Chapter 155 Something is wrong

Wang Ruoxi heard him cry out in pain, and thought of the panic in the mansion, she couldn't help but feel a twinge in her heart.Mrs. Wang is ill, the government doctor will definitely be busy in the inner courtyard, so how can he take care of him.Besides, their brothers and sisters have never been taken seriously in the mansion. Even if a doctor comes over, it is probably a routine process, and they will not seriously treat Wang Shaojie at all.

In contrast, it was really a good idea to ask Wang Shaojie to go to Huo Qiqi's mansion to find Huo Qiqi.Wang Shaojie didn't lie, Huo Qiqi had a good relationship with him, as long as Wang Shaojie came over, Huo Qiqi would definitely not let Wang Shaojie be wronged.

"Then brother will go to the Duke Huguo's mansion for a while. However, you must come back at night. If your mother is sick, if you stay outside and don't come back, your father and grandparents will also blame you." In the end, it is the deep love between brothers and sisters. Wang Shaojie thought a lot.

"Sister, don't worry, you just stay in your yard. As for the messy things in the house, you don't care. Even if you give them your heart, they may not take it to heart." Wang Shaojie was more direct.

"Brother is talking nonsense again." Wang Ruoxi was worried that his words would fall into the ears of those who cared, and those people would go to Mrs. Wang to tell whether or not, and they would cause trouble again, so she taught Wang Shaojie a few words with a straight face, "Although my mother is not my mother." , but she is the mistress of the family whose father, Ming Media, is marrying into the mansion. On weekdays, she does not shorten the food and drink expenses of our brothers and sisters, and my brother treats her as an outsider. What do you make my mother think? What do outsiders say?"

Wang Shaojie saw that she began to preach to him again, and immediately waved his hands impatiently, "It's hot outside, and there are mosquito bites, you are a little girl, you are suffering from standing outside with delicate skin and tender flesh, go back to your room to rest, and I will go too gone."

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about Wang Ruoxi, and directly called Mo Zhu out of the house together.

When Wang Shaojie arrived at Duke Protector's Mansion, Huo Qiqi was about to go to bed.

She heard from Jian Yu that Wang Shaojie had been beaten to ask for medicine, so she had to come out again.

"Your father is really cruel enough to hit you so hard." When Huo Qiqi saw Wang Shaojie's back, he couldn't help frowning.

"The lady of James Mansion has always been soft-spoken and gentle on the outside. She has also won some reputation, but the smart female family, who doesn't know how careful she is." Huo Yichen said with a sneer, because Huo Qiqi's reason, the relationship between the Huo brothers and Wang Shaojie is also very familiar.

The Huo family has always defended their weaknesses. They saw Wang Shaojie being beaten, and they didn't have any good feelings for Zhan Shifu.

"This is a typical case where there is a stepmother and a stepfather." Huo Yixing gloated.

No matter what the Huo family brothers said, Wang Shaojie ignored them. He watched Huo Qiqi miserably, "Huo Qiqi, give me some more good medicine. I don't want to be in pain tonight."

"Don't worry, after Mo Zhu finishes applying the medicine, the pain will be gone." Huo Qiqi replied lazily.

"Give me some hangover medicine, by the way, do you have any self-defense medicine here?" Wang Shaojie was not greedy enough.

"Someone is going to kill you?" Huo Qiqi raised his eyebrows in doubt.

"I met two acquaintances today. They came here very strangely." In front of Huo Qiqi, Wang Shaojie had never kept any secrets. "They wanted to do business with me as soon as they said it. Do you know what kind of business they want to do?"

"Seasoning?" Huo Qiqi opened his mouth and came.

"How do you know?" Wang Shaojie was dumbfounded.

"Every fool knows the potential of seasonings such as soy sauce and vinegar." Huo Qiqi said with a smile, "I'm still curious that no one has made any plans for such a promising way to make money."

Wang Shaojie stared at her dumbfounded, then gave her a thumbs up.

"They ask you to do business, why do you start to doubt them?" Huo Qiqi asked with a smile.

"They were sure at the first word that this business belongs to the two of us." Wang Shaojie sneered, "If they come without purpose, their attitude will not be so firm. And I tested them, and they immediately approached cautiously. If they really All I want is to entrust me with a message, and I won't be so nervous to explain it."

"I think you were bitten by a snake once, and you are afraid of well ropes for ten years." Huo Qiqi teased him.

"The man in the mansion deliberately stood up to disrupt the situation, I'm afraid they already know that Zhuangzi has my share." Wang Shaojie smiled wryly.He has lived so hard all these years, why?
He is 16 years old this year, but he doesn't have much private money at all.Seeing that his younger sister is about to grow old, when Ruoxi gets married, what will he give his younger sister as a dowry?Counting on those black-hearted people in James Mansion?He didn't even dare to think about it.

Wang Shaojie will never let the little bit of property in his hands be calculated by the Zhan Shifu, even if he is overly careful, as long as he finds any clues, he will not let down his vigilance.

"Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, Qi Qi, I'll ask someone to find out where those two people came from." Huo Yining said with a light smile, "Especially who they have been in contact with recently."

Huo Qiqi nodded, "Okay, I'll leave this matter to my second brother."

Huo Yining had a lot of contact with people in the world, and he knew many friends, but within two days, he brought definite news to Huo Qiqi and Wang Shaojie.

"Friends from Fengyinglou have checked them, and they really are not authentic. Before they found Wang Shaojie, they had been with Zhao Xiankun." Huo Yining said with a smile.

"Spent money?" Huo Qiqi asked with a smile.What she asked was whether Huo Yining's news was bought with money.

Huo Yining didn't hide it from her, and nodded with a smile, "This kind of thing is just a trivial matter, and it only costs a small amount of money."

"Qiqi, what's the matter, I'll just say they're not authentic, right?" Wang Shaojie became excited, no one would be happy to hear that someone plotted against him and regarded him as a fool.Obviously, Mr. Mao and Shopkeeper Qi treated him like a fool.

"What's more unfortunate is that I also know that Zhao Xiankun once looked for your talented second brother." Huo Yixing said gloatingly again.

Wang Shaojie looked at Huo Yining gratefully, he knew that Huo Yining was reminding him to pay attention to those people in the mansion in a disguised form.

"If they come to you again, you will bring them to me." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

She has always been the only one who plots against others, and she has never been plotted against.

"Do you have a way to deal with them?" Wang Shaojie asked in surprise.

"When you see a trick, you have to meet them first, and then think about how to deal with them." Huo Qiqi wasn't worried at all.

"Wang Wang."

"Wang Wang."

In the yard, dogs barking suddenly sounded, and then six little milk dogs rushed in.

When Huo Qiqi saw them, he immediately left the people in the house and ran to the yard.

Seeing her coming out, the little milk dogs immediately became excited, and they all surrounded her legs and barked.

"Go, bring your rice bowl here, I'll go to the kitchen and prepare food for you." Huo Qiqi touched them with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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