Chapter 152
You Xiangqiu: "Such a credit, I'm actually willing to give it up. Duke Huguo is really scheming." The third prince said with a smile.

"The Lord Protector is certainly an old fox, I'm afraid the young people in the Duke Protector's Mansion are not stupid." Li Yuanbai said flatly. "If it wasn't for you not being interested in that position, no matter how hard they are, I wouldn't let them stay out of it."

The smile on the third prince's face suddenly faded when he heard the words, "You know my body. In fact, even if my body is very good, I have no interest in that position. It's just that no matter what, you and I must It is the last word to have the means to save your life.”

Li Yuanbai nodded, "Don't worry, even the queen might not dare to wrong my aunt face to face."

Leaving aside Li Yuanbai's plan, let's just mention Huo Qiqi's side.

After she decided on the colored paper, she thought about the packaging.

This time, Huo Yichen came forward to solve the matter of burning porcelain for her.

"I happened to buy a few craftsmen who made porcelain. They were also bought by me because of something wrong with the owner, and they signed a death contract. Since you want more bottles, you don't need others to tamper with them. I I just found a place to burn porcelain a few days ago. Just tell me what kind of bottle you want, and I will let someone do it." Huo Yichen said.

"That's great. With my brother watching over me, I can feel more at ease." Huo Qiqi was overjoyed. "The bottle I want is different, at least the cap is something that others don't have."

"Okay, you drew the blueprint for me." Huo Yi said with a smile.

"Qiqi, don't patronize your business, tell me, how long can you exclusively provide seasonings for Zuixianlou?" Huo Yixing asked anxiously.

"At least there will be no problem in the whole summer." Huo Qiqi replied, "I said, third brother, why are you so anxious? Even if other families use our seasoning, we are not afraid. I forgot to tell you, the amount of pepper is not much, it is estimated It’s only enough for our Drunken Immortal Building for a year.”

"Really?" Huo Yixing was overjoyed.

"Why are you lying to me?" Huo Qiqi looked at him with a smile and said, "However, it's only this year, you'd better research some new dishes, otherwise, I won't be able to help you if you are compared next year."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Huo Yixing agreed with a smile, he knew that Huo Qiqi was deliberately teasing him, joking, even for the ingredients of Zuixianlou, he could earn a lot of money every day.

"Qiqi, what you make in your workshop is seasoning?" Huo Yi'an asked curiously, this was the first time he cared about Huo Qiqi's business.

"Yes, it's seasoning." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile, "However, this is just one of them. My main business is cosmetic products. By the way, I will give [-]% interest to my brothers for the business in the workshop. "

"Thank you, uncle, but we can't ask for it." Wang Chuyun said shyly, "We have our own shop and property, and you manage everything yourself. How can we take advantage of you."

"I am willing." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

"We can't have it if you want." Huo Yining refused with a smile, "Sister-in-law is right, we each have property in our own hands, so you don't have to worry."

"Come on, I've almost lost the property you have." Huo Qiqi said with a smile, "It's settled like this, each workshop will give you [-]%, and then you will divide it among yourself. "

"[-]%, [-]% is fine, you have two shops, adding up to [-]% is already a lot of interest. They are older than you, and they should take care of you on weekdays. Besides, there is no shortage of them in the public house. Yes, maybe they still want you to be a child to take care of them." At the critical moment, the old man spoke.

Huo Qiqi felt that [-]% interest was a bit small, but since the old man said something, she couldn't refuse it.

Seeing that she persisted, the Huo brothers had no choice but to accept the [-]% interest.

Compared with the mutual love between the Huo family brothers, Wang Shaojie's side seemed a bit miserable.

As Wang Shaobai learned of Wang Shaojie's secret, almost all the masters of Zhan Shi's Mansion knew in private that Wang Shaojie actually had a part of the Zhuangzi in Huo Qiqi's hands.

Mrs. Wang almost gritted her silver teeth because of this, she finally understood why Wang Shaojie wanted to protect Ding Dashan's family in the first place.

It turned out that this stepson was to train his own people.

She had admired Wang Shaojie for so many years, and finally raised Wang Shaojie. In secret, seeing how good her son was, and seeing how good her stepson was, in her dreams, she didn't know how many times she woke up laughing.

Who knows, all of this is actually an illusion.When did the useless stepson know how to play tricks on her?

Mrs. Wang absolutely does not allow Wang Shaojie to have a chance of success.

"Prince Wang, I haven't seen you for a long time. I was looking for you for a glass of wine but I can't find you." On this day, Wang Shaojie came out of the Duke Huguo's mansion, and before he got home, the carriage was stopped halfway. .

He opened the curtain and saw that the person who stopped the carriage was an acquaintance.

"Shopkeeper Qi, Mr. Mao." After recognizing that the other party was an acquaintance, Wang Shaojie also wore his signature smile on his face.

"My lord, it was hard for us to find you." Shopkeeper Qi was young, only in his early 20s, and he looked at Wang Shaojie exaggeratedly.

Another hairy boy looks like a dog, but he is actually a playboy.The reason why these two people got in touch with Wang Shaojie was because they once had a quarrel over the singer. Later, when the two people knew the identities of Wang Shaojie and Huo Qiqi, they regretted it and came to apologize to Wang Shaojie, and took the initiative to pay compensation. part of the money.

It can be said that their acquaintance can be regarded as no deal.

"Are you looking for me?" Wang Shaojie stared at them suspiciously, "What's the matter? If you want to drink flower wine, I'm not free for the time being."

"Young Master Wang is a very busy person, so there is no time to drink flowers and wine. Today we are looking for Young Master Wang to ask for something. I also hope that Young Master Wang will help out for the sake of our old friends." Mr. Mao explained with a smile.

Mr. Mao's nickname is Mao Rooster. This guy is usually a bit stingy, but he treats his friends well.Therefore, Wang Shaojie is not too disgusted with him.

"What can I do for you? What can I do for you?" Wang Shaojie asked in surprise.

"Prince Wang, can you get out of the car and find a convenient place to talk?" Shopkeeper Qi asked with a smile.

After Wang Shaojie hesitated for a moment, he nodded, then got out of the car, and followed the two to a nearby restaurant.

The three of them sat down in the private room, and after the shopkeeper Qi and Mao Gongji ordered more than a dozen dishes, they immediately sent Xiao Er away.

It may be that Wang Shaojie really needed something, and shopkeeper Qi poured him a cup of hot tea himself.

"If you have something to say, don't make such nonsense." Wang Shaojie urged impatiently. Ever since he started doing serious business with Huo Qiqi, he has basically stayed away from his former drinking and meat friends.

Shopkeeper Qi and Mao Rooster's courteousness made him very impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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