Chapter 224
"Are there so many patients every day? How many severe patients are there every day? Where is the imperial doctor sent by the imperial court?" Li Yuanbai asked a doctor to come over and ask.

Because when they came out, they were wearing casual clothes, and no one was wearing official clothes.The busy doctor didn't know them at all. He was seeing an old man when he was suddenly interrupted. The doctor immediately became angry, "Go aside, why are you making trouble? Didn't you see that the room is full of patients? If you are blind, it cannot be cured now."

"Bold." Ming Lang shouted angrily.

After Li Yuanbai gave him a cold look, he explained to the doctor, "The patients here are in such a serious condition, why didn't you see the imperial doctor? Didn't you say that the imperial court sent the imperial doctor?"

The doctor bowed his head and continued to see the doctor, ignoring him at all.

"Young master, this is not a serious illness." An older doctor probably saw that the clothes Huo Qiqi and the others were wearing were good, and the group had a Beijing accent, so they didn't want to cause trouble.Therefore, while seeing the patient, he explained in a good-tempered manner, "All the imperial doctors sent by the capital are in the villages outside the city, and all the patients who are seriously ill nearby are also sent there. That is the isolation area. "

Huo Qiqi sighed, she raised her eyes and glanced casually, and then saw the prescription given to the patient by the young doctor.

To be honest, the prescription is not very good.

"Reduce the amount of notopterygium by half, add honeysuckle and hay, remove the coptis, and replace it with dandelion, it will be better." In the end, she really couldn't bear to see the patient suffer, and said the prescription directly with a straight face.

"Nonsense, what do you understand? You are a doctor?" The young doctor had long been displeased with the group of them.Now that he heard Huo Qiqi's babbling, he actually wanted to change his prescription, he couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately reprimanded Huo Qiqi sharply.

Seeing that he dared to be rude to Huo Qiqi, Jian Yu and the others immediately wanted to teach him a lesson.

Huo Qiqi waved her hand to stop them, then she smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I'm not a doctor. I just understand a little bit of medical theory, so I just said a few more words without any other meaning."

"You dare to talk nonsense if you only know superficially. If you change the prescription and die, can you pay for it?" The doctor was still a little bit resentful.

"Forget it, don't quarrel. This young master is also very kind." The older doctor has a good temper, and when he saw that the two of them were going to have a conflict, he quickly stood up and made peace. "By the way, young master. Nanping is in short supply of doctors. If you understand medical principles, why don't you go to the medical hall to help."

"Hehe, I only know a little bit. Without a medical certificate, I can't help much." Huo Qiqi waved his hand with a wry smile.

"Mr. Huo Qi, don't be brave if you don't understand." Wu Qingliang whispered to her in a low voice.

"As long as you know medical skills, my son can go to the magistrate. The magistrate will arrange for you to go to the medical clinic to help." The old doctor also said with a wry smile.

Huo Qiqi smiled, didn't say anything, and didn't say no.

Seeing this, the young doctor glared at Huo Qiqi again.

Jing Feng and Jing Mu immediately stared back, their attitudes were not very good.

Seeing the conflict between them, Li Yuanbai didn't make a sound. He saw Huo Qiqi turned around and walked out of the clinic slowly, and then followed him out.

When he got outside, Zhang Wu couldn't help but say a few words to Huo Qiqi, "Young Master Huo Qi, it's better to avoid causing trouble when we go out. You, since you are not very proficient in medical skills, you must be careful in front of others." Be quiet. This is not the capital city, not our territory. In such a chaotic situation, people are impetuous. Although you have good intentions, others may not be willing to accept it."

"Forget it, Mr. Huo Qi also had good intentions. Those people just don't know how to flatter them." Jiang Jingshi sighed.

"I made everyone worry. Sirs, rest assured, if you encounter such a thing in the future, I will keep it safe and stop talking nonsense." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile, accepting everyone's favor.

Zhang Wu and Jiang Jingshi showed some smiles on their faces, Huo Qiqi still has a good temper, this friend is worth making.

"Go to the embankment." Li Yuanbai ordered in a low voice.

The few people didn't dare to delay, and immediately ran towards the embankment outside the city.

The main river course in Nanping is called the Weihe River, which follows the terrain and flows through many counties and villages.Everyone rode their horses along the river and ran for ten miles.

Huo Qiqi saw that the soil on both sides of the river was soft, but he didn't know why. There were only some weeds on the embankment on both sides of the river, and it was difficult to see anything else.

"Why is there no other green vegetation on both sides of the river after removing the weeds?" Huo Qiqi asked suspiciously.

"The Weihe River is the main river course in Nanping. In Nanping's summer, the climate is unpredictable and rainy, so it is easy to cause floods. You have also seen that when there is too much rain, the amount of water in the river increases, and the river is extremely easy to be washed away. In order to facilitate the emergency repair of the embankment , very few trees are planted along the banks of the river." Jiang Jingshi explained her doubts with a smile.

"Oh." Huo Qiqi agreed lightly, without any other indication.

Seeing this, Jiang Jingshi was slightly disappointed. As a senior, he still wanted to tell Huo Qiqi some more to show off.

"Huo Qiqi, you are also a member of the Ministry of Industry. After looking at the waterways, what suggestions do you have?" Li Yuanbai asked her calmly.

"I'm not very talented, so I listen to the adults." Huo Qiqi replied with a dry smile.The gun hits the bird in the head, who knows what Li Yuanbai asked her for alone?
"Don't talk too far away." Li Yuanbai stopped her, "The prince strongly recommends you to come to Nanping, not to listen to your nonsense."

You bastard, it really is him who is playing tricks!Huo Qiqi's eyes suddenly became fierce.

Li Yuanbai happened to be staring at her too, and the two people's eyes met in the air immediately.

One is vicious, and the other is calm and cold, both are so powerful.Zhang Wu and the others hurriedly took a few steps back, they couldn't afford to offend the two of them, so let's get out of the way quickly.

"The Sixth Prince really thinks highly of me." After a long time, Huo Qiqi suddenly laughed at himself, "I'm a well-known dandy in the capital, if the Sixth Prince is willing to recommend me, isn't it afraid that I will ruin the reputation of the Ministry of Industry?"

"Since I dare to recommend you, my prince is naturally not afraid." Li Yuanbai was very annoying, his eyes and tone were very indifferent, so indifferent that Huo Qiqi didn't even have the desire to quarrel. "Huo Qiqi, you don't really have the heart to watch the people of Nanping suffer from floods all year round, do you?"

is your head!Huo Qiqi was furious.

She didn't understand, where did Li Yuanbai have the confidence that she could find a way to deal with the flood just like a big dude?
Li Yuanbai was very patient. He stared at Huo Qiqi silently, as if he would not give up until Huo Qiqi gave him a perfect answer.

He is patient, and Huo Qiqi is even more patient.She pretended not to understand anything, and looked around casually.

"Do you think it's wrong to not allow trees to be planted on both sides of the embankment?" Li Yuanbai didn't give her a chance to escape.

"It's better to block than to block." Huo Qiqi was forced by him to have no choice but to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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