Chapter 172
He had witnessed everyone's testimony and went there in a hurry, so no matter how powerful the Duke Protector's Mansion was, it was impossible to buy all the big flower houses in the capital in such a short period of time.

In this way, the rest of the truth, he dare not imagine.

"Miss Qingyu and the old bustard in the flower building were also brought by the minister," King Ling said.

"Broadcast." The emperor decreed.

"Let Miss Qingyu and her party go to the palace." The eunuch's shrill voice came out.

After a while, a beautiful aunt and a middle-aged woman dressed in fancy dress entered the hall.

"The little girl has seen the emperor."

"The bitch has seen the emperor."

The young girl was generous, while the older bustard appeared to be trembling.

Huo Qiqi looked familiar at the two of them. After traveling to ancient times, she was busy developing her own career and hadn't been to Yihong Courtyard for a long time.

Even, she has forgotten that in Yihong courtyard, she once raised a flower-like girl.

But when she saw these two familiar people, scenes from the past kept changing before her eyes like a projection screen.

After thinking of everything, Huo Qiqi looked at Miss Qingyu with a hint of sympathy.

"You are Qingyu." Even though the emperor saw many beauties of all kinds, when he saw Miss Qingyu for the first time, there was still a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Reporting to the emperor, the little girl's name is Qingyu." Qingyu answered softly with her eyes lowered.

"I heard that after Huo Qiqi went to Yihong Courtyard, he often rested in your room?" The emperor asked again.


"You are Huo Qiqi's confidante, Huo Qiqi hired you, why didn't you see you go back to the mansion?" The emperor's voice gradually became majestic, "I'll ask you again, Huo Qiqi is in Yihong Courtyard , except you, are you still resting in someone else's room?"

"Young Master Seven is a gentleman." Qing Yu knew what the Emperor meant, so she answered with a very serious tone.

However, when others heard her answer, all of them had complicated expressions on their faces.

It was the first time that ministers heard from others that they thought Huo Qiqi was an upright gentleman, so how did the reputation of the capital's number one dandy come about?

"Seventh son, in the flower building, she has never looked down on our sisters. She is only listening to ditties in the flower building. At night, she only sleeps in the little girl's room and never goes to other people's rooms. So there is an extra couch in my daughter's room." Qingyu answered the emperor's question softly, regardless of other people's strange gazes.

In the last sentence, she used an emphatic tone.

Everyone gasped suddenly, no one was stupid, the meaning of what Qingyu said was obvious.That is to say, Huo Qiqi, the rumored rich dude, has never been contaminated with sapphire after all the year round.

Is there really a cat in the world that doesn't steal food?
"Sapphire is innocent, and the bitch only found out today." The old bustard interrupted.

Everyone's complicated gazes immediately fell on Huo Qiqi again.

"Cai Yuansheng, did you hear clearly?" the emperor asked.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it! They must be lying, they are in the same group." Cai Yuansheng shouted like crazy.

"Let the nanny in the palace come and bring the sapphire down for inspection." The emperor's face darkened, and he ordered directly.

The nuns in the palace are all professionals, Qingyu was taken down and came back soon.

"Report to the emperor. This girl is still perfect." The nanny knelt down and reported.

The ministers actually knew the result, and Mammy's words did not shock them too much.

"Cai Yuansheng, I'm asking you. How does your daughter compare with Miss Qingyu's appearance?" the emperor asked.

Cai Yuansheng raised his head and glanced at Miss Qingyu, then lowered his head again, without saying a word, he hated it.As for whom to hate, he didn't know, all the evidence seemed to be in favor of Huo Qiqi, did his daughter just die in vain?
"Your Majesty, I feel that something is wrong." Xiao Liang Wang gritted his teeth and stood up, he was not reconciled.

He was unwilling to let his beloved grandson lose his life in vain, "What Huo Qiqi said is still not credible."

"It's your uncle's." The Duke Protector was annoyed, and swears directly.

"Cough, cough, cough." The emperor was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped, "Duke Protector, don't worry, listen to them first."

"Grandfather, don't be afraid of the slanting shadow, let him speak." Huo Qiqi also said with a smile.

Xiao Liang Wang was suspicious, but he had to speak up. Anyway, he was not reconciled, "Huo Qiqi said she likes men, how to prove it. I don't think it can be proved that Huo Qiqi will not attack other girls because of the innocence of a brothel girl." .”

Xiao Liang Wang's words brought hope to Cai Yuansheng, he suddenly raised his head, and stared at Huo Qiqi with fierce eyes.

The Lord Protector wanted to beat someone, that bastard, biting Qiqi like mad dogs for what.Could it be possible that Huo Qiqi should be verified in public?

"Unless you prove to everyone that you like a man, we will admit that we have found the wrong man." Xiao Liang Wang gritted his teeth and said.Anyway, he has already offended the Duke Protector's Mansion, and if he offends him one more time, it will still be the same.

"Qiqi?" The emperor looked at Huo Qiqi in embarrassment, his eyes dim.

Huo Qiqi sighed, these people, why are they so gossip?

She raised her head and glanced at everyone, the room was full, most of them were men.

Wang Shaojie saw her embarrassed, gritted his teeth and was about to take a step.

"I've said it before. Although I like men, not all men are my favorites. Wang Shaojie, you are too familiar. I just treat you as a buddy. You should die." Huo Seeing his actions, Qiqi sighed and said.

Wang Shaojie...

He also wanted to curse, saying that he would selflessly sacrifice himself for the sake of friendship, damn Huo Qiqi, he still looked down on him.

"Your Majesty, there is nothing wrong with loving someone. I like men, but I think that if you really want to love someone, you have to think about him, and you must not bring him any confusion." Huo Qiqi looked at the Emperor with a sigh and said, "Your Majesty, am I wrong?"


Wrong, of course dead wrong.It's not that he thinks that Huo Qiqi's perception of love is wrong, but that Huo Qiqi shouldn't fall in love with a man.But Huo Qiqi has already stated that she loves men, as the emperor, what else can he say?Didn't you see that Duke Protector was standing by and staring at him?
Besides, Huo Qiqi didn't intend to cause trouble to the other party.

So the emperor answered a few words with difficulty, "You are right..."

For the rest, Huo Qiqi didn't give the emperor a chance to speak at all, everyone just felt a blur in front of them, Huo Qiqi's footsteps moved strangely, and then they saw Huo Qiqi gently hugging Li Yuanbai, "I like it!" you."

The four words clearly reached everyone's ears, and everyone immediately petrified.

(End of this chapter)

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