Chapter 346 The Dumb Eats Coptis

"Report if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do." The eunuch shouted loudly, and the emperor was ready to leave as usual.

At this moment, Liu Yushi stepped forward, "Go back to the emperor, I have something to say."

Seeing him stand up, everyone couldn't help shivering.Not for anything else, but because this person has never done anything good by standing up.This one is either admonishing this one, or admonishing that one tomorrow.

The ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, as long as they do something wrong and get caught by him, they will definitely be unlucky.Everyone was wondering which unlucky guy caught Liu Yushi's eyes recently.

"Liu Aiqing, what's the matter?" The emperor wondered in his heart, he hadn't heard of any major events happening outside recently.

"The king of Zhan Shi's mansion, Zhan Shi, is an important official of the court, but he is not strict with his heirs. He connives at the children of the middle house of the mansion to kill the sons and daughters, and even drives the sons and daughters out of the mansion. A few days ago, the stepmother Wang Ruoyun ran into Wang Ruoxi from the royal family on the street, and even ordered his servants to beat Wang Ruoxi and paralyze her on the bed, and scratched Wang Ruoxi's face." Liu Yushi narrated the incident.

"Master Wang is not only not guilty, but even went to Wang Shaojie to threaten him." Another censor stood up.

In fact, all the officials have heard about what happened in Zhan Shifu.As soon as the two censors opened their mouths, all the officials couldn't help talking below.

"Zhan Shi is in charge of the etiquette of the court, but the sons and daughters of the mansion are killing each other. It is unbearable to connive the sons and daughters to commit murder in the street."

Wang Zhanshi didn't expect that the censors were admonishing him, so he was stunned, and then he broke out in sweat.

"Wang Aiqing." The emperor turned cold.

In ancient times, the word "concubine and concubine" was the most important thing. What the Wang family did made the emperor very displeased.

"The minister is here." Wang Zhanshi hurriedly knelt down and began to sweat on his forehead.

"Is what the censors said true?" The emperor was furious.

"I'm terrified." Wang Zhan knew that there was too much noise outside at this time, and if he just quibbled, he would end up being accused of deceiving the emperor.

"Bold." Seeing this, the emperor immediately became angry.

"My Majesty, if the Seventh Prince hadn't arrived in time that day, perhaps Wang Ruoxi would have been beaten to death by Wang Ruoyun." Liu Yushi said again, "The Third Prince, the Sixth Prince and several doctors in the capital are all witnesses."

The emperor was stunned when he heard this, why did Huo Qiqi get involved in this matter?The third and sixth princes actually got involved?

"Duke Huguo, tell me what's going on?" The emperor looked at Duke Huguo and asked.

"If you go back to the emperor, Qi Qi and Wang Shaojie are friends who grew up together..." Duke Huo didn't add any details, he would tell the emperor what Huo Qiqi told him that day.

After hearing this, the emperor became even more furious, "What an arrogant and domineering woman."

At this time, Wang Zhanshi wanted to kill Wang Ruoyun.This time, Zhan Shifu might be killed by Wang Ruoyun.

But in fact, the emperor was furious, and directly ordered Fu Yin to try the case carefully, and ordered Wang Zhan to compensate Wang Ruoxi with all his heart.

Wang Zhan collapsed when he returned to the mansion in a daze.

Wang Qishuang went in to visit, and he threw a glass on him.

"Evil, it really is evil." Wang Zhanshi was lying on the bed, crying.

"Grandfather." Wang Shaobai came in cautiously.

"Immediately ask the accountant to prepare 5 taels of silver and send it over. The person must be fished out. When you get there, you are not allowed to say anything excessive, if you still want to keep Zhan Shifu." Wang Zhanshi said weakly .

Wang Shaobai asked suspiciously, "Grandfather, what happened to the court?"

"The censor has already advised the emperor." Wang Zhanshi didn't want to say a word, and waved to him directly.

how come?It's just a family matter, why did it go to the emperor?Wang Shaobai was so startled that his back broke out in cold sweat.

If Zhan Shifu is affected, it will be a very bad thing for him.

He looked at Wang Zhan who was lying on the bed, and wanted to ask more questions.But Wang Zhanshi closed his eyes tiredly, so he had no choice but to back out.

"What's going on?" Wang Qishuang immediately stepped forward and asked.

"Admonishment from the censor."

Just a few words were like sharp knives, piercing Wang Qishuang's heart, and he stepped back a few steps, "How is it possible? Why would Yushi meddle in such nosy business?"

Wang Shaobai also wanted to know why.

"It's Huo Qiqi, it must be Huo Qiqi's fault." Wang Qi's eyes were full of anger, "The relationship between Huo Qiqi and the sixth prince is unusual."

Even if he knew that Huo Qiqi had messed up the matter, so what?Wang Shaobai is much calmer than him when encountering things.

At noon that day, he found Huo Qiqi with a thick stack of bank notes.

"Young Master Huo Qiqi, please be more discreet." He looked at Huo Qiqi politely and said.

"Zhou Xuan?" Huo Qiqi sneered, "You deserve it too."

Wang Shaobai's face turned red immediately, he was still young after all, and couldn't bear the humiliation of others.

"However, don't worry, what I said is true, you can go back, this case will be closed as long as you go to the governor to sign a guarantee." Huo Qiqi did not hide her dislike for him at all.

Wang Shaobai's hands beside him clenched tightly into fists, so he didn't explode on the spot.

"You take the bank note, we'll talk about it in court." Huo Qiqi didn't want to talk to him.

"Well, see you in the government office this afternoon." Wang Shaobai held back his anger and reminded her softly.

Huo Qiqi snorted coldly, and walked away directly.

After she left, Wang Shaobai kicked the chair directly, and the chair fell down in response.

After Huo Qiqi went back, he found Wang Shaojie and explained the matter.

"It's cheaper for them." Wang Shaojie was also angry, but thinking of the ugly face of the Wang family, he couldn't help gloating.

In the afternoon, the two parties came to the government office together as agreed. Fu Yin received the news from the palace and was preparing to try the case.Unexpectedly, Huo Qiqi and Wang Shaojie actually said in the past that they were willing to withdraw the pleadings.

What is this called?Fu Yin was angry but helpless.

According to the laws of the Dayun Kingdom, as long as the two parties who sue are willing to settle, the case can be dismissed.Even the case of murder.

I don't know how the third prince and Li Yuanbai knew the news, but they also came over to watch the excitement.

"Paralyzed in bed, disfigured a girl, and closed the case after paying 5 taels of silver?" The third prince lit a fire beside him in surprise.

"Wrong." Huo Qiqi sneered, "Sister Wang can stand up again in a few days at most, and her appearance will not be damaged in the future. Besides the compensation fee of 5 taels of silver, Wang Shaojie has other demands."

"My lord, Caomin hopes that everyone who participates in the beating will hit [-] boards each. In addition, in the future, people from Zhan Shifu will never trouble me and my sister again. They really don't agree to these conditions, so the money grassmen don't want it. "Wang Shaojie knelt down and asked.

"I don't want to be beaten." Wang Ruoyun shook his head desperately, "Wang Shaojie, you are too vicious."

"Interesting, people with a heart of snakes and scorpions actually call others vicious." The third prince laughed beside him.

Li Yuanbai gave Wang Ruoyun a cold look, which was full of murderous intent.

Wang Ruoyun...

(End of this chapter)

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