The noble daughter of the splendid medical picture should be married

Chapter 253 Establishment of the Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 253 Establishment of the Chamber of Commerce
Everyone looked at each other, unable to guess what kind of item Huo Qiqi was talking about.

"Nanping has a lot of rain in summer, and many low-lying places have formed ponds. There are also many waterways between villages. Most people choose to grow rice, but it is a pity that such rice fields are prone to floods." Huo Qiqi said, "The lotus root is growing well. If everyone can make use of the low-lying areas, the lotus root business in Nanping will definitely form its own brand."

"What brand is the seventh son talking about?" A middle-aged man couldn't help asking.

When no one was making trouble, Huo Qiqi's temper was surprisingly good, and everyone gradually relaxed their emotions.

"The so-called brand means that as soon as someone mentions a product, the first thing people think of is a product from a certain place." Huo Qiqi explained.

"Mr. Huo Qi, although lotus root is good, it is not easy to preserve, and the common people cannot eat it as food." The Yin family said with a sigh.

"The fertile land in the hands of the people can naturally be mainly planted with rice. What I'm talking about is that the ponds and lakes formed in low-lying places and everywhere should not be left idle, but should be really utilized. The circle around the fish pond can also Planting mulberry trees, the government encourages the people to raise silkworms, which can be regarded as giving them another income." Huo Qiqi said with a smile, "Also, I advise everyone, don't be a profiteer to squeeze the people. On the contrary, if you want to really do business To do a good job, harvesters should give better prices to the people so that they can grow lotus roots with confidence and enthusiasm.”

After a pause, Huo Qiqi reminded them again. "As for how to save it, I have a way."

"Mr. Huo Qi, the lotus root is actually afraid of being flooded. Besides, this thing cannot be planted every year." A gentry explained with a wry smile.

"No, it's completely possible to plant. It's just that before planting, everyone needs to put in a lot of effort." Huo Qiqi said with a smile, "As long as the cooperation relationship is confirmed, I will send someone to be in charge of guidance after I return to Beijing. Second, I suggest that you can also breed loaches or carnivorous fish in the ponds where lotus roots are planted."

Everyone secretly guessed what the preservation method Huo Qiqi was talking about.

It's a pity that after Huo Qiqi whetted everyone's appetite, he never talked about the topic again.

"According to Mr. Huo Qi, the lotus root business seems to be looking for more than just a partner." Liao Zhongming asked proactively.

"Of course. The brand industry, one family or two, is difficult to support." Huo Qiqi replied slowly, "But if everyone is allowed to do what they want, it will easily lead to a mixed situation, which will make the brand that everyone has worked so hard to build destroyed."

"What does Mr. Huo Qi mean?" The Yin family asked tentatively.

"Establish your own chamber of commerce in Nanping." Huo Qiqi replied with a light smile, "I provide the technology and initial lotus root interplanting technology. Every two years, the Sixth Prince will send someone over to inspect it. You will never be allowed to take the opportunity to suppress the price of lotus roots for the common people. .Any large family who wants to participate in the lotus root business can use their own name. For example, the Liao family can sell the Liao family lotus root, but the front of the package must be marked in large characters, and the product is from Nanping. If the product is unqualified and the customer complains The chamber of commerce can take back the name right of this person and prohibit them from producing lotus roots until they make a correction, and then everyone can reevaluate the decision. In order to avoid vicious competition from the same merchant, the chamber of commerce can centrally deploy our products to which state to disperse.”

What Huo Qiqi proposed was a completely new idea, and everyone was shocked after hearing it.

"If you have any ideas, just mention them. Jingmu, I'll bring some snacks to everyone here. Everyone didn't eat well at the banquet today." Huo Qiqi ordered.

Jing Mu agreed and went down.

Regardless of whether she was present or not, all the merchants began to discuss with each other in low voices.

"It's good to have a chamber of commerce. We can buy goods in the capital or other prefectures, and we can take care of each other." A merchant said.

"It's very convenient. If we form our own brand name in Nanping, we can bring back products from other prefectures when we go out. Unlike now, we all go out empty-handed, wasting people in vain."

"With the restrictions of the Chamber of Commerce, there will be no malicious price hikes in the future."

"Who will manage the chamber of commerce and how?"


Huo Qiqi didn't care about everyone, she sat on the chair crookedly, listening to everyone's discussion with a smile all the time.

After a while, Jingmu and Jingfeng came in, they were holding plates in their hands, and there were several bowls of sticky food on the plates.

After they came in, they distributed the small bowls to everyone.

Two people served less at one time, and it took several trips to get all of them.

Everyone looked at the delicacies in their hands and felt novelty.

The color of the food in the bowl is crystal clear, and small glutinous rice balls are wrapped in it, which makes people feel appetizing just looking at it.

"Everyone use it slowly, don't rush it. It's very hot!" Huo Qiqi reminded everyone.

Everyone stirred slowly with spoons, and the crystal clear delicacies immediately wrapped around the spoons, and a wave of heat rushed over.

Someone dug a spoonful, put it near his mouth and blew it gently before putting it in his mouth.

The sweet scent of lotus immediately spread in the mouth, it turned out to be lotus root!

Everyone was very surprised. Even though they were born and raised in Nanping, they didn't know that Lianyuan could do this.

"Seventh Young Master, is this made by lotus roots?" Someone asked directly.

"It's lotus root." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile.

She was very frank, but everyone couldn't say anything more.

Everyone silently finished the bowl of lotus root powder in the bowl.

Seeing that everyone hesitated to speak, Huo Qiqi said considerately, "That's all for today. You can think about it quietly when you go back. Of course, you can also discuss it with your family before making a decision. As for the few businesses in my hand , I have to think about who I want to cooperate with before I can be sure."

When everyone heard it, they looked at each other and were at a loss.

Huo Qiqi was different from the officials they had seen, he always played cards unreasonably.Let's say she speaks bluntly, but at the most critical moment, she cut off other people's thoughts.

Just like now, she seems to have given everyone a chance to think and discuss with her family, but she also whetted everyone's appetite.There was no other way, just looking at the products in Huo Qiqi's hands, everyone was already excited.But there were only a few items, and there were too many monks and too few porridges. In the end, no one present could say who Huo Qiqi would choose.

However, since Huo Qiqi issued the order to evict the guests, it is not good for everyone to stay.

"Thank you Mr. Huo Qi for your consideration. I just want to discuss with the elders in my family before making a decision." Liao Zhongming was the first to stand up knowingly.

It was he who was the first to figure out what Huo Qiqi was thinking. The people who were one step behind were secretly anxious, but they didn't dare to show it on their faces.Following Liao Zhongming's words, everyone bid farewell one by one.

Huo Qiqi didn't keep anyone, and ordered the people around him to send all the guests out.

 It's been a million changes these days.

(End of this chapter)

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