Chapter 262
"Who is it, stop." Huo Jian snapped.

In the darkness, what everyone can see is limited.

The people in Duke Huguo's Mansion and Li Yuanbai's side may not all be familiar with them. If the enemy took the opportunity to touch the boat, it would be much more dangerous.

"It's me." The other party said.

Huo Jian didn't recognize the other party's voice, so he became more vigilant, "Stop, if you come over again, don't blame me for being rude."

The rest of the Huo family also became vigilant.

"Did the Sixth Prince send someone over?" Huo Jian suddenly called out to Li Yuanbai.

The distance between the two ships was very short, one behind the other, and his voice traveled far away in the night.

When the other party heard his cry, he immediately shot without warning.

Huo Jian's vigilance was indeed correct.

"Protect Young Master."

"Don't stay alive."

The Huo family has their own contact methods, and the people brought by the Huo family are all elites. Their martial arts are not weak, but obviously they are not weak in assassins either.

The two sides fought fiercely. Inside the house, Jian Yu and the others were very anxious, but they didn't rush out to help.For them, Huo Qiqi's safety came first.

Huo Qiqi was a little strange, why did these assassins target him?Obviously Li Yuanbai's big fat fish is on the boat behind!

Her martial arts are not high, but she still has hearing power.It seems that his side is more difficult. Obviously, the assassin is targeted.

"You don't need to stay alive." Suddenly, Li Yuanbai's voice came from outside.

"Your Highness, it's dangerous here. Go ahead and find Mr. Huo Qi in the barn." Qingfeng said.

"No, there are arrows."

There was another commotion outside.

"Let go of the door." Huo Qiqi ordered lightly.

"Yes, young master." Jian Yu hesitated for a moment, but went to open the door anyway.

Li Yuanbai was standing not far from Huo Qiqi's door. He saw Huo Qiqi's door open and walked in slowly.

Shearing the feather immediately closed the door again.

"The assassin wanted to break through from the bottom of the ship and force the ship to sink." Li Yuanbai explained lightly, without any panic on his face, and he didn't even take out his weapon.

"Who does Your Highness think the assassin will be?" Huo Qiqi asked with a smile, "I think I'm quite unlucky. Why do these people go to so much trouble to find me when there's someone as distinguished as you on board? At best, I’m just a gangster, but I haven’t done anything crazy, so you don’t need to look for me.”

"Young Master Huo Qi is really humble." Li Yuanbai looked at her sarcastically, "Young Master Huo, with such an identity, may not be much worse than this Prince."

"Hearing what you said, why do I feel guilty all of a sudden. It seems like the assassin really came after me." Huo Qiqi gave him a blank look.

"No matter who they are coming for, we are both their goals anyway." Li Yuanbai said coldly.

"So, it's either they are finished or we are finished?" Huo Qiqi looked at him.

"Basically." Li Yuanbai nodded.

It's only straightforward enough!Huo Qiqi pouted.

"Is there any medicine for underwater? My people are not very good at water." Li Yuanbai reported the purpose.

"I thought the sixth prince came here to save me, but it turned out it was just for the medicine." Huo Qiqi finally grasped the truth in his words.

Li Yuanbai stared at her.

"No." Huo Qiqi got angry.

"Be careful." There was a shout from outside.

At this moment, several "rockets" were shot outside the cabin, all of which were on fire, and the ship was made of wood, which could easily cause a fire.

People outside are busy putting out the fire and preventing the enemy, everything is in chaos.

"Stay inside and don't come out." Li Yuanbai stood up without forcing her.

"The sixth prince wants to put himself in danger?" Huo Qiqi was still unforgiving, she was in a bad mood, so it was inevitable that she would complain more when she caught Li Yuanbai.

Li Yuanbai didn't even turn his head, and walked directly to the cabin door.

Huo Qiqi was bored. Seeing that Li Yuanbai was about to open the door and go out, she finally took out a bottle from her bosom angrily, "Pour it into the water, no matter what kind of fish it is, it will disappear within five suctions at most." fainted."

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand, and the bottle went towards Li Yuanbai in a parabolic shape.

Li Yuanbai stretched out his hand, turned around and said lightly, "Thank you."

Huo Qiqi's nostrils were upturned, if she didn't think about her own life, she wouldn't want to help Li Yuanbai.Don't think she is stupid, Li Yuanbai can fool her.

The ultimate goal of these assassins is Li Yuanbai, and she is just an unlucky person.Recently, she and Li Yuanbai got a little closer, which may have made others worry.

After killing her, Li Yuanbai has become the Huo family's enemy for the rest of his life because of the protective attitude of the relatives of the Duke Huguo's mansion towards her.So, no matter whether the Protectorate remains neutral or not, someone will always benefit in the end.

Of course, it is not ruled out that someone is really coming for her, but these assassins are obviously not afraid of the power of Li Yuanbai and Duke Huguo.

Who is it?Some people in the capital?It's a pity that it's just a guess, she didn't catch the opponent's handle!

Gradually, the sound of fighting outside decreased, and after another half an hour, Huo Jian came in.

"Seventh Young Master, it's over outside. The villain is guarding, Seventh Young Master can rest."

"Is anyone injured?" Huo Qiqi asked.

"The two brothers were slightly injured." Huo Jian replied with his head bowed.

"Bring them in." Huo Qiqi ordered.

Huo Jian agreed and went out.

Soon, two young men followed in.

Huo Qiqi looked familiar to these two people, they were both from the Duke Protector's Mansion.

"I've seen Young Master Seven." The two young men treated Huo Qiqi very respectfully.

"Tear off the clothes, I'll look at the wounds." Huo Qiqi saw that they were covered in blood and there were still many holes in their coats, so he said softly.

Seeing that Huo Qiqi cared about them personally, the two young people were moved to tears.

Huo Qiqi persevered for them. Two of them, one suffered a slight injury, while the other had a deep wound on his shoulder. He was considered a man, his entire shoulder to chest was covered in blood. But he didn't say anything.

"Cut the feathers, give them medicine." Huo Qiqi ordered lightly, "Bring the medicine box by the way, this place needs stitches."

With a promise, Jian Yu quickly handed over the medicine box from the side.

Huo Qiqi first sealed the young man's blood with a silver needle, then asked Shu Yun to fetch warm water and wash it off with gauze.She began stitching the wound with boiled gut.

The wound was a bit big, but the young man didn't feel any pain because he was stabbed at the numb point.Huo Qiqi divided the wound into an inner layer and an outer layer, and sewed more than 20 stitches in total.

When Li Yuanbai came in, what he saw was Huo Qiqi stitching up the guards.

He walked over silently, staring at Huo Qiqi's movements for a long time without making a sound.

"Okay, don't let the wound touch the water for the next two days after you go back, let Shu Yun boil some anti-inflammatory medicine for you later, come back tomorrow to change the medicine, and the wound will heal in three days." Huo Qiqi said.

"Little man, thank you Seventh Young Master." The two young people were moved and knelt down for her again.

"Thank you, you are members of the Huo family, and if you protect the Lord, I will not treat you badly." Huo Qiqi waved his hand, "Shu Yun, make more fish soup for them tomorrow morning."

(End of this chapter)

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