Chapter 180 Want to give a gift in return
On the counter stood two discs containing diced dim sum, each with a toothpick stuck in it.Two plates of snacks are for guests to taste.

"Guest officers, you can taste the dim sum here, and you can buy it after you have tasted it." The waiters at the front desk of the store are all young people, they are male and female, and they have become a different kind of scenery in the dim sum shop .

There was a thick-skinned guest who took a small piece of dessert after hearing the words.The taste of the dim sum is really fragrant, not to mention the delicateness of the dim sum, the thick milk fragrance and honey fragrance mixed in the light wheat fragrance, go straight to the bottom of people's hearts.

The fluffy dim sum on the other plate was even more peculiar. People never knew that flour made into dim sum would be so fluffy.One bite down, really even the nose is going to sink in.

"The biscuits, cookies and all kinds of western cakes in the wooden box can be used as gifts and are easier to store." Xiaoer spared no effort to recommend, "If customers want to sit down and taste, we also recommend hot or cold drinks in our store. Of course, there are also cold drinks that can be taken away now.”

Also sell cold drinks?Someone was surprised.

Everyone didn't see the cold drink, and everyone craned their necks curiously to look for it.It's not easy to find a cold drink on a hot day.

"Qi Ye." A sweet voice sounded from the crowd.

Huo Qiqi looked up, it turned out that it was Chen Defu and his wife who came with Xiaopangdun.

"Master Chen." Huo Qiqi bowed his hands politely.

"Don't dare to do it, the seventh son is too polite." Chen Defu said respectfully.

"Bring three ice creams." Huo Qiqi ordered.

Xiao Er agreed, turned around and entered the back, and after a while, came out with three sticks tightly wrapped in colored paper on a plate.

Huo Qiqi took an ice cream from the plate, peeled off the wrapping paper, and handed it to the little fat pier.

Little Fatty was educated very well by his family. He always knew that his life was saved by Huo Qiqi, so Huo Qiqi was a hero in his mind.

"Thank you, Young Master Qi." He took the ice cream from Huo Qiqi's hand and thanked him very politely.

"Master Chen, Mrs. Chen, let's have a taste together." Huo Qiqi also took care of the older ones.

"Is this ice?" Chen Desheng was shocked.

"It's about the same, but there are milk and so on in it." Huo Qiqi explained.

She is not afraid to tell everyone the formula, anyway, it is useless for others to know the formula.

"Delicious, sweet, and fragrant." After the little chubby put the ice cream in his mouth, he enjoyed it with a comfortable expression.

"Qiqi, bring one for grandfather too." The old man came in, and next to him were Huo Yi'an's family and Gu Guangning's family.

"Grandfather, you sit at the table next to me, and I'll send you some ice cream." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

"In such a hot weather, eating an ice cream makes my whole body feel comfortable." Gu Jinpei said with a smile.

"Cousin-in-law can't eat, bring a cup of yogurt to cousin-in-law later." Huo Qiqi explained with a smile.

"Can you eat milk that's sour?" Gu Jinpei asked in surprise.

"It's not the broken acid, but something special was put in to make it sour." Huo Qiqi explained again with a smile.

"The idea that the seventh brother came up with is different." Wang Chuyun praised with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Qin also nodded in approval.

"Bad boy, he has good things, but he doesn't know how to honor his elders." The old man was uncharacteristically, whining and complaining at the side.

"Grandfather, your stomach is weak, so you can't eat more cold drinks." Huo Qiqi explained helplessly.

The old man snorted coldly and didn't listen to her explanation at all.

Huo Qiqi didn't care, and walked into the back with a smile.Not long after, Xiao Er brought over various flavors of ice cream, yogurt, and a few plates of snacks.

Wang Chuyun and the others didn't care too much about dim sum. After all, there was no shortage of dim sum at home, and the taste was even better than the ones here.But the colorfully packaged ice cream quickly captured the three women and Huo Wuyou.

"Uncle Qi, I still want the one in that cup." Huo Wuyou is a snack foodie, he observed the people around him while holding an ice cream in his mouth.Soon, he saw that someone came out with a small bowl full of ice cream.He looked at the small ice cream in his hand, then at the bowl of others, and immediately realized that he was at a loss.

"Okay, I'll give you some." Huo Qiqi smiled and patted his head, "However, don't eat too much."

"Okay, okay." Huo Quyou agreed obediently.

The diners saw that Hu Guogong's family divided into two tables and ate happily. They couldn't help but took out their money and ordered ice cream, and some bought ice cream so that they could eat while walking.

Li Yuanbai and the third prince didn't go over to watch the fun, but ordered someone to buy some ice cream and come back.

"Refreshing." The third prince took a small bite of the red bean ice cream and said with a smile, "Lao Liu, tell me how Huo Qiqi's brain grows. She can make such things."

Li Yuanbai was not in the mood to talk to the third prince, he was actually curious.That's right, how did Huo Qiqi come up with the idea, many people in the capital will also take advantage of the winter to store ice cubes.But no one can make such a cold drink in their hands.

He was also curious about how Huo Qiqi's brain grew.Also, what he was even more curious about was who was the mysterious master behind Huo Qiqi?

"Unfortunately, it's too hot outside, so I can't send it to the palace for my concubine to taste." The third prince said with a sigh.

"You can't help it, but Huo Qiqi definitely has it." Li Yuanbai said flatly.

"That's right, I'll ask Huo Qiqi." The third prince excitedly stood up with an ice cream in his mouth and walked out.

When he arrived at the pastry shop and finally squeezed in, he learned that Huo Qiqi had gone out.The third prince had no choice but to buy a few pieces of snacks in frustration, and went back to Zuixian Tower.

Huo Qiqi was standing outside under the shade of a tree on the street at the moment. She was going out to get some air, but who knew, she happened to be "feeding in ingredients" at the gourmet restaurant.


"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . . " Parked in the car of Gourmet Zhai, several sheep were bleating in panic, and the guys of Gourmet Zhai were busy with their hands and feet to appease the lambs.

"What, you have another idea?" Huo Yichen walked to her side and asked with a smile.

"It's not rude to come and go. Zhao Xiankun gave me such a big gift, if I don't give them some flair to see if I can't help myself very much." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

"You suspect that what happened last time has something to do with Zhao Xiankun?" Huo Yichen asked in surprise.

"Whether they are the instigators behind the scenes or not, I can be sure that they must have something to do with this matter. Moreover, they have openly provoked Zuixianlou many times. Hehe, they really treat us as soft persimmons and are addicted to bullying." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile.

She was smiling all over her face. Standing on the second floor, Zhao Xiankun could only see her talking to Huo Yichen, but couldn't hear what she was saying.

"Hehe, laugh. The matter won't just end like this." Zhao Xiankun said with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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