Chapter 267 Bad News

From Jiangmian to Caobang, there is still a distance in between.

Perhaps for the sake of safety, Cao Zhenghan briefly explained the situation in the Cao Gang to Li Yuanbai and Huo Qiqi for the first time.

Li Yuanbai seldom spoke, just listened quietly.

Huo Qiqi pouted, thinking he was too boring.She wasn't polite, and chatted with Cao Zhenghan about something.

"Your Cao Gang is such a big gang, it must be very rich. Why did you choose such a place where you don't want to shit to set up your base camp?" Huo Qiqi shook his head and asked, "No matter how rich you are, you don't know how to enjoy yourself. Why don't you Earn money. If it were me, I would have to buy a house in the most prosperous area of ​​Fuzhou, and that would be called enjoying life. I really don’t know how you people grow your brains?”

"The Cao Gang is in the water transportation business. Many brothers in the gang were born in poverty. They joined the Cao Gang for nothing more than to earn a living. Big merchants often have their own fleets, so there is no need for us. Help? Small merchants employ much fewer fleets, and one shipment is only a hard-earned money. In addition, the Cao Gang has a complicated staff and a large number of diversions. It is already good for the gang master to run the fleet." Cao Zhenghan explained with a wry smile, crying poorly.

"Then it's not possible to choose such a place that doesn't shit to build the main altar?" Huo Qiqi shook his head disapprovingly.

"I heard that the leader of the Cao Gang is a righteous person and has made many friends in the Jianghu." Li Yuanbai interjected lightly.

Cao Zhenghan's complexion suddenly turned ugly.

The Cao Gang does have connections with the Jianghu, and people in the Jianghu do not want to be involved with the government.

This is an undisclosed secret. Li Yuanbai pointed out the nature of the Cao Gang in front of him. As the young leader of the Cao Gang, he really felt very embarrassed.

Huo Qiqi nodded half-understood. Seeing that Cao Zhenghan's expression was not good, she avoided the topic with a smile, "Yang Yunfeng is the vice-leader of your Cao Gang. Why do you have the guts to attack the leader? It stands to reason that as a Leader, at least there is a way to sign up, right?"

It's hard to answer this question. When Cao Zhenghan was thinking about how to answer, Huo Qiqi muttered to himself again, "I'm really afraid of death. I kind of regret coming with you."

"Mr. Huo Qi, don't worry. Since the Cao Gang invited you over, they will do their best to ensure that you leave safely. As the deputy leader of the gang, Yang Yunfeng is very familiar with the organs and traps in the gang. He suddenly attacked the leader and took the first opportunity." The leader of the gang has always trusted him, but he is such a villain. After the fierce battle last night, the brothers in the gang have taken precautions." Seeing her remorse, Cao Zhenghan immediately became nervous.

What Huo Qiqi wanted was his nervousness.

Then, she seemed to be out of spirit, and she chattered here and there, inadvertently, inquiring about the situation of the entire Cao Gang.Of course, Cao Zhenghan is a smart person, and Huo Qiqi would not pretend to be smart to inquire about the core secrets inside the Cao Gang.

However, she calculated the daily income of the Cao Gang, and she could quickly calculate the profit of the Cao Gang.

Li Yuanbai sat on the side with a calm expression. He didn't seem to care about the chatter between Huo Qiqi and Cao Zhenghan, but he also remembered the key points in his heart.It's just that he and Huo Qiqi have different focus points.

Huo Qiqi paid more attention to the business affairs of the Cao Gang, and he quickly learned about the internal situation and working style of the Cao Gang.

After a question and an answer, the boat quickly stopped at a shallow pier.

"Young Master." A group of people rushed over nervously when they saw their own boat.

"Sixth Prince and Seventh Prince, please." Cao Zhenghan turned aside politely, and respectfully invited Li Yuanbai and Huo Qiqi to get off the boat.

Li Yuanbai's face was indifferent, but Huo Qiqi looked around, as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

"Your guest is here, why don't you come to meet the sixth prince and Mr. Huo Qi." Cao Zheng reprimanded his brothers in a cold voice.

Everyone was startled when they heard this, they were all in a daze, they thought their Young Gang Leader was already pretty enough.But when the leader of the young gang was compared by the two guests, he was far behind.

Cao Zhenghan's scolding made them wake up immediately.Everyone was embarrassed, and came over to salute Li Yuanbai and Huo Qiqi in a swarm.

Most of the people in Jianghu are forthright, and they don't pay more attention to status or anything.However, they were also unwilling to have too much involvement with people in the court, so their attitudes towards Li Yuanbai and Huo Qiqi were very interesting, most of them were more than polite, but with an obvious sense of alienation.

Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai didn't care about this either. They glanced around and saw the outside of the Cao Gang clearly.

After seeing the geographical location clearly, the two of them finally understood why the Cao Gang's main altar was established here.

This place is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there is a big river in front. If someone wants to occupy this place, it will be very difficult to do so.Basically, Caobang is a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.Moreover, it is sandwiched between Nanping and Chaozhou, and it is a place where merchant ships traveling from south to north must pass.

If the Cao Gang takes over big business, this is a good supply point.

"Sixth Prince and Seventh Prince, please." Cao Zhenghan personally led the way for them.

Because of his home territory, the urgency in his heart was clearly revealed.

Jian Yu and the others remained calm and surrounded Huo Qiqi in a semi-surrounding shape.

Li Yuanbai's guards also guarded Li Yuanbai vigilantly.

Seeing this, Cao Zhenghan smiled wryly in his heart, he knew that neither Huo Qiqi nor Li Yuanbai actually believed his sincerity.

To be honest, if they were not forced into a desperate situation, the Cao Gang would not want to have anything to do with Li Yuanbai or Huo Qiqi.

But fate is such a wonderful thing, it forced them to develop in a direction that everyone didn't want to go.

Since Cao Zhenghan decided to cooperate with Li Yuanbai and Huo Qiqi, he naturally wouldn't regret it halfway.Therefore, he smiled all over his face, pretending not to notice the vigilance of the other party, and still entertained Li Yuanbai and Huo Qiqi politely with a smile on his face.

As expected of the Cao Gang, on the way down to the foot of the mountain, not to mention the seven turns and eight turns, there are a group of people standing guard at every section of the road.

Because Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai were brought by Cao Zhenghan, they didn't step forward to question them, but the doubt and scrutiny in their eyes were obvious.

After walking for a while, everyone finally arrived at a cottage. Compared with the secret sentry at the foot of the mountain, the security here was obviously more heavily guarded.

Cao Zhenghan stepped forward to explain a few words, and after meeting people along the way, many people took the initiative to say hello to them.

"Ah Han, you're finally back. Brother is dying soon. Is Mr. Huo Qi here? Where is he?" Cao Zhenghan led Li Yuanbai and Huo Qiqi into the courtyard when a beautiful middle-aged woman rushed out.

Just as Cao Zhenghan was about to speak, the woman suddenly looked up and saw Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai beside him.

She paused for a while, and then rushed to Huo Qiqi again, and the feather clippers immediately guarded Huo Qiqi in the middle vigilantly, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

(End of this chapter)

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