Chapter 344 Close the door

The men of the Liu family were also fidgeting, but because Huo Qiqi had something to say in advance, they were not too panicked.

Besides, the other doctors in the capital are completely helpless about the child's illness. Even if they want to find someone to come and see him at this time, they don't know who to see.

Fortunately, after a while, good news finally came from the inner courtyard.

"Reporting to the master, the two young masters have all cleared up, and there are indeed many long worms in the feces." The young man rushed in to report.

"Let's go and have a look." Liu Yushi was startled and stood up quickly.

To be honest, he still didn't believe what Huo Qiqi said.How can there be worms in the belly of a person? If there are worms, how can people live.

There was almost a response, and all the men from the Liu family went to the backyard.

When he arrived in the backyard, Liu Yushi didn't think it was dirty, so he ordered the girl to bring the Gong bucket over.

Everyone has a look, there are at least seven or eight long worms in a barrel.Someone with a shallow throat can't help but want to vomit immediately.

Liu Yushi hurriedly ordered someone to find an open space to dig a hole and pour out the poems and bury it deeply.

With the facts in front of them, no one doubted Huo Qiqi's medical skills anymore.

"Thank God, this time it's finally a symptom." The old lady said happily, wiping her tears.

"Mr. Huo Qi's medical skills are really superb." The eldest lady also nodded her head in approval.

"Tomorrow, we must give some more gift money." The old lady ordered again.

When it comes to gift money, everyone is a little embarrassed.

When Huo Qiqi saw a doctor, he never mentioned the consultation fee.At that time in Lingwang Mansion, it seems that there was no consultation fee.However, both the emperor and the empress dowager sent people to send rewards to the Duke Protector's Mansion.Among those rewards, there are many precious medicinal materials, supplements, calligraphy and paintings, and silk and satin.Later, I heard that Prince Ling's Mansion also sent a lot of good things there.

What should the Liu family give?They have two patients here.

Liu Yushi and his wife discussed and discussed with their children and grandchildren, and finally paid 1000 taels of silver, and put some jewelry and supplements on it.On the second day, these things followed them to the Duke Protector's Mansion.

But this time, the Liu family, including the curious witnesses who came to watch, couldn't see Huo Qiqi.

"Young Master, I told you to just give these two sugar pills to the two young masters. You don't need to come again." Huaxi received the guests.

After hearing this, Lord Protector looked at the two children who had become more energetic with a smug face.

"Also, the master specially left these two boxes of snacks for the two young masters. As long as the young master eats the sugar pills, he can eat the snacks." Huaxi took two more boxes of snacks and placed them on the table.

The liu family's affection for Huo Qiqi suddenly increased. It turned out that Huo Qiqi seemed indifferent to others, but in fact he was so warm-hearted in private.

"Where's your son?" Jing Yuanhou asked with a smile.

He had roughly guessed where Huo Qiqi had gone.But since Huo Qiqi wanted to make a soft knife for the people in Zhan Shifu, he simply pushed the boat along with the flow and started another fire.

"She went to the Wang family, that girl of the Wang family needs to change her medicine today." Duke Hu replied slowly.

After several censors looked at each other, they didn't speak.

"After going back yesterday, several grandchildren in the family also used sugar pills. But fortunately, only one of them had a worm in their stomach." Jing Yuanhou said gratefully.

"Early detection and early treatment are good. These two children were tossed so hard yesterday that they killed seven or eight worms, and as few as five. If they take another sugar pill today, it is estimated that all the worms in the abdomen will be killed. "Liu Yushi said with a rejoicing tone.

"Young master said that the sugar pills in this lesson can kill the eggs in the stomachs of the two young masters, so you won't be afraid of relapse in the future." Huaxi explained with a smile.

Everyone sighed in amazement. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes or heard it with their own ears, they would never have believed that there were so many worms in a little errand's stomach.Thinking of the densely packed insect eggs, they were all in a bad mood.

"I wonder if there are any sugar pills in the pharmacy? Can you sell some for us to take back?" Huang Yushi responded quickly.

As soon as he was reminded, everyone reacted immediately.Yes, there are children in every prefecture, who knows if there are worms in the stomach of their own children?Also, from what Huo Qiqi said, it seems that adults can eat this kind of sugar pill.

Over there, the two children have finished eating jelly beans.The jelly beans are delicious, and the two children eat the medicine as candy.

"Young master, after running around for Miss Wang's affairs these two days, how can you think about making medicines. There are no pills left." Huaxi replied with a smile.

Everyone was disappointed when they heard this.

But then they thought that as long as Huo Qiqi was free, they could make another batch of pills.The people in the Duke Huguo's mansion repeatedly mentioned Miss Wang's matter. Although they were old-fashioned, they were not really fools.

Several censors secretly took the matter to heart.

The masters of Zhan Shifu have been waiting for Wang Shaojie to go and make trouble, and they have also selected the people who should be prepared.

However, what surprised them was that for four or five days in a row, they didn't see Wang Shaojie, let alone causing trouble in the past, even Wang Shaojie's figure.

Unwilling to give up, Wang Shaobai sent someone to watch at the gate of Wang's house.

But the gate of the Wang family was closed, and even the daily expenses of the family were sent by Zhuangzi.They stared at it for several days, but they didn't see anyone going out. On the contrary, the brothers and sisters of the Gu family and Huo Qiqi would pass by from time to time.

"Father, we can't wait any longer." Mr. Wang was a little annoyed.

Wang Ruoyun, mother-in-law and girl are still in prison, and the rumors outside are very unfavorable to Zhan Shifu.If it drags on, it is estimated that Wang Ruoyun will really be sentenced.

Wang Shaobai took money to bribe the prison, but no one just accepted it.Everyone has heard that this matter not only involves Huo Qiqi, the great scourge of Duke Protector's Mansion, but also the two princes.

If they were bribed by Zhan Shifu and the matter was revealed, not to mention that the two princes could not spare them, even Huo Qiqi alone would be enough to kill half of everyone.That master who can't tell clearly, dares to say anything and dare to do anything.Unless everyone is tired of life, they will take the initiative to provoke him.

There is another reason, that is, the yamen servants in the government office have sent a private notice to make everyone's eyes brighter, so that they must not offend Huo Qiqi.

Wang Shaojie got angry because of this, and he even had the idea of ​​driving Wang Ruoyun out of the Wang family.This girl keeps making trouble for the mansion again and again, maybe one day, her own brother will be killed by Wang Ruoyun.

However, the most important thing right now is to get Wang Ruoyun out of prison.

"I'll go over and talk to that scoundrel." Mr. Wang finally became cruel for the sake of his children.

"You can go, but don't talk too much." Wang Zhanshi told him.

Master Wang agreed, and took the servant to Wang Shaojie's house.

When he got there, he saw that the door was closed.So he asked the boy to knock on the door, but the boy knocked on the door for a long time, but he didn't come out.

Master Wang was furious, pointing at the door and cursing it open.

After a while, the door finally opened, and it was Huo Qiqi who came out.

Huo Qiqi looked at him with a half-smile, "I thought there was a swarm of flies when I said it was buzzing outside, so it was you."

(End of this chapter)

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