Chapter 308 Discussing the Tea Garden
Cao Zhenghan's visit meant the Cao Gang's compromise.

Huo Qiqi has the resources in his hands, as long as the Cao Gang cooperates with her, then the water transportation will basically be unimpeded in the future.Of course, Caobang can also get a lot of profits from it.

"Let him in." Huo Qiqi lazily ordered.

The servant immediately saluted and went out to receive the guests.

Not long after, Cao Zhenghan and one person came in.

"Seventh Young Master." After they entered the door, they took the initiative to salute Huo Qiqi.

"Sit." Huo Qiqi said with a smile, and stood up.

Cao Zhenghan and Cao Laowu relaxed a lot when they saw her save face.After being polite, the two sat down.

Huo Qiqi immediately ordered for dessert and tea.

"The merchant ship from Nanping came with us this time." Cao Zhenghan explained with a smile.

"They're still unloading at the pier, let's come over to see Mr. Huo Qi and let us know." Cao Lao Wu also added with a smile.

"This is your first business trip." Huo Qiqi chuckled.

"Mr. Huo Qi promises us the goods, does it count?" Cao Laowu seemed a little impatient.

Cao Zhenghan gave him a disapproving look, "Of course what Seventh Young Master said counts, Fifth Uncle, you were too impatient along the way."

Cao Laowu obviously also felt that he was too impatient, he cupped his fists at Huo Qiqi in embarrassment and apologized, "Master Huo Qiqi, I'm a rough man, and I always speak straightforwardly, so don't argue with me."

"From now on, everyone will be on their own, so you don't have to be so polite." Huo Qiqi said with a smile, "I like dealing with straightforward people the most. We have already made an agreement, so you don't have to worry about any changes. By the way, the two It’s a coincidence that you come here, if there is a small business done, you can earn some money.”

"What business?" Cao Laowu became excited again when he heard that there was money to be made.

"Business matters, don't be too busy." Huo Qiqi waved his hand, "Come, have some snacks and drink tea."

"Thank you, Seventh Young Master." Cao Laowu waved his hand, "To tell you the truth, Seventh Young Master, dim sum is too greasy, and I have never liked it."

"That's impossible." Huo Qiqi chuckled, "The small business I'm talking about is related to dim sum. Shu Yun, bring some dim sum of all kinds."

Shu Yun agreed, and immediately went out to prepare.

When Cao Zhenghan and Cao Laowu heard her mentioning this, their gazes immediately fell on Dim Sum.

As the young leader of the Cao Gang, Cao Zhenghan thought he had some knowledge.He can't say he has eaten all the dim sum in the world.But he has probably eaten some famous snacks.

The dim sum on the table was different from the dim sum he had seen before. Not to mention the beautiful shape, the color was not the traditional bright red and green.These are secondary, the aroma of the dim sum is the most attractive place.Some dim sum are very fluffy and golden yellow, which is enough to attract people's attention.

"Please, both of you." Huo Qiqi invited again with a smile.

"Thank you." After Cao Zhenghan thanked him with a smile, he picked up a snack.

Because it was tasting, Jian Yu used a knife to divide the dim sum into small portions. When it came to business, Cao Zhenghan and Uncle Wu, who didn't like dim sum, became serious.

While savoring carefully, the two exchanged their feelings softly with each other.Huo Qiqi didn't speak, but just stayed by.

"Mr. Huo Qi, snacks are the most perishable. Even if we want to do this business, we may not be able to do it." After tasting, Cao Zhenghan began to talk about business.

"Items such as bread and egg tarts are definitely not acceptable." Huo Qiqi said with a smile, "but mooncakes, peach cakes, and biscuits are acceptable."

As she explained, she separated the dim sum mentioned.

"How long can I keep it?" Cao Zhenghan's eyes lit up when he saw a few snacks.

"In summer, it should last for half a year. In autumn and winter, even a year is fine." Huo Qiqi explained with a smile.

so long?The eyes of Cao Zhenghan and the others lit up immediately.

"There is also a kind of Xiaoxiaosu and Xiaonai steamed buns, which can be kept longer, but they are out of stock today." Huo Qiqi explained with a smile.

"Success, we have done this business." Cao Zhenghua immediately made a decision.

"Tomorrow morning, I'll take you to see the goods in the village." Huo Qiqi took the initiative to mention other goods.

"Then I will trouble the seventh son." Cao Zhenghan breathed a sigh of relief.He secretly made up his mind that if they could get the goods, they had to go back as soon as possible. After all, if there were more goods like snacks, it would be better to reach the destination as soon as possible.

In the evening, when Wang Shaojie heard that people from the Cao Gang came to buy goods, he couldn't help asking anxiously, "Have you talked to them about the tea?"

"I can't decide on this matter alone. Li Yuanbai was there at the beginning, so if we really want to build a tea factory there, we must ask for his opinion." Huo Qiqi sighed.

Forced by the situation at the beginning, in fact, she didn't want to get involved with Li Yuanbai at all.

Wang Shaojie hesitated and said, "I also have some money in my hand. Although my ability is limited, I also want to build a small tea garden over there, right next to your garden, will it work?"

Huo Qiqi knew that he was only thinking of himself, and Wang Shaojie was worried that if he fell out with the Cao Gang in the future, the tea garden would be hijacked by the Cao Gang.

Huo Qiqi was actually not worried that the Cao Gang would hold her hostage, she would never be so stupid as to put her eggs in one basket.But to be honest, she really liked the hills near the Caobang base camp.That place is very suitable for planting tea gardens.

If the tea garden is well planted, then she can start the flower tea business.

"Sure, as long as I have land, I will give you a share." Huo Qiqi agreed.

After hearing this, Wang Shaojie became happy.

On the second day, Huo Qiqi sent someone to inform Li Yuanbai to meet him at the dock warehouse in the afternoon.

She and Wang Shaojie took Cao Zhenghan, Cao Laowu and a group of businessmen from Nanping to Zhuangzi directly as a landlord.

"Seventh Master's workshop is really different." When Cao Zhenghan saw the semi-mechanical operation mode in the shop, he was shocked for a long time before he realized it.

Among other things, the winemaking equipment is enough to make people amazing.Even if someone wants to imitate it, it is probably impossible.The machinery in the room, if there is no one to explain it, just looking at it, there is no way to see it at all.And Huo Qiqi is even more clever, some processes are actually divided into different yards.In this way, it is impossible for others to achieve their goals by buying off the workers in the workshop first.

This is especially true for rouge powder and washing products. The ingredients should be carefully selected by Huo Qiqi, and ordinary people can't get in at all.

"All commodities have quotas. You can discuss with Fu Cheng. He will give you a satisfactory answer. Mr. Cao, the sixth prince and I still have some matters to discuss with you alone. Please take a moment to talk." Huo Qiqi explained the matter After handing it over to Fucheng, he went directly to Cao Zhenghan.

Cao Zhenghan was also a smart person, so he immediately agreed to let Uncle Wu be in charge of the business here, while he and Huo Qiqi went out together.

(End of this chapter)

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