Chapter 178
Wang Zhanshi looks like a gentleman, but as a "gentleman", he actually loves money.

The boom in Zuixianlou's business has directly affected court officials.

He has heard people talk more than once about how good Zuixianlou's business is, Huo Qiqi is trying to get rich, and there are even many people who are close to Huoguo Gong, the purpose is to get one or more from Huo Qiqi's village. A melon, a watermelon.

The watermelon in Zuixianlou sold for five taels of silver per catty. A watermelon cost at least ten catties, and a melon cost 50 taels of silver.Is there anything more money grabbing than this in the world?
Even so, the dignitaries and wealthy businessmen in the capital did not show mercy, and there was hardly any leftover melons that were released every day in Zuixianlou.He heard that even the palace secretly arranged for people to buy watermelons and melons in Zuixianlou.

Then, he heard rumors that Huo Qiqi's Zhuangzi actually had his worthless grandson.With such a huge benefit in front of him, how could Wang Zhanshi be willing to let it go?
Wang Shaojie refused to accept discipline, and he had been grounded before, but with the height of the Zhanshi Mansion's wall, it was almost difficult to trap him.But in the past few days, Wang Shaojie seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. He didn't leave the gate, didn't cross the gate, and studied hard in the mansion.

He hasn't been to the academy for many days, and he has almost forgotten the things in the books.Wang Zhanshi simply hired a gentleman to study for him in the mansion. Unexpectedly, Wang Shaojie was very scary when he was serious. In less than ten days, he recited all the homework that he had missed before, and his husband praised him again and again.

Seeing this, Mr. Wang thought highly of him.The old lady was also very happy when she saw this, and immediately ordered the kitchen to add a supper for him at night.

Seeing that he was willing to study hard, Wang Ruoxi was secretly happy and encouraged him from time to time, so Wang Shaojie worked even harder.

Almost everything is going in a good direction, but there are always a few people in the mansion who are dissatisfied with it.

"Mother, if this continues, brother will be compared to that bastard." Wang Ruoyun took Mrs. Wang's hand and acted like a baby.

When Wang Shaobai heard this, his face immediately sank, "He has only studied for a few days, but if a master in the mansion praises him, can he go to heaven?"

"You, it's just nonsense." Madam Wang pointed Wang Ruoyun's forehead unhappy, "Your brother is a talented scholar in the academy, what is he? Compared with a dude, I think there is really no one in the capital who can compare. As for Do you want to read? Let’s save it.”

After hearing this, Wang Shaobai's expression improved.

Wang Ruoyun didn't know how to look at his face, she said unconvinced, "It's because he only studied for a few days, and he can memorize so many books is really amazing. Mother, brother, it's not that I want to impress others, think about it, If that bastard is really willing to study hard, then..."

"That's it, I'm not afraid." Wang Shaobai snorted coldly.

"It's not a matter of being convinced or not. Think about it, if he is also good at reading, he will take the scientific examination in the future, in case he is lucky enough to become a juren..."

"Your sister is right." Mrs. Wang's eyes were dangerously closed, and she would never allow that bastard Wang Shaojie to have any chance to stand up.

A few days later, it was reported from the palace that Wang Shaojie did have Zhuangzi's affairs in his hands, so the old lady brought their brother and sister over again.

Wang Shaojie didn't say anything in front of Wang Zhanshi, so naturally he couldn't tell the truth in front of the old lady.

After the old lady listened to his defense, her affection for him disappeared completely. She not only scolded Wang Shaojie with accusations, but also scolded Wang Ruoxi severely for finding a mistake.

The two brothers and sisters came out of the old lady's yard in disgrace.

"Sister, it's all my fault." Wang Shaojie felt a little sad.

"You have nothing to do with Zhuangzi in the first place. If you admit it indiscriminately, you are really deceiving." Wang Ruoxi comforted him with a wry smile.

Wang Ruoxi didn't know whether Wang Shaojie had Zhuang Zi in his hands, but she instinctively defended Wang Shaojie.

Surrounded by eyeliner, Wang Shaojie would not be so stupid as to say anything, both brothers and sisters were very melancholy, this night, Mrs. Wang was much more comfortable.

Huo Qiqi had long known about Wang Shaojie's situation in the Wang family, but Wang Shaojie was unwilling to take that step, and it would be meaningless for her to say too much.

In a blink of an eye, nearly 20 days passed.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and she has to run around Zhuangzi, the mansion, and the shop a few times every day, and she is exhausted all day long.

Huo Yichen was worried about her and followed her everywhere, even Huo Yining helped her a lot.

In a few days, the decoration of several shops was completed, and they were waiting for Huo Qiqi to arrange the manpower to open.

Who knew, at this juncture, Gourmet Zhai released another big move.

"It's not good, Master Qi." Xiao Er panicked and ran into the backyard of Zuixianlou to report.

"What's the matter?" Huo Yi asked in a cold voice, "What's wrong with being flustered?"

"Reporting to the Fourth and Seventh Young Masters, the Gourmet Restaurant also introduced soy sauce and vinegar. They also introduced stewed carp noodles and grilled vegetables. They shamelessly invited women from other regions to serve them, and many customers flocked to them." Xiao Er I was so anxious that my forehead was sweating.

"Don't worry, can you find out where their soy sauce and vinegar come from?" Huo Qiqi asked calmly.

"Last time they snapped up some hoards from people surnamed Qi and Mao." Huo Yixing entered the door with a serious face, "The amount is enough for the family to use until the end of the year. It is said that they have asked the cook to try to make soy sauce .”

Huo Qiqi smiled lightly, she was not afraid of being imitated to make soy sauce and vinegar.There is absolutely no one who can surpass her in the brewing process of soy sauce and vinegar. In terms of raw materials, she temporarily uses blended space water. In the future, she will also use beans from the village. She is sure that no one can replace her. The product.

"Carp stewed noodles and grilled vegetables are both the cuisines of the Yuzhou generation. It seems that they have invited a new cook over." She analyzed, "It doesn't matter, since they have started to set up a ring against us at Zuixianlou, if we remain indifferent, It’s not like admitting defeat.”

"Qiqi, do you have a good idea?" Huo Yixing asked in surprise.

Although the wine sent by Huo Qiqi was good, the quantity was too small. Seeing the dwindling amount of fine wine in the wine cellar, the pain in Huo Yixing's heart was beyond words.If there is a new dish to divert the attention of the guests, he will be more relaxed.

"I plan to open a dim sum shop next to it, specializing in selling dim sum and cold drinks. The two sides have been opened up, and customers on this side can also order things from that side, and some ice porridge and new dishes can be added to the restaurant appropriately. .” Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

"Ice porridge?" It was the first time Huo Yichen and Huo Yixing heard that porridge could also be served with ice.

"Yes, ice porridge." Huo Qiqi nodded and replied, "There are not many new fruits in my village, so let's make ice porridge."

"Is the ice you made for the ice porridge?" Huo Yixing asked again.

Huo Qiqi nodded, "You can get the ice cubes you use every day from the dim sum shop."

(End of this chapter)

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