Chapter 209 Ruthless
I have seen shameless people, but no one has seen anyone more shameless than Wang Ruoyun.

As expected, the girl born by Xuxian is much worse than the prostitute daughter in terms of temperament and rules.

"If you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I'll kill you?" Wang Shaojie suddenly became furious, and he kicked Wang Ruoyun on the shoulder without hesitation.

Wang Ruoyun only felt that her shoulder ached as if it was broken.

"Ruoxi, don't listen to her nonsense. I live more comfortably with Huo Qiqi than in Zhanshi's Mansion. From now on, no one will care about me, and no one will dislike me and embarrass me." Wang Shaojie said anxiously, " You are a girl, not the same as me. You go back to the house immediately, as if nothing happened. I will go back to see you in a few days. Also, Dad and the others promised me that they will take good care of you in the future, which is right My compensation."

Wang Ruoxi's tears came down immediately, she shook her head and cried sadly, "Brother, why are you so stupid. You know how to persuade me, why do you still do stupid things?"

"Wang Ruoxi, do you agree or not?" Wang Ruoyun saw that the two siblings only cared about each other and ignored her at all.

She rushed up in anger, stood up suddenly, and put the hairpin in her hand around her neck, "If you don't agree to change it with me, I will die in front of you, and then I will haunt you day and night, let You will never find peace in your life."

Ruthless, this woman Wang Ruoyun is not only shameless, but also ruthless and poisonous.

Many students all took a few steps back, looking at her with disdain.

None of the noble ladies sympathized with her.

Wang Ruoyun doesn't care about any of this. In her opinion, the ultimate thing for now is to keep herself. As for her reputation, she will work hard to restore it in the future. People are forgetful. Does anyone remember how unbearable she is today.

"If you want to die, just die. No one will stop you. The seventh son has already said that she doesn't care if there is one more or one less servant around her." Wang Shaojie was furious.

Wang Shaojie's attitude towards the two younger sisters was different from day to day, but not only did everyone not feel that he was partial, but they felt very sad for the two brothers and sisters.Through today's events, it is not difficult for everyone to see how the elders of Zhanshi's Mansion are eccentric on weekdays.

"You don't agree, do you?" Wang Ruoyun became cruel, and pushed the hairpin in his hand along his neck.

A stream of blood immediately flowed down her neck, and soon stained the collar with red clouds.

There was a commotion from the crowd, and Mrs. Wang jumped up from the ground in shock, "Paper, quickly block it with a veil. Xiao Cui, what are you doing in a daze, I went to find the doctor."

After all, she is a mother who can't see her own daughter being wronged.

Mrs. Wang's words and deeds naturally showed her love for Wang Ruoyun.

"Sister, you?" Wang Ruoxi was dumbfounded.

"Ruoxi, mother, please, please?" Mrs. Wang knelt down for her, "I know I'm sorry, but mother really can't do it and watch your sister go to a dead end like this. Silly child!"

"You can't treat everyone else as a fool." Wang Shaojie was furious, "I have changed to Shaobai, and you just swore that you would take good care of Ruoxi. You have not yet walked out of the gourmet restaurant, and you are not afraid of being thundered. chop?"

"Wang Shaojie, calm down." Wang Shaobai frowned and scolded, without the worry of selling himself, he seemed to have returned to the original gentleman. "You've also seen that Mother made the choice because she was forced to do so."

"Ruoxi, if you follow your brother and take care of him by his side, father will feel much more at ease." Master Wang also shamelessly begged.

Wang Shaojie's eyes suddenly filled with fierceness.

"You won't help, will you? Wang Ruoxi, don't regret it. You forced me to do this." Wang Ruoyun seemed to have made up her mind.

"Okay, I'll change." Wang Ruoxi said tremblingly.

"Sister, I don't agree." Wang Shaojie's eyes turned red anxiously.

"Brother, I can't just let my sister be ruined like this." Wang Ruoxi's tears flowed down her cheeks, "And dad is right, I don't worry about you being out alone. Our brothers and sisters have always depended on each other. There is no one around you to take care of you. In the mansion, I will not feel at ease."

Brother and sister love deeply, compared with Wang Shaobai and Wang Ruoyun, brother and sister Wang Shaojie have a very deep relationship. Seeing this, everyone sighed secretly, and felt even more disgusted with Zhan Shifu's actions.

"Hurry up, we're still waiting to go back to eat." Huo Qiqi urged impatiently.

The Wang family resented secretly, but they could not say anything more, for fear that she would regret it again and would not let her change.

As a bystander, Zhao Xiankun secretly sensed that something was wrong.

Why did he feel that Huo Qiqi plotted against Wang Shaobai siblings for the sake of Wang Shaojie siblings?But even though he sensed Huo Qiqi's intentions, he couldn't do anything about it.

With the attitude of Mrs. Wang and his wife, they would never let Wang Ruoyun stay by Huo Qiqi's side.And if Wang Ruoyun stayed by Huo Qiqi's side, it would not be easy for Wang Shaobai to go on the road of scientific research in the future. After all, having a younger sister who is a servant, in terms of reputation, it would be like sending someone down forever.

As for Wang Zhanshi, the old guy is someone who has no money and can't afford it early.He regards Wang Shaobai as a treasure, and he can allow Wang Shaobai to have such stains.

As for Wang Shaojie and Wang Ruoxi, although they are direct lineages, they don't have a mother, so they won't have too much involvement with the Wang family in the future, and they have broken the relationship with the Wang family's genealogy. It can be said that they have no influence on Wang Shaobai at all.

What was clearly planned was messed up by Huo Qiqi, Zhao Xiankun gave Huo Qiqi an annoyed look, the anguish in his heart could not be expressed in words.

"Brother, don't stop me." Wang Ruoxi picked up a pen, wrote a contract of prostitution and handed it to Huo Qiqi.

After Huo Qiqi pretended to take it, he inspected it carefully before ordering the people around him to put it away.

Even the deed of sale was signed, and the letter of divorce was naturally indispensable, and things went smoothly.

"Shaojie, Ruoyun, it's dad who's sorry for you. Even though we broke up, if you are wronged in the future, just come back and look for dad." Mr. Wang also wanted to show that he was a loving father.

"Wang Shaojie, you know why I often say that the girls in Hualou are pitiful." Huo Qiqi asked Wang Shaojie with a smile.

Wang Shaojie shook his head.

"Stupid. The girls in Hualou are pitiful because they are innocent. Most of them were trafficked or forced into the land of fireworks. But there are some people who look like dogs, but are male prostitutes and female thieves in their bones. , really like to be a whore, but still want to build a memorial archway for themselves, forcibly ruining their reputation." Huo Qiqi explained with a smile.

Everyone couldn't help laughing, everyone understood what Huo Qiqi said.It is precisely because they understand that everyone can't help laughing.

"By the way, I'm sorry, Mr. Wang. I think you still don't understand the meaning of the three characters of the letter of breaking the relationship. Therefore, I think it is necessary to explain it clearly to you. The so-called letter of breaking the relationship is to cut off the entanglement in the blood." Clean up, see you later, you will be a stranger. If you encourage the people around me like this, I will suspect that you have bad intentions for them. "

(End of this chapter)

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