Chapter 229 Still Soft-Hearted

Huo Qiqi felt a little overwhelmed by being so enthusiastic the first time they met.

"Master Huo Qiqi, I knew that you would take the initiative to invite Ying to come to Nanping. A few days ago, I mentioned you to everyone, and you really came. That's great!" Maybe it was because I was too excited to see Huo Qiqi Because of this, Imperial Physician Wen seemed a little incoherent.

The corners of Huo Qiqi's mouth trembled, "Doctor Wen, you really know how to joke. I just know a little bit about medical theory, so why should you mention it in front of all the imperial doctors? To be fair, you are all experts, and I am a rookie at best. Stop laughing at me."

Experts, everyone can understand, but what is a rookie?
"Mr. Huo Qi, what do you mean by rookie?" Zhang Wu was straightforward, he didn't understand in his heart, and asked directly.

"The so-called rookie refers to someone who knows a little bit of superficial knowledge and is just getting started." Huo Qiqi was taken aback, and then explained.

With such an explanation, everyone will understand.

Doctor Wen was immediately amused by her, "Sir Huo Qi, stop teasing. If you are a rookie, then we will become rookies among rookies."

The other imperial physicians didn't know Huo Qiqi well. Imperial Physician Wen kept admiring Huo Qiqi, and thought that Imperial Physician Wen deliberately flattered Huo Qiqi because he was afraid of Duke Hu.So, they all brazenly praised Huo Qiqi against their will.

"Doctor Wen, don't. Even if you praise me to the sky, I can't help you." Huo Qiqi said with a wry smile.

She has secretly made up her mind that she must not soften her heart this time and take the initiative to make trouble for herself.

"Where are the doctors and imperial physicians? Where are everyone? They are about to die." A woman wailed, "Hurry up and save my child."

Hearing someone calling for help, Imperial Physician Wen and the others were shocked.

Then, someone over there also shouted for the doctor.

"Sixth Prince, forgive me, I'm an official on official business, so I can't stay for long." Imperial Physician Wen became flustered.

"My lords, just go about your own business." Li Yuanbai replied with a slight nod of his head, "Don't worry about me."

After hearing this, several imperial doctors immediately dispersed as if they were relieved.

Doctor Wen had just taken two steps, but couldn't help but stopped again.He stared at Huo Qiqi expectantly, "Master Qi, why don't you come with us to have a look? There is a shortage of doctors here."

"Hehe, I'm a non-staff member of the Ministry of Industry, and my responsibilities are different from those of Imperial Doctor Wen." Huo Qiqi explained with a dry smile.

Zhang Wu and the others were a little puzzled, they didn't understand why Imperial Physician Wen had to focus on Huo Qiqi, and repeatedly invited her to see the patient.Could it be that Huo Qiqi is really proficient in medicine?
Seeing Huo Qiqi's resolute attitude, Doctor Wen knew that in his capacity, Huo Qiqi must not be invited.So, he sighed, turned around and strode into a shed.

Li Yuanbai gave Huo Qiqi a meaningful look.

Huo Qiqi pretended not to see it, and turned his head to one side.

Li Yuanbai did not make things difficult for her, and continued to lead her forward.

They then entered the shed where Doctor Wen and others were located. The shed was very large and there were many patients.

"Save the child, please save the child, I kowtow to you." A woman was holding a four or five-year-old child in her arms, crying in terror and despair.

The child's face was flushed, the corners of his mouth were a little dirty, and his pants were also dirty. He closed his eyes slightly, and the breath from the tip of his nose seemed to be absent.

"Get out of the way, your child is hopeless, what are you doing here?" a man yelled angrily, without any sympathy in his eyes, "Don't delay other people's medical treatment, people are dying here."

"Your life is human life, isn't my child human life?" The woman retorted, crying loudly.

"Peach Lady." The man next to the woman also blushed, and as soon as he said a word, he couldn't help coughing and wanted to vomit.

"My child, no one can take my child away. Doctor, I beg you, you are doctors from the capital with excellent medical skills, you must save my child." The woman said nothing. Stop, continue to kneel and beg.

The few men who came to see the doctor were not happy, so they went over and tried to drag her out.

"What do you want to do?" The man next to the woman was angry, and he stood in front of his wife and children with open arms.

"If you want to die, die and go outside."

"The doctor said that the child is dying, and you are still here, delaying other people's medical treatment, it is really disgusting."


"Let's quarrel outside." Imperial Physician Wen was angry.

"Go out if you quarrel any more." Another imperial doctor was also angry.

"My lady, we really tried our best. You can take the child back, there are too many patients here, so don't delay others." A doctor advised with a sigh.

"No, my child." Tao Niang cried.

"Your child looks really good, can you show me?" Just when Tao Niang was about to collapse, a gentle voice rang in her ear.

Mothers like others to praise their children.But under such circumstances, who would believe that someone really praised their children?Tao Niang vigilantly hugged the child in her arms.

"I know a little bit about medicine. I'm not sure if I can save your boy. But I'm willing to try. Maybe I can save him. He's very cute. If he could run and jump, I think he would look smarter." Isn't it?" Huo Qiqi coaxed her softly, "Of course, if you don't want to try with me, I won't force you either."

"You are the doctor?" Tao Niang's minister stared at Huo Qiqi suspiciously.

Huo Qiqi shook his head, "I don't even have a medical certificate, at most I know a little bit of medical theory."

"Are you sure you can save my child?" the man continued to ask.

Huo Qiqi shook his head, "Even the imperial physician has sentenced him to death, how can my medical skills compare with the imperial physician? I just feel that I just can't bear to let the child go away without working hard."

The man stared at Huo Qiqi for a while.

Huo Qiqi didn't avoid his eyes, and met him directly.

Seeing this, Zhang Wu was so shocked that he wanted to go forward to stop Huo Qiqi. Jiang Jingshi and Wu Qingliang saw that Li Yuanbai was standing by the side and hadn't spoken yet, so they immediately grabbed Zhang Wu and shook their heads silently at Zhang Wu together.

Only then did Zhang Wu notice the reaction of Li Yuanbai beside him. Hearing their voices, Li Yuanbai glanced at them coldly. The three of them broke out in a cold sweat immediately, and all lowered their heads and stopped talking.

"Peach Lady." Finally, the man turned around and knelt down to look at his wife and children.

"No, she is not a doctor, so she cannot save our child." Tao Niang hugged the child and did not let go.

"The doctor can't save our child. If we don't give her a try, we will have no hope at all." In the man's eyes, two lines of tears rolled down his cheeks, and hot tears dripped on the back of the woman's hand. She was frightened Generally raise your head.

"Okay, if my husband is willing to believe her, I will." The woman seemed to be sober after being stunned for a while, and after she looked down at the child in her arms, she no longer evaded or shouted hoarsely.

(End of this chapter)

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