Chapter 124 Vitality
"You bastard, you tricked me." Wang Shaojie was paying attention to the situation after eating the fruit.

After Huo Qiqi left the wine jar, he had a suspicion in his heart.However, he was extremely unwilling to believe that the wine merchant he had found for Zuixianlou was actually a black-hearted merchant.

But what Huo Qiqi and Huo Yixing said later directly shattered the last hope in his heart.

Wang Shaojie had never been so angry before, he stepped up and kicked Yang Desheng to the ground.

Yang Desheng is an old Lai, and he has a heart full of eyes.

When he was flustered at the moment, Wang Shaojie kicked him, he resisted forcefully, then fell back, and fell to the ground and passed out.

"You've killed someone. You Zuixianlou are bullying others. I'll fight you." Nephew Yang Desheng's eyes turned red, and he picked up the pole on the side of the mule cart and was about to smash it at Wang Shaojie.

Wang Shaojie is a dude, seemingly weak and weak, but in fact, he has practiced martial arts without interruption since he was a child.At the beginning, he practiced martial arts with Duke Hu Guogong's martial arts master with a playful attitude. Later, when he found out that practicing martial arts was actually a hard job, when he didn't want to practice, he was forced to do so because of the Duke Hu Guogong's selfishness. Forced to continue practicing.

Therefore, the other party's seemingly fierce carrying pole was nothing to Wang Shaojie at all.

Wang Shaojie moved his footsteps, leaned back slightly, and then kicked the opponent sideways, and the opponent was kicked out by him.

"Killing for life, this is at the feet of the emperor, do you still have the king's law?" The corner of the opponent's mouth was bleeding, but his mouth was not forgiving.

"It's getting more and more interesting." Zhao Xiankun couldn't help laughing as he watched what happened on the opposite side.

Li Yuanjin was a little surprised, he didn't understand how Huo Qiqi saw that there was something wrong in the wine jar.

In fact, Li Yuanjin only knew that there was something wrong with this batch of wine. He thought that the uncle and nephew of the Yang family were just mixing bad wine with good wine, making Zuixianlou dumb and losing face.

He never imagined that those two people would dare to put medicine in the wine.

Wine is something to eat, how dare these two people?
At this time, Li Yuanjin was undoubtedly angry.

Huo Qiqi wobbled and squatted beside Yang Desheng.

Yang Desheng was lying on the ground, only breathing out weakly, it was almost impossible to see that he was still breathing.

Huo Qiqi sneered, and directly ordered Jian Yu, "Go to the pharmacy ahead and get a silver needle."

Cutting the feathers was fast, and after a while, Huo Qiqi had an extra silver needle in his hand.

Huo Qiqi sneered, without blinking, he directly stuck the silver needle in the nail of Yang Desheng's right middle finger.

"Ah!" As the saying goes, ten fingers connect to the heart, and Huo Qiqi stabbed it so hard that Yang Desheng, who pretended to be unconscious, couldn't stand the pain, and jumped up from the ground as soon as the needle went in, holding his fingers and jumping up and down.

Seeing this, everyone burst into laughter.

"Don't pretend?" Huo Qiqi raised the gun in his hand and shook it at Yang Desheng, "It doesn't matter how many times you faint. Don't say fainted, even if you really ruthlessly killed yourself at the gate of Zuixianlou Want to rely on us. There are so many eyes watching here, but I have never heard that kicking a person's leg bone can kill a person."

When everyone thinks about it, it really is.It was indeed Yang Desheng's calf that Wang Shaojie kicked just now.

As a result, countless pairs of contemptuous and disgusted eyes all fell on Yang Desheng and his group.

"Have you reported to the official yet?" Huo Qiqi asked casually.

"Report to the official." The clever little Er immediately came over to reply.

Just as he was talking, a group of guards came on horseback.

"Your Majesty has met the Third Prince and the Sixth Prince." The leader obviously knew the Third Prince and Li Yuanbai.

"Go ahead. There are two swindlers over there. It's a trivial matter to bluff and deceive. The key point is that they are suspected of poisoning the wine, intending to cause panic in the capital." The third prince opened his mouth and almost convicted Yang Desheng of a felony.

Huo Qiqi grinned at him, showing no appreciation in his eyes.

Since the other party has the intention of harming others, and they still get all the stolen goods, even if the third prince does not take action, their Duke Huguo will not let Yang Desheng go.

As for the people behind Yang Desheng?Huo Qiqi casually raised his head and glanced at Yun Kelai.

Li Yuanjin who was standing on the second floor did not avoid it, his eyes met Huo Qiqi's in the air.

And Zhao Xiankun subconsciously retreated to a place that Huo Qiqi couldn't see.

Li Yuanjin was slightly annoyed, he saw the contempt for him in Huo Qiqi's eyes.He was very upset, but he didn't know how to explain it. Of course, he didn't think about explaining it.

The guards quickly escorted Yang Desheng and his group away. Huo Yixing didn't take care of the guards specially, and wanted to deal with Yang Desheng and the others.With the name of Duke Protector's Mansion, presumably, those prisoners can't afford to walk around.

"Brother Seven, can you sell me two more fruits?" After the prisoners were sent away, there was still a pile of drinks at the door of the Drunken Immortal Tower. Huo Yixing was worrying about what to do with the drinks, and Princess Yongle came out to ask for the fruits.

"Eat it all?" Huo Qiqi looked at her.

"There are only a few, the quantity is too small. This kind of fruit is sweet and sour, and tastes very good. I like it." Princess Yongle looked at her flatteringly and explained.

"Coincidentally, I finished eating too. Seventh son, for the sake of our common hatred just now..." The third prince wanted to convince others with virtue.

Huo Qiqi smiled like a flower and looked at him, "I'm sorry, I only have this stock in stock, and I will make it into soup for sale later. If you two are interested, you can order egg soup."

Can the fruit be made into egg soup?The third prince and Princess Yongle were all taken aback.

"Miss Lu." Princess Yongle couldn't get Huo Qiqi's idea, so she rolled her eyes on Lu Pingting again.

"Send these two fruits back to the house and let the old lady taste them." Lu Yaozhi reacted quickly, and directly ordered the servants around him before Princess Yongle asked for the fruits.

"Sister, you haven't eaten a bite yet, taste it." He simply divided the remaining fruit into two, handed half to Lu Pingting, and kept the other for himself.

Princess Yongle...

"Go to the yamen and let the people in the yamen take away all the wine here." Huo Yixing made a decisive decision not to leave any trouble for Zuixianlou.

After hearing this, Xiao Er quickly ran away.

"How many of you are coming to Zuixian Tower for dinner?" The world finally quieted down, and Huo Qiqi had the energy to chat and laugh with everyone.

"Come to Zuixianlou at meal time, not for dinner, what are you doing here?" The third prince replied angrily.

"Zuixianlou launched a new dish today." Huo Yixing announced in public.

"Coincidentally, I got a jar of good wine and soaked it in medicinal wine. The medicinal wine relaxes tendons and activates blood circulation. If people with minor ailments drink it, it will have other benefits for keeping you. It can also strengthen your body without illness." Huo Qi Qi interjected with a smile, "However, the premise is that the quantity of wine is small and the price is a bit high."

"As long as there are benefits, the price is not a problem." The third prince replied curiously.

"It's really a blessing, not only new dishes, but also medicinal wine. It's a coincidence." Lu Yaozhi said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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