Chapter 310 Asking for Wine
Cao Zhenghan's decision to go to Beijing this time was only after careful consideration by the Cao Gang. Before coming, Cao Gang leader had repeatedly told him that as long as the conditions proposed by Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai were not excessive, he could agree as much as possible.

People in Jianghu pay more attention to promises than affection. No matter what purpose Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai helped the Cao Gang for, it was a fact that they saved dozens of people from the Cao Gang.Moreover, Huo Qiqi saved the lives of their father and son.

One life should be repaid by a spring, let alone two lives?

But Cao Zhenghan didn't rush to agree to Huo Qiqi, he said to Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai apologetically, "I can't decide this matter alone, I have to discuss it with Uncle Wu."

Huo Qiqi smiled and nodded, unwilling to explain further.

Although the tea produced by Caobang is good, compared with some teas on the market, it is slightly lacking in roasting and quality.

It's not that Huo Qiqi has to rely on him, she just likes the unique geographical location of the Caobang. Secondly, she has good tea seedlings in her hand, and she wants to find a place where others can't reach to develop a backup base. Scented tea and special tea are just a foreshadowing.

Of course, she would never say these words to Cao Zhenghan.

"Come and drink tea." Huo Qiqi greeted with a smile, "Let's not talk about business matters for now."

Cao Zhenghan was relieved to see that she didn't make things difficult for him, and he liked Huo Qiqi a little more.If Li Yuanbai and Huo Qiqi wanted to use power to suppress others at this time, he might hesitate a little more.

No matter what, their Cao Gang is considered half of the world, and they don't want to be oppressed by others.

Fortunately, Huo Qiqi has always used the face of a businessman to negotiate with him, and he remembered this friendship.

At this time, Shu Yun brought over a pot of freshly brewed tea, and Huo Qiqi took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for Cao Zhenghan and Li Yuanbai.

The color of the tea soup is golden, clear and clear, the tea leaves are rolling and stretching in the water, the leaves are very clear, even the vellus hairs on the tea leaves can be seen clearly, the fragrance is not strong, but it is refreshing.

good tea!Li Yuanbai didn't expect that Huo Qiqi really had the best tea in his hand.

He is an heir of the royal family, and he usually drinks tribute tea from all over the world.But top quality tea like Huo Qiqi seems to be rare.

He picked up the cup and took a sip calmly. The tea soup entered his mouth, and the aroma seemed to roll on the tip of his tongue. After swallowing, he felt even more comfortable.

Although Cao Zhenghan was born in Yeluzi, he is also an elegant person.

After taking a sip of tea, his expression suddenly changed.

The tea in the cup was many times better than the tea from the Cao Gang, but thinking of the identities of Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai, he calmed down again.Maybe this pot of tea is a tribute.

"Bring me some back later." Li Yuanbai put down his cup and said lightly.

"No." Huo Qiqi refused.

"The tea in the hands of Duke Hu Guo is better." Li Yuanbai was not happy.

Huo Qiqi glared at him.

"In your hands, this tea can be regarded as third-class at most." Li Yuanbai continued.

"Scissor Yu, prepare two taels of tea for the sixth prince." Huo Qiqi thought he was wordy, so he ordered directly.Li Yuanbai is really smart, yes, this tea is indeed not a good tea for Huo Qiqi.

The real good tea is the tea leaves that she picked from the space, not much roasted, most of them were given to the old man, and the rest were divided among the Huo family brothers, Wang Shaojie and the Gu family.

Cao Zhenghan was a little dazed, the tea actually belonged to Huo Qiqi, not even Li Yuanbai?Could it be...

"I cut some tea seedlings, which are all separated from the mother plant of this tea plant. What do you think of the taste, Mr. Cao?" Huo Qiqi asked with a smile.

"Good tea." Cao Zhenghan replied with a wry smile, "I will seriously discuss the conditions proposed by the seventh son with Uncle Wu when I go back."

Huo Qiqi nodded, and then the three of them discussed about the supplies before they dispersed.

Cao Zhenghan returned to the Zuixianlou Inn with a heavy heart, and Uncle Wu also came back at this time.

"Why is Mr. Huo Qi looking for you?" Cao Laowu asked impatiently.

Cao Zhenghan didn't hide anything either, and directly explained what had been discussed.

"What do you mean?" When it comes to business, Cao Lao Wu's attitude is much more serious.

"If they only want a mountain top and won't meddle in the Cao Gang's affairs, I'm willing to give in a step." Cao Zhenghan answered after thinking for a while.

"They built tea gardens and wharfs over there, so they had to send people there to guard them. There are so many people, and if it goes on for a long time, how will it not affect the Cao Gang?" Cao Laowu had his own worries.

"Since the Cao Gang chooses to go the right way, they will have to deal with the officials in the future. Huo Qiqi is relatively straightforward, not like the kind of treacherous person, and we have been to Zhuangzi, and we can see that she is really obsessed with She doesn't care about other things. She is not too enthusiastic about Li Yuanbai. It can be seen that the relationship between the two of them is not very close." Cao Zhenghan said, "Our Cao Gang only looks for Huo Yuanbai. Seven or one person is enough."

"If..." Cao Lao Wu was about to speak.

Cao Zhenghan immediately waved his hand with a wry smile, "If there is such a day, we can only say that the luck of our Cao Gang is bad. Our Cao family owes Huo Qiqi two lives. If it is involved, it will be regarded as repayment."

Cao Lao Wu thought about it, sighed, and nodded, "Cooperating with Huo Qiqi, the brothers of the Cao Gang don't have to worry about running out of food, and they don't have to live in fear in the future. That's good."

The two of them talked about this, and their ideas were almost made up.

"A jug of medicinal wine." Over there, Li Yuanbai was still pestering Huo Qiqi.

"Sixth Prince, medicinal wine is sold in the Drunken Immortal Building every day, so you can send someone to guard it." Huo Qiqi didn't bother to talk to him, if it wasn't because of Li Yuanbai's status, she would have wanted to drive him away.

"What I want is the medicinal wine in the hands of Duke Hu Guo." Li Yuanbai said flatly.

"Then you are going after my grandfather. The little good wine in my hand is all in the hands of my grandfather. I can't make the decision." Huo Qiqi said with a smile, "By the way, if six The prince is asking for wine for the sake of the third prince, so I advise you to save it. For those who have heart palpitations, it is best not to drink, even the best medicinal wine."

"Can't drink?" Li Yuanbai stared at her.

"Drinking a couple of sips in the past can alleviate the condition, but it's best not to drink it in the later stage. Alcohol will speed up the blood flow in the heart, and the third prince's heart will not be able to bear the load. It will not do any good to his body if it develops for a long time." Huo Qiqi replied lazily.

Li Yuanbai continued to stare at her.

Huo Qiqi really wanted to roll his eyes at him, but in the end he held back.

"I'll keep it for myself." In the end, Li Yuanbai seemed to believe that she was telling the truth.

"The sixth prince is really good at joking. With the ability of the sixth prince, he doesn't care about that little medicinal wine. And I'm telling the truth, all the medicinal wine is in the hands of the grandfather. If the sixth prince wants to drink, he can go to the old man." Huo Qiqi Stand up, don't want to talk to him.

(End of this chapter)

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