Chapter 227 I'm Looking For You

Early the next morning, after Huo Qiqi washed up, Shu Yun brought food from the kitchen.

In the post house, everyone ate the same food, even Li Yuanbai ate the same as everyone else.

"Huh, there are eggs?" Huo Qiqi looked at an egg in front of her in surprise.

"I heard from the people in the kitchen that the sixth prince, seeing that the seventh son is weak, specially ordered them to add an extra egg for the son every day." Shu Yun explained with a smile.

"Hmph, he has a conscience." Jing Mu didn't appreciate it.

Huo Qiqi held the egg with great interest and stared at it for a while.Based on what she knew about Li Yuanbai, it seemed that Li Yuanbai did not seem like a person who cared for others.Bah, no, what kind of sympathy, she is now showing off in men's clothing.It should be said that Li Yuanbai has always been a man of business and will not play favoritism.

Why did Li Yuanbai specifically order someone to boil an extra egg for her?Is it really as he said, because of her frailty?This excuse is not valid. If she was really weak, that bastard would not plot against her and drag her to Nanping.

After thinking for a long time, Huo Qiqi couldn't think of a reasonable reason.Later, she got a headache thinking about it, so she simply didn't want to, and directly peeled the egg and ate it.

"Mr. Huo Qi, haven't you finished eating yet?" She was eating when Zhang Wu and the others came over.

"Wait a minute, we'll finish eating soon." Huo Qiqi agreed with a smile.

The eyes of Jiang Jingshi and the others were bright, and they spotted the egg shells on the table at a glance.

"Mr. Huo Qi, where did you find the eggs?" Wu Qingliang asked her in a low voice with a smile, "Did you spend money to buy them outside?"

"Tomorrow we will also buy a few for the teeth-beating festival."

"Aren't you worried that the sixth prince will be unhappy when he finds out?"

The three of them started talking about the eggs, and Huo Qiqi finished the rice porridge in the bowl with a smile on his face without explaining.

"Mr. Huo Qi, do you think the Sixth Prince will be angry if we buy eggs?" The three of them didn't discuss the result, so they turned to her to ask.

"Basically yes." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile.

"Then you are not worried?" Zhang Wu made a fuss.

"What are you worried about? I didn't buy this egg myself." Huo Qiqi replied.

The three of them were stunned.

"You mean, the eggs were sent by the sixth prince?" Zhang Wu almost screamed.

"Strange?" Huo Qiqi asked them.

The three of them nodded at her unanimously. Of course it was strange that someone as cold as the sixth prince would take the initiative to add more eggs to Huo Qiqi. It's not too strange to say!They don't think it's weirder than weirder.

"Do you think the medicine I gave you yesterday fell from the sky?" Huo Qiqi looked sideways at them and said, "Although the efficacy of the medicine is not certain, it does have the effect of preventing plague. Outside, not to mention the value of a thousand pieces of gold, at the very least it would cost dozens of taels of silver. He has so many people around him, how much silver does he owe me? It’s just an egg, can it compare with my medicine?”

Being fooled by her like this, Zhang Wu and the others immediately showed a look of sudden realization.

"Speaking of which, we owe you a favor too." Jiang Jingshi was a little embarrassed.

Wu Qingliang's face also became awkward.

"Come on, I just said that casually, do you really take it seriously? Although we are not veterans, when I was in the Ministry of Industry, several adults took good care of me. Along the way, you He also helped me a lot, why do you feel uncomfortable because I just donated a pill, then do you want me to return your favor?" Huo Qiqi joked with a smile.

Wu Qingliang and the others saw that her tone was easy-going, and she really wasn't asking for favors from them.

"Mr. Huo Qi, just these few words for you, we will really not treat you as an outsider in the future." Zhang Wu said with a smile.

"Are you guys treating me like an outsider all this time?" Huo Qiqi asked back with a smile.

"Come on, I said the wrong thing again." Zhang Wu laughed, and Wu Qingliang and Jiang Jingshi also laughed.

After such bickering in the morning, the relationship between the four seems to have improved a lot compared to before.

After a while, the four of them went to Li Yuanbai's yard together.

Li Yuanbai also finished his meal and was waiting for them.

"Today, go to the place where the porridge is served. After noon, go to the place where you are seriously ill." Li Yuanbai decided on a day's schedule.

Where to go, Huo Qiqi didn't care.

Zhang Wu and the others secretly groaned in their hearts. They heard that people died every day in the critically ill area.

What if they were infected in the past?I was scared, but no one dared to speak out.

"Can you wait a while before going out?" Huo Qiqi hesitated.

Li Yuanbai looked at her upon hearing this.

Huo Qiqi gritted her teeth secretly, come on, even if she is meddling in her own business.Besides, she meddles in her own business for the sake of her own life.After all, this guard followed her from the capital, and along the way, she was often taken care of by others.She took out the medicine and treated it as an exchange of favors.

Secondly, it can be seen that the situation in Nanping is not good.Maybe it was because she was sensitive, Huo Qiqi felt that the magistrate brought the civil servants to visit Li Yuanbai last night, logically speaking, the military officials should have received the news long ago.

But the garrison has never appeared, this is not a normal phenomenon.

The group on my side is far away from the capital, and in the unfamiliar Nanping, they can only rely on the protection of the accompanying personnel, so one less person means less security.

After all the calculations, Huo Qiqi still bit the bullet and offered to provide the people who went out with herbs to prevent the plague.

Her proposal was exactly what Li Yuanbai could only wish for.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry, and arranged for the accompanying personnel to stand outside and wait.

And Huo Qiqi prepared the herbs and asked Jian Yu and the others to cook a big pot of soup.

For those who go out, each person has a bowl.

Li Yuanbai and Zhang Wu are no exception.

After drinking the medicine, the group hurried to the gate of Nancheng.

From a distance, they saw many ragged people waiting in a long line, while a group of well-dressed soldiers stared at them.

No sign of noise and disturbance.

Huo Qiqi immediately breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the military officers in Nanping were not as chaotic as she worried.

"Oh, my lord, the villain has found you." Just as Huo Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief, a man who looked like a servant ran up to her and shouted at her.

Jian Yu and Jing Feng immediately stopped him, "Who, what are you doing?"

"Brothers, I misunderstood, I misunderstood." The boy patted his thigh and said, "I came here specifically to find this young master."

He pointed at Huo Qiqi with his hand and said.

"Looking for me?" Huo Qiqi was taken aback.

Li Yuanbai also showed a suspicious look in his eyes.

"That's right, the villain is looking for this young master." The young man said excitedly. Seeing that Huo Qiqi seemed to have forgotten who he was, he quickly explained, "Young master, did you forget? Yesterday the young master went to the post house. The villain It's the medicine boy in the post house."

(End of this chapter)

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