Chapter 318

"Guo Hugong." Li Yuanjin saluted the Huguo Gong first as a junior.

"You come here by yourself?" Duke Protector looked behind him for a while, and looked away reluctantly when he didn't see anyone else.

"It's really strange, the sun came out from the west today?" Huo Yixing said in a strange way. "Lingwang's mansion doesn't have breakfast? Lingjun Wang came to protect the country so early, wouldn't it be for food?"

The ghost came over to eat!
Li Yuanjin was angry in his heart, but he didn't show the slightest bit on his face.

The people in Huojia Village looked at Li Yuanjin with enthusiasm.No way, they are ordinary villagers, if it is not because of the existence of Duke Huguo, they are no different from the farmers outside.

It's exciting to think that a living county king actually entered the Duke Protector's Mansion together with them.

The few young people who were beaten up last night were not stable enough. Although they did not dare to look at Li Yuanjin blatantly, their eyes wandered to people from time to time, which made anyone feel uncomfortable.

Li Yuanjin wondered in his heart, he didn't know where these strange things came from, and how could they have anything to do with the Duke Huguo's mansion.

"Guo Hu Gong, this time I came here to ask for something, and please help Hu Guo Gong and Huo Qigong." The matter of Ling Wang's mansion is imminent, and Li Yuanjin has no extra thoughts on irrelevant people, which is Huo Yixing's sarcasm , was also ignored by him.

"Me?" Huo Qiqi pointed at himself, looked at him in surprise and asked.

"A few days ago, my father had a pustule on his abdomen. The pustule was small at first, but after three days, it grew to the size of a bowl, and my father began to feel the pain unbearably. The mansion invited the imperial physician to come, and the imperial physician prescribed a decoction , used a silver needle to break the pustules, but the pustules could not be closed, but spread out. The imperial physicians were helpless. In just four or five days, the father was lying on the bed and could not move. In desperation, the imperial physician Wen specially recommended to us Mr. Huo Qi, I also hope that Mr. Huo Qi can help." Li Yuanjin explained the matter clearly, and he may also have thought of his inappropriate attitude towards Huo Qiqi in the past, so he blushed and apologized, "I used to be too arrogant and offended you. .”

"It turns out they came to seek medical attention." Huo Yining sneered.

Huo Qiqi didn't express his opinion, and the rest of the Huo family would never agree for him.

Duke Hu actually knew about King Ling's illness.That guy hasn't been in court for four or five days.

However, he didn't know that King Ling was so seriously ill.Didn't it mean that there were only external sores on the body?How could it be that in such a short period of time, there was such a commotion that people would die.

"Prince Lingjun, I think you should be clear, I'm not a doctor, I'm even Zhang Zhang..." Huo Qiqi spoke slowly, her tone was very flat, she didn't show off, she wasn't proud, and she wasn't embarrassing, she was just stating the facts. .

"It's okay without a medical certificate. Since Imperial Physician Wen recommended Mr. Huo Qi, then we will believe it." Before she could finish speaking, Li Yuanjin interrupted her, "Please let Mr. Huo Qi ignore the past and follow me for a while." suffered."

The corners of Huo Qiqi's mouth curled up, and he followed him around, and said with a big face, where did this guy get his confidence?

"I don't like to hear what the king of Lingjun said." Huo Qiqi looked at Li Yuanjin with a smile, "Although we had some small disputes from time to time, they were not serious enough for the sake of enmity. Isn't it appropriate?"

After hearing her words, Li Yuanjin was not happy. On the contrary, he still felt frightened.Based on his understanding of Huo Qiqi, the more polite Huo Qiqi said before, the more hurtful the latter.

He didn't speak, but just stared at Huo Qiqi quietly.

"I don't have a medical certificate, and I'm grateful that Prince Ling's Mansion thinks highly of me. But I have to be responsible for the patient's life." Huo Qiqi smiled kindly, "Doctor Wen is not good, he can't even look down on the disease, how dare I do it casually We have known each other for many years, the county king should know that I cherish my life more than anyone else."

Li Yuanjin understood what she said.

Huo Qiqi was worried that if she missed, Prince Ling's Mansion would take revenge on her.

"I said..." When he came, he knew that this morning's trip might not be easy.Huo Qiqi's refusal was completely within his expectation.

"The king of the county has said thousands of words, the key is that I can't pass my own test." Huo Qiqi quickly interrupted him.

Is this rejecting him completely?Li Yuanjin stared at Huo Qiqi, feeling irritable.

Huo Qiqi smiled and looked like a good person, more amiable than ever.

The eyes of the two people met in mid-air like this, and neither of them backed down.

"King Ling, you're naturally not hungry after breakfast, but we still have a large group of people waiting for dinner. How about you sit down and have some food with us?" Huo Yining said with a playful smile.

"The daily ingredients used in Lingwang's mansion are all top-notch ingredients. How can our mansion compare with them? Second brother, are you willing to ask?" Immediately, Huo Yixing followed behind and broke the stage.

"Mr. Huo Qiqi, saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda." Li Yuanjin ignored their cynicism, and his eyes still fell on Huo Qiqi.

"I don't believe in Buddhism." Huo Qiqi waved his hand.

If oil and salt do not enter, the Lord Protector is indeed the one who protects the weak. Huo Qiqi's attitude is so bad that he actually sits on the sidelines and does nothing.

As for the brothers of the Huo family, some were sarcasm, some were cold-eyed, but Li Yuanjin was mentally prepared, and he couldn't do anything about it. Who told him to offend the Duke Huguo so badly before?
"Qi Qi." Duke Hu Guo didn't express his opinion, but some people were looking for a sense of presence.No, after the fourth patriarch knew Li Yuanjin's identity, he couldn't help but speak.The old guy has a strong sense of small farmers, he thought to himself, although the Huguogong has a high position and authority, the Huguogong's status still cannot be compared with Lingwang's mansion.

King Ling is the heir of the royal family, if the Duke Huo's mansion doesn't give face to King Ling's mansion, it will definitely end badly in the end, so this old man who thinks he can still talk in the Huo family looked at Huo Qiqi in a lecturer tone Intercede for King Ling's mansion, "Since King Ling asked to come to the door in person, and he came sincerely, you can't just rely on your medical skills to deny him face."

This is very small talk!
Huo Yining and the others looked at the self-righteous Fourth Patriarch, the corners of their mouths curled up.

Li Yuanjin didn't even give the Fourth Patriarch a look, he was already staring at Huo Qiqi.He knew very well that it was useless for anyone to intercede in this matter. In the end, only Huo Qiqi could really make a decision.

As for Duke Protector, heh heh, this old guy is basically a protector.He had bullied Huo Qiqi before, the old guy might be happy to see him slumped.

"Fourth patriarch." Huo Qiqi approached the patriarch, deliberately lowered her voice to whisper to him, but her volume was low, but the people present could still hear what she said clearly, "I don't have a medical certificate, You have also heard that even the imperial physicians in the imperial hospital are helpless to deal with the illness. I am a wild way to go there halfway, and I have not directly killed people. King Ling is a royal, so it is fine if I lose my life. If it drags the nurse The Duke's Mansion and you, even if I am under the Nine Springs, my conscience is also uneasy. By the way, you must not be fooled by the county king. Don't look at what he said now. It's really wrong. The first one to jump It must be him who came out, I have suffered a lot from him before."

Where did the Fourth Patriarch know this, he shivered immediately after being frightened by her.

(End of this chapter)

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