Chapter 351 The Shop Opens

Mother Hua was taken aback for a moment, and then her usual signature smile appeared on her face. "Oh, Mom is just joking with you. Seventh Young Master is serious. Mom, I still expect to buy good skin care products from Seventh Young Master's shop."

"It's easy to say." Huo Qiqi chuckled, "If mom goes in the future, tell Qiniang, the shopkeeper, that I can leave you with three or two sets of skin care products."

"Then mother will thank Seventh Young Master again." Hua's mother was overjoyed.It is hard to find a set of good skin care products in Beauty Trap.She opened a flower house here, so the demand for skin care products is of course greater.

In the past, the girl in the building used rouge and gouache, and the guests never disliked it, and they just said it was good.But ever since Huo Qiqi opened a beauty trap, and some girls used the original skin care products, there were no customers.

Mother Hua was secretly annoyed, why was she so obsessed and wanted to make things difficult for Huo Qiqi?As Huo Qiqi said, how could Huo Qiqi be short of such a little money?The more she thought about it, the more she regretted it, and her mother's tone became more polite. "Miss Qingya, you have been in the flower building all these years, and your mother has never treated you badly. When you leave the Yihong Courtyard, don't forget your mother. You, following the seventh son, have fallen into the blessing nest."

"Thank you mom for taking care of me all these years. Qingya will remember mom's kindness in her heart." Miss Qingya said softly, "Take care, mom."

Seeing her being so polite, Mother Hua felt even more uncomfortable.What she just said was not polite.

Since Miss Qingya had been taken care of by Huo Qiqi for many years, Mother Hua really took good care of her.And Miss Qingya never made Mama Hua feel bad.Huo Qiqi aside, the two got along happily.

Thinking of the angry words just now, Mama Hua was embarrassed, turned around and ordered someone to send 50 taels of silver to Miss Qingya.

"No need." Qing Ya gently pushed back, "I appreciate Mom's kindness. The Seventh Young Master will arrange everything, and I am not short of money."

This is true!Mother Hua looked at her reluctantly.

Qing Ya bowed to her, and bowed to all the sisters.

Some of the other girls in Hualou cried softly, and those who got along well with Qingya congratulated her softly.

Although Huo Qiqi was a bit of a jerk, Huo Qiqi never looked down on everyone in the flower house.In recent years, everyone has noticed Huo Qiqi's kindness to Qingya girl.Many people used to be jealous of Miss Qingya, but now there is only envy, envy, and envy.

Amid the reluctance of the crowd, Huo Qiqi led them away, and the cries of many girls came from behind.

They were crying for their whole life. In this life, it is impossible for them to meet a benefactor like Huo Qiqi.No one knows what will happen to them in the future.

Miss Qingya was undoubtedly lucky.In such a dirty place like Yihong Courtyard, she met Huo Qiqi from the very beginning!

Huo Qiqi brought Qingya girl to a shop, and a middle-aged man and woman came over to salute her immediately. "The little one has seen the seventh son."

"These girls live in the backyard temporarily, and you and your wife will take care of their safety, food and daily life." Huo Qiqi ordered softly, "If you have anything to do, you will follow this elegant girl's orders from now on."

"I've seen Miss Qingya before." The two hurriedly saluted Miss Qingya.

"You're welcome, I'll trouble you both in the future." Miss Qingya said softly.

"Sit down, I have something to tell you." Huo Qiqi waved his hands to let the middle-aged men and women go out, and then pointed to the stool.

Wang Shaojie didn't regard himself as an outsider, and sat down with his legs crossed.

"Yes." Qingya girl agreed softly.

She sat upright on the chair, while the four maids stood beside her nervously and listened carefully.

"This is one of my shops. In the future, I plan to open an embroidery shop and build an embroidery room. The embroidery room and the embroidery shop are under your control, and I won't pay you." Huo Qiqi said.

"I don't want wages." Miss Qingya replied immediately.

"I'll give you half of the interest. Because there are two other shareholders in this store, they won't participate in the management, but they also know embroidery. I hope you can teach them a thing or two in your spare time." Huo Qiqi Say.

"No, no, I don't want interest. As long as our master and servant have something to eat and a place to live." Girl Qingya said, waving her hands.

"You don't think about yourself, you have to think about them in the future." Huo Qiqi pointed to the four little girls and said, "If they are good at embroidery, they can bring out a group of people, and their wages are calculated at three taels of silver a month. "

The four girls looked at each other, a little surprised and a little surprised.They originally thought that Huo Qiqi redeemed Qingya girl in order to have a golden nest.To be honest, if there is no status, the life of Qingya girl may not be easy in the future.

In the Yihong Courtyard, they had seen countless warmth and coldness in the world, and none of them who went out from the flower building to be concubines ended up with a good end.

It's just that going out to serve one man is better than serving many men. Seeing that Qingya girl is getting older, the four girls feel more and more anxious.But they didn't dare to wishful thinking, let Huo Qiqi marry Qingya girl.

Firstly, Huo Qiqi was only polite to Qingya girl, and had no affection for men and women.Secondly, Huo Qiqi is the young master of the Duke Protector's Mansion. In terms of status, not to mention the current Qingya, even if the Su family has not declined, Qingya's status may not be worthy of Huo Qiqi.

None of them thought that Huo Qiqi actually wanted Qingya to regain the embroidery skills of the Su family, and the share meant that Huo Qiqi didn't think Qingya was the same.

Even they can get such high wages.

The girls couldn't help but shed tears inadvertently.

"If you do well, you will get a bonus at the end of the year. Of course, the ugly thing is to say it up front. If you betray me, I won't be polite." Huo Qiqi said flatly.

She is not the Holy Mother, she also has the means to control people.

"No. We will never betray young master." Zhong Ling shook his head and said.

"The lives of us and the girl were saved by the girl, so we will never betray the young master for the sake of profit." Ban Xia's tone was very firm.

"Okay, happy cooperation." Huo Qiqi finally had a smile on his face.

"Cooperation?" Girl Qingya's eyes were red, she knew that she was reborn today!
With someone, Huo Qiqi began to make arrangements.

Eggs can't be put in one basket. Among her partners, she found three merchants who were engaged in the silk cloth business, and then bought a lot of cloth at a suitable price.

And Qingya and the four maids met Gu Jinpei and Wang Ruoxi, and after seeing the blueprints, they immediately fell in love with these jobs.Not to mention, he really deserves to be someone who came from the embroidery family. As soon as Gu Jinpei and Wang Ruoxi made a move, they could see that their embroidery skills were still far behind Qingya's master and servant.

More people shipped goods, and ten days later, the doll shop finally opened.

(End of this chapter)

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