Chapter 222 Disaster
Seeing that he didn't object, Huo Qiqi was slightly relieved.

She was not afraid that she, Jian Yu, Jing Feng, Jing Mu and Shu Yun would contract the plague, and she would give the four girls the anti-plague pills later.These pills are all made by her using space water as a guide and adding other medicinal materials.Therefore, what she said to Li Yuanbai was definitely not bragging.

With the addition of space water to the pills, the medicinal properties can be maximized.

Sprinkling lime to prevent the plague is just her habit as a doctor.Of course, they will have to stay in Nanping for a while before going back.

The post station was equivalent to their people in Nanping, and Huo Qiqi didn't want any of the accompanying people to be infected with the plague.

The post station is not too small, but no matter how big it is, it is just such a place.

If there was a patient living next door, hehe, she wouldn't be in a good mood.

Li Yuanbai saw that the corner of her mouth was smiling, but her eyes were drifting away, so he knew that Huo Qiqi was distracted again.

Huo Qiqi's mind wandering in front of him, it's not just once or twice.Is he so disrespected by her?
"Is there any problem with the well?" He had no choice but to speak first.

"Ah?" Huo Qiqi was really in a daze, she didn't seem to hear what Li Yuanbai asked.

Zhang Wu and the others saw it and shook their heads secretly.There are not many people in the world who dare to play sloppy eyes in front of the sixth prince, and Huo Qiqi is one of them, bull!
"On the surface, there is no problem with the water quality, but after the heavy rain, the rain, the spreading river water, and the sewage washing the ground make it difficult to judge whether the groundwater has been polluted." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile, "To be on the safe side, whether it is human It is the daily water for livestock, and it is best to put some alum or wormwood ash to filter the water after it comes up.”

"According to what the seventh son said, let me go down and put alum and wormwood ash on all the water that comes up and filter it." Li Yuanbai ordered solemnly.

Qingfeng and Yuelang agreed, and were about to turn around and go out to convey.

Wu Qingliang couldn't help asking, "Mr. Huo Qi, put in wormwood ash, the water is so muddy, how do you use it?"

"Wormwood ash is actually very clean. After a while, it will sink to the bottom of the tank, and the water quality will not be affected. Of course, if you are not at ease, you can also put some pebbles at the bottom of the tank or the bottom of the tank. It's just that it will be more It's a hassle, every time the water is used up, all the pebbles have to be sanitized in quicklime before being put back in the bottom of the tank."

"Go down and spread the word." Li Yuanbai said lightly.

Qingfeng and Yuelang hurried out.

At this point, everyone seemed to have nothing to say, Li Yuanbai turned around slowly and walked to the next door.

"Mr. Huo Qi, we don't want to bother you anymore. We have to tidy up quickly today, and we may have to go to Heti tomorrow." Wu Qingliang reminded her.

"The topography of Nanping is unknown, so it's a bit of a pain. Today we have to recharge our batteries." Zhang Wu also said with a smile.

Huo Qiqi cupped his hands in thanks, "Thank you for reminding me, adults, okay, after lunch, I'll lie down and have a good rest."

Wu Qingliang saw that she listened to her words, nodded with a smile, and then left.

Just as Huo Qiqi was about to enter the house, several yamen servants came in with quicklime.

"Just sprinkle quicklime in the yard. If it's in the house, we have prepared disinfectant ourselves." Jian Yu stopped the yamen servant.

The yamen servants knew that they were powerful, so they didn't dare to say much. They just cleaned up the yard outside according to their orders.

"My lord, you wait outside for a while, and the little one cleans up the house first." Shu Yun stepped forward to ask for instructions.

Huo Qiqi nodded and stood under the eaves looking at the sky.

The air in Nanping is relatively humid and hot, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Huo Qiqi wasn't affected either, her system was rather cold, so although she was sweating, she could bear it.

The best use of the spray can is that it is convenient and fast, and soon the fragrance of the potion came from the room.

After a while, Jingfeng took out the quilt from Huo Qiqi's carriage and put it in the yard to dry, while Shu Yun and the others took out the mat on the bed, wiped it with water, and then put it in the sun to dry for a while.

Even the bowls and chopsticks that Huo Qiqi used to eat were deliberately taken out from the car and placed on the table.

Li Yuanbai's people are next door to Huo Qiqi.They were also tidying up in the yard. They heard Huo Qiqi yelling that he would dry the quilt for a while and clean the mat for a while, so they didn't dare to be sloppy, so they quickly followed suit.

For such a large group of people, eating and drinking is a problem. Zhu Quanming is very busy, and he takes care of others and is very attentive.The purpose is naturally to leave a good impression on Li Yuanbai.

However, there were only a few people in the station, so they couldn't be busy at all.Fortunately, the people Li Yuanbai brought were capable, and he quickly took over many mundane tasks from them.

"You don't have to worry about our meals in the future. Just coordinate what we tell you to do." Chi Yun ordered with a straight face.

"Yes, just tell me." Zhu Quanming's attitude was very good.

The meal at noon is not much better than on the road.

They came to Nanping for disaster relief, not for enjoyment.

Fortunately, I can still eat rice at noon. The dish is a plate of vegetables with a few slices of meat, and there is only one dish.Huo Qiqi didn't dislike it either, and after taking a few mouthfuls, he fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Seeing this, Jian Yu and the others also went to the side room to rest.

Huo Qiqi waited until there was no one in the room, then stepped into the space.

Pieces of rice in the space are already ripe, the fish and shrimp in the small pond are swimming vigorously in the water, and the fruits on the trees are also ripe, exuding a strong fruity fragrance.

After Huo Qiqi collected all the rice and fruits, she planted some more rice and vegetables, and then she took some pills and continued to sleep on the bed.

Li Yuanbai is rigorous, and he is also a practical person.Zhang Wu thought that Li Yuanbai would arrange them to do things the next day, but after eating and letting them take a nap, Li Yuanbai sent someone to remind them.

The three of them didn't dare to neglect, they immediately got up from the bed, washed their faces and ran to Li Yuanbai's yard.

When they got there, they found that Huo Qiqi actually went earlier than they did, and they couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

"Let's go to the river embankment to have a look in the afternoon." Li Yuanbai's words were always concise and to the point.

Zhang Wu and the others quickly agreed.

Everyone works in the Ministry of Industry, which involves a lot, so Zhang Wu and Zhang Wu are not weak, even if they are climbing mountains, they will not feel tired.But Huo Qiqi seemed to be in poor health.

Fortunately, Qiqi didn't complain, so Li Yuanbai assumed that she could persevere.

The disaster and plague in Nanping were very serious, but the severity far exceeded Li Yuanbai's imagination.

On the street, refugees can be seen everywhere. These people are dressed in rags and have yellow and muscular faces. When they saw Li Yuanbai and others coming out, they immediately gathered around to beg for food.

Qingfeng, Minglang and others immediately scolded them.

(End of this chapter)

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