definitely make them unable to eat.

"Cousin?" After Huo Qiqi and Wang Shaojie left, Zhao Xiankun and the eldest prince went to the private room upstairs, and there was no outsider, Zhao Xiankun couldn't help complaining.

"No brains. A little thing will make you lose your temper." The eldest prince's face darkened, "It's not good for you to offend anyone, but you are going to offend the Duke of the Protectorate. It's not that you don't know, even the emperor, the protector The Duke's Mansion must be courteous. Although the juniors of the Huo family have not been involved in the affairs of the court, the influence of the Huo family is still there. When it comes to generals, who dare not give the Huo family face? You Don't interfere with my plan, otherwise my mother and I will not spare you."

"I don't want to mess with her, it's obvious that Huo Qiqi came to make trouble first." Zhao Xiankun was wronged, but he didn't dare to complain anymore.

"She provokes you, you won't let her go. Huo Qiqi is a well-known dandy in the capital, when will she stop causing trouble?" The eldest prince's tone was very aggressive, but after seeing Zhao Xiankun's aggrieved eyes, he I couldn't help but calm down again, "Even if you really want to argue with her, then you can see the difference in the real chapter. If you have the ability, you can use the gourmet restaurant to defeat Zuixianlou."

(End of this chapter)

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