Chapter 240

"Seventh Young Master, isn't this price too high?" Master Yan's forehead began to sweat.

The masters and masters of the Yan family have more than 20 members. According to Huo Qiqi's asking price, he can get close to 5 taels of silver, and secondly, more than [-] catties of grain.

Huo Qiqi's heart is so black, this is to forcibly peel off a layer of their Yan family's skin.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that the servants can charge less consultation fees, but no matter whether they are concubines or aunts, they all have to be treated together, and if there is one less, I will not look at it." Huo Qiqi said lazily, "If you are sick, see a doctor. Go away if you're not sick. Didn't you see that Grandpa is very busy?"

"My lord, have some rice porridge. From morning until now, you haven't eaten a single bite." Shu Yun came over with a bowl of rice porridge, looked at her with some distress and said.

"I don't want to eat." Huo Qiqi was still very lazy.

"If you don't want to eat, you have to eat some. Your body is weak and you can't starve all the time." Li Yuanbai said lightly, and then put the basket in his hand on the table.

Huo Qiqi looked up, his eyes lit up immediately.

There are actually grapes, this thing is worth a lot of money!I don't know where Li Yuanbai got it from?

"My lord had someone transport it to the seventh son from outside overnight." After these days of observation, Ming Lang hardly targeted Huo Qiqi any more.However, he has the right to claim credit for his master.

Huo Qiqi gave Li Yuanbai a lazy look.

Li Yuanbai also glanced at her indifferently.

The eyes of the two quickly crossed each other. Others thought that they had a good relationship. In fact, although the two of them could not say that they looked at each other with disgust, they definitely couldn't say that they were good.

Huo Qiqi was so busy that he didn't even have time to eat grapes.

After Shu Yun repeatedly washed his hands with soap, he went to feed her one by one.

There are people around to serve, and there are fruits to eat.Huo Qiqi was finally in a better mood, she yelled lazily, "Next."

Following behind Yan's house was the seriously ill patient who had contracted the plague.Because of diarrhea and vomiting, the patient's body smelled very bad.

The master of the Yan family couldn't stand the smell, and hurriedly covered his nose and avoided it.

Huo Qiqi stopped eating grapes, and put on a mask again to see patients.

Due to the accumulation of experience in the past few days, she quickly prescribed the medicine to the patient after asking.

The ward has ready-made soups and medicines, and patients can buy a bowl of medicines for a small amount of money.Of course, those who really have no money can also be exempted from the bill.

The Yan family stood on the sidelines and watched for a while, but Huo Qiqi didn't intend to pay any attention to them, and they also saw that even if it was the sixth prince, this Young Master Huo Qi didn't seem to pay any attention to him.

see a doctor?Silver and food?

The gentry who came over were caught in a dilemma.

"Prefect Zheng, please intercede with us. Mr. Huo Qiqi is setting the price on the ground."

"We really can't afford that much money and food."

"Mr. Huo Qi's price is too high."


As soon as Zheng Zhifu showed up, he was surrounded by people, and he was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

These people have money and food but are unwilling to give it out, but force him to be a lobbyist and let him be a bad person.He is not stupid!
These days, he finally realized that Mr. Huo Qi's temper is really not good, but her medical skills are indeed very good.

Zheng Zhifu saw with her own eyes that she cured many patients. Some of these patients were not just infected with the plague, and some were old diseases.Those patients may have gone to many famous doctors before, but they couldn't be cured, so they heard that the imperial doctor was here for consultation, so they took the risk to find someone.

Not to mention, they were very lucky to meet such a wonderful young master Huo Qi.

Mr. Huo Qi didn't have a medical certificate, but the imperial doctor had to listen to the training honestly in front of her. Zheng Zhifu also saw that those imperial doctors who had eyes above the top respected her not because of Mr. Huo Qi's identity, but because Impressed by her medical skills.

Hmph, these wealthy gentry live a life of luxury and luxury every day, and they hide behind when disasters happen, and they often make trouble for him, the magistrate.He wished that these people would be unlucky, and there was no way for him to intercede.

"Everyone." Zheng Zhifu smiled and explained kindly, "It's not that I don't want to intercede for you, you have also seen it. Huo Qigong doesn't sell anyone's favors. If you see it, the sixth prince is in front of her. , I have to give up three points when I speak. I am just a small prefect, how can I have the face to talk?"

When everyone saw him evade, they all secretly resented.

Prefect Zheng is simply an old fox, he never falls behind when he encounters benefits.But really, when they were in trouble and asked him for help, the old fox would only fool them.

"The next official kowtowed to the lord." At this moment, a military officer hurried in, "Someone from the posthouse came to report that there are several medicinal material merchants in the capital who have brought medicinal materials and a batch of food."

"Really?" Li Yuanbai stood up immediately after hearing the words.


"Go back to the post house immediately." Li Yuanbai stood up.

He stood up, Huo Qiqi also stood up, patted his buttocks and was about to leave.

"Master Huo Qi, there are still many patients here." Li Yuanbai said suppressing his anger.

"Patients infected with the plague can be roughly divided into three categories. Even if I'm not around, the imperial physician and the doctors can still watch people place orders." Huo Qiqi replied slowly, "As for the new ones, they can't bear the money and money." Food, and I happen to see that they are not pleasing to the eye, so there is no need to stay. To be honest, I think they have suffered retribution because they have done too many wicked things. I am also worried that if their illnesses are cured Well, what should I do if I want to suffer from God's retribution?"

Li Yuanbai was both amused and helpless when he heard her nonsense in a serious manner.

The gentry nearby who heard her words turned red and then pale. Many of them were furious, but no one dared to be rude to Huo Qiqi.

"Ask them if anyone is willing to see a doctor. If not, you can go back to the post house." Li Yuanbai said lightly.

Huo Qiqi looked at the wealthy gentry surrounding the prefect of Zheng with a half-smile, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Everyone felt tense immediately. Some of them came from centuries-old families, some were wealthy. In Nanping area, no one dared not give them face. Today, everyone was despised by a young man in public. Everyone's anger was obvious.

"The villain has met the seventh son." At this moment, a young man wearing a mask hurried over.

After this person directly saluted Huo Qiqi, he casually saluted the sixth prince.

"Huo Jian, why are you here?" Huo Qiqi looked at the visitor suspiciously and asked.

"Master Protector and the other young masters were worried that the young master would be wronged here, so they specially asked the villain to bring some people over to meet the young master. When the seventh young master came, he said that he would return to Beijing in a month at most. Now counting , It has been almost a month since I came to Nanping. The sixth prince is busy with work and cannot go back. The Lord Protector told the villain that this time, no matter what, he must be brought back safely."

(End of this chapter)

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