Chapter 296

"I have seen the third prince and the sixth prince." Zhao Xiankun went over and saluted the two princes.

"Zhao Xiankun, you didn't really come here to buy something, did you?" the third prince teased him.

Zhao Xiankun frowned slightly, this joke was not funny at all.What good things can be found in Huo Qiqi's shop?

As a child of an aristocratic family, Zhao Xiankun still has a certain demeanor, and Zhao Xiankun will never be foolish enough to offend the two princes.He cupped his hands and explained to the third prince and Li Yuanbai, "I came here today not to buy something, but to settle accounts with Huo Qiqi."

"Settling accounts?" The third prince asked in surprise, "Huo Qiqi offended you?"

"Indeed." Zhao Xiankun's face was very ugly, "Unfortunately, I met someone who didn't know what to do first."

His eyes fell on Wang Shaojie.

Wang Shaojie had a smile on his face and was not affected by him at all.

"What is Mr. Zhao?" Huo Qiqi asked loudly.

Wan Qilai frowned again when he heard the words.He felt that Huo Qiqi was a troublemaker, no wonder the rich and powerful in the capital had such a bad opinion of Huo Qiqi.

In his opinion, his cousin Zhao Xiankun had been patient with Huo Qiqi a lot, and he only targeted Wang Shaojie who was on the sidelines.But Huo Qiqi couldn't understand the general situation, and didn't care about the face of the family at all, he was almost like a street hooligan.

The more rogue, the harder it is to deal with!Wan Qilai didn't even expect that there were actually two princes in Huo Qiqi's shop, and one of them was the famous sixth prince of the God of War.

Wait a minute, does he still want to argue with Huo Qiqi?He couldn't help hesitating.

"Huo Qiqi, why don't you say I'm a thing?" Zhao Xiankun was already angry with her, but he was provoked by Huo Qiqi again and again, and the anger in his heart almost rushed to the top of his head.

"Ah, what did I say wrong?" Huo Qiqi asked in surprise, "If that's the case, I apologize to Mr. Zhao."

When Zhao Xiankun saw that she was sensible, his expression finally eased a little.

"Remember, don't say Mr. Zhao is a thing in the future, he is not a thing at all." Huo Qiqi turned his head and told Wang Shaojie seriously.

"I remember. There are so many things in the world, I really can't remember them one by one. But it's not that there are few things, I can still remember them well." Wang Shaojie nodded in agreement with a smile.

The third prince laughed out loud, why is Huo Qiqi so funny!
Zhao Xiankun's face turned ashen again in an instant, "Huo Qiqi, you..."

"I said Zhao Xiankun, you didn't come to my shop to tell me that you're not a thing, did you?" Huo Qiqi asked lazily.

Zhao Xiankun wanted to hit someone, but this is Huo Qiqi's territory.As early as when his complexion suddenly changed, Jian Yu and the others had protected Huo Qiqi.

"Mr. Huo Qi, my surname is Wan, and I belong to the rouge and gouache shop next door." Wan Qilai interjected.

"What's the matter?" Huo Qiqi asked bluntly, her eyes looked over Wan Qilai's whole body vigilantly.

"I heard that Mr. Huo Qiqi's shop has a bottle called Panacea Oil?" Wan Qi came to see Huo Qiqi's attention and was drawn to him, feeling a little proud in his heart.

He is just a businessman, and he doesn't want to show a bad impression in front of the two princes.

"Yes." Huo Qiqi nodded with a smile, she seemed very satisfied with Wan Qilai's attitude, and her tone of voice became very gentle, "Do you want to buy panacea?"

"No, Mr. Huo Qi misunderstood." Wan Qilai replied with a smile.

"You don't want to buy anything, but you come here to inquire about it, wanting to make trouble?" Wang Shaojie spoke in a very aggressive tone as if he had swallowed gunpowder.

"Go, go." Huo Qiqi didn't allow him to speak.

Sure enough, Wang Shaojie kept his mouth shut, causing Zhao Xiankun, who was preparing to go into battle, to immediately lose his target, and his face was contorted.

"A distant relative is worse than a close neighbor. If you have something to say, you can speak up." Huo Qiqi said politely.

Wan Qi came to see her with a gentle attitude, so he stated his purpose casually, "It's like this, Mr. Huo Qi. My father's name is overlapping with the name of the item in your shop. Can I trouble you to change the name of the item?"

"Ah?! You mean panacea?" Huo Qiqi asked in surprise.

"Exactly." Wan Qilai nodded embarrassingly, "Our two shops are connected together, and many customers have gone to the wrong shop to find goods in our rouge and gouache shop. You see, the items also start with the word [-], so it is easy It's misleading, isn't it?"

"There is some truth in what you said. However, at the beginning..."

"At the beginning, you clearly did this on purpose, didn't you?" Zhao Xiankun turned his face.

"Young Master Zhao is really good at joking." Huo Qiqi rolled his eyes at him unceremoniously, "I'm not out of my mind, and I have to use someone else's name for my products. My shop has been prepared a long time ago, and the devil knows that the Wan family will also be there. A rouge and gouache shop will open next door."

"What's not a good name, why did you choose a name like Wanjinyou?" Zhao Xiankun sneered, he clearly didn't believe Huo Qiqi's words.

Not to mention that he didn't believe it, even Li Yuanbai and the third prince who were sitting on the sidelines watching the fun didn't believe it at all.

"Young Master Zhao can really tell jokes." His tone was not good, and Huo Qiqi's attitude became tough, "Is Wanjinyou famous? There are so many people in the world, so it's impossible for me to name the products, and I have to inquire about them one by one. Make sure that the product will not have the same name as others?"

"Mr. Huo Qi, don't be angry. I believe that Mr. Huo Qi did it unintentionally." Wan Qilai was worried that the matter would fail, so he quickly smoothed things over with a smile.

"Mr. Wan's words sound like a human saying. I don't have anything to do with other people's names. If the name Wanjinyou is half as famous as your Mr. Zhao's name, I won't bother to use it." Huo Qiqi rolled his eyes.

"What did you say?" Zhao Xiankun was almost pissed off by her, damn Huo Qiqi, dare to look down on him.

"Don't think about it, it's just what you think." Huo Qiqi said coldly.

"Mr. Huo Qi, I have something to discuss." Wan Qilai said with a smile on his face, "You also said that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. We are all in business, and we pay attention to making money through harmony. I believe that Mr. Huo Qi is definitely not that kind of person." Duplicity villain. However, Mr. Huo Qi, can you change the name of the product for the sake of us being neighbors?"

"It's okay to change." Huo Qiqi let go, "However, I'm looking at it for your sake."

"Yes, I thank you, Young Master Seven." Wan Qilai had a sweet mouth.

"How much money do you plan to pay?" Huo Qiqi opened his mouth and asked.

Want silver?The smile on Wan Qilai's face suddenly froze.

The third prince and Li Yuanbai looked at each other silently, and they said that Huo Qiqi has been rambling for so long, what is the purpose?It turned out to be for silver!
"You have to be reasonable, and you know that the sales of Panacea Oil are very good. It took me a lot of effort to open up the market. If I change the name, I will definitely have to re-promote, and everything will have to be done again. My loss will be great." Huo Qi Qi quite reluctantly explained.

(End of this chapter)

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