Chapter 144 Another New Trick
Dequan didn't dare to go along with the emperor's words, if he went along with the emperor's words, what would he do if the emperor returned to the palace and saw that the meal delivered by the imperial dining room had no appetite?
Drunken, the emperor returned to the palace muttering along the way.

In the early morning of the next day, Old General Chen arrived at the Duke Protector's Mansion again.After Huo Qiqi's hands, the rotten and rotten flesh on his legs had completely disappeared, and he didn't need to apply muscle-enhancing ointment recently, and the new skin on his calf was even whiter and tenderer than the skin elsewhere.

The Chen family members were secretly amazed, they no longer had any doubts about Huo Qiqi's medical skills.

Originally, the old general should have come over a few days ago and asked Huo Qiqi to cure his old rotten legs completely.But Huo Qiqi is a busy person, and they arrived a little late at the Duke Protector's mansion, so they couldn't see Huo Qiqi's figure.

After all, it was the Chen family who asked for Huo Qiqi, and Huo Qiqi was not a doctor. To put it bluntly, Huo Qiqi was willing to heal the old general's leg because of the sake of Duke Hu.

It was too late for the Chen family to be grateful, so how could there be any complaints.

"Seventh Young Master, are you going out today?" Old General Chen came early today, and when he came, he joined Duke Hu's family for dinner.

The cooks in the Duke Huguo's Mansion are highly skilled and use good ingredients. Old General Chen has the cheek to spend a few meals here. Of course, he also learned this skill from Wang Shaojie.

Duke Hu has a good relationship with him, so he doesn't care about it.Every time he knew he was coming, he would ask the kitchen to prepare breakfast for him.

No, during the meal, Old General Chen couldn't help but looked at Huo Qiqi and asked the most concerned question.

"It won't happen until later. However, the old general doesn't have to worry. I'll fix his leg first." Huo Qiqi understood what he meant and said with a smile.

When the old general heard this, the smile on his face increased a little, and he couldn't stop thanking her.

"As an elder, thank her for something." The Duke Protector stopped him.

"The elders are true, but without Qiqi, I'm afraid I'll have to lie in bed for the rest of my life, and I don't think it's enough to say thank you." Old General Chen has a very straightforward temper.

"Hehe, old general, you are really too polite. If you really want to thank, then thank grandfather." Huo Qiqi joked with a smile, "Grandpa will be jealous if you treat me so suddenly."

"Haha." General Chen was immediately amused by her.He thought of the rumors in the capital all the time about how Duke Huo loves Huo Qiqi. Looking at it today, the way Duke Huo and Huo Qiqi get along with their grandparents is really different from the way other grandparents get along.

"Why am I jealous? He treats you the best. You are still my own grandson." The Duke Protector was triumphant, "He can't take it away."

"That's not necessarily the case." Old General Chen became more interested, "If Qi Qi becomes my grandson-in-law, are you in a hurry?"

These words are almost tentative.

Lord Protector...

Huo Qiqi...

This topic is a bit far-fetched, but the point is that neither Huo Qiqi nor Duke Hu Guo can answer.

Old General Chen was only joking, but after casually saying it, he suddenly felt that it would be pretty cool if Huo Qiqi became his grandson-in-law.As for the rumors outside, they are all nonsense. He has observed them these days, and Huo Qiqi is normal. He respects his elders, is polite, has good medical skills, and is good-looking.

Seeing the light in his eyes, Huo Qiqi trembled in fright.Get lost, heal your legs and leave.If she doesn't flash in front of the old general, the old general will definitely not miss her anymore.

Thinking of this, Huo Qiqi immediately urged Jian Yu and the others to go to the pharmacy to bring the equipment and equipment they needed.

Not long after, some General Chen also came over.

What surprised Huo Qiqi the most was that the third prince and Li Yuanbai came with the Chen family.

The third prince also kindly explained the reason for their visit, "I met on the road and heard that the seventh son has a way to cure the old general's old rotten legs. The sixth son and I were curious, so we followed General Chen and the others to see what was new."

What's there to see?Huo Qiqi had already figured out the little thoughts of Li Yuanbai and the third prince.

These two guys most likely want to see what is so special about her medical skills, in case the Third Prince suffers from a heart attack, and see if they can grab her and drag her over to see the Third Prince to see a doctor.

She is just a doctor, not a fairy, and she can cure all diseases?Besides, the third prince has a special status, she doesn't want to cause trouble for Duke Huguo's mansion to come back for no reason.

It's fine if the person is cured, but in case of death, whose responsibility is it?
So Huo Qiqi chose to remain silent and let the third prince sing a one-man show alone.Anyway, the third prince didn't mention her by name, he was just talking to her.

The Duke Protector didn't speak, and the third prince was bored in the end.In contrast, Li Yuanbai seemed much calmer. He seemed to disdain to explain to anyone in the Duke Protector's Mansion, and just sat silently watching Huo Qiqi.

"Pick up your pants." Huo Qiqi took out a syringe from the medicine box, then installed a needle, used the needle to suck half a tube of medicine from a small bottle, then squatted down, and used a pair of tweezers to pick up the medicine in the other bottle. Wet cotton, wiped all of General Chen's calves, and finally the needle stuck into the old general's leg.

The old general didn't feel any pain, he lowered his head and stared curiously at the syringe in Huo Qiqi's hand with a smile on his face.This thing is interesting, it can actually inject the potion directly into the tendons.

The injection process was a little longer, and General Chen beside him couldn't help but ask the old general if he felt any discomfort.

"It doesn't hurt, it's just a little swollen. Let's go, don't make Mr. Qi upset." The old general was not happy, worried that his son's words would cause dissatisfaction with Duke Huo and Huo Qiqi.

General Chen was so big, he didn't dare to make a sound after being scolded, so he could only continue to stand aside and watch.

After half an hour, Huo Qiqi stood up and ordered Hua Xi and Hua Qiao to take the equipment back for disinfection.

"Is that all right?" The Third Prince asked curiously.

"Ten days later, another injection will be fine." Huo Qiqi stretched his muscles and bones and replied.

"Is the needle hollow?" Li Yuanbai asked lightly.

"Yes." Huo Qiqi nodded, "However, those who have never done it before, it's best not to try it. If air enters the blood vessel, it will kill someone."

Li Yuanbai did not speak, and his face was very serious.Blind that face for nothing!Huo Qiqi shook his head secretly, this person's personality was exactly the same as Xu Yaocheng's, and he was not suitable to be friends at all.Otherwise, his personality will be so cold that he will suffocate his friends to death.

After the matter was settled, Huo Qiqi became impatient to be treated like a monkey at home, "Grandfather, General, and the two princes, I still have something to do in my village, I'm sorry, let's go first."

The third prince and Li Yuanbai actually had a lot of questions in their hearts, but they were in the Huo Qiqi's mansion, and Huo Qiqi didn't cooperate, so they couldn't force Huo Qiqi to stay and answer their questions. The people around her left the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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