Chapter 356 Wooden Dragon
"Huo Qiqi, you are not authentic. Why is the price getting higher and higher?" The third prince teased her with a smile. If you listen carefully, you can still hear the dissatisfaction in his tone.

"Then exchange food for food." Li Yuanbai suddenly agreed.

"The sixth prince is really smart." Huo Qiqi smiled sweeter, "The farmers in the nearby village have to pay taxes, and the two princes can get a batch of good seeds from them. I didn't raise the price for the rest. If someone else comes over , it won’t be at this price at all.”

"Can you even out the wheat seeds?" Li Yuanbai looked at her and asked.

Huo Qiqi asked back with a smile, "Does the sixth prince want to take care of his own land, or should he take it elsewhere?"

"Take care of your own fields first, and then other people's fields." Li Yuanbai looked at her and replied solemnly.

"The fields of the two princes need seeds, and there may be a little more, but there is nothing I can do about it." Huo Qiqi spread his hands and replied.

Li Yuanbai frowned, but he didn't ask further.

"When does the sixth prince plan to come to fetch food?" Huo Qiqi asked.

"After the autumn harvest."

Huo Qiqi felt that if she chatted with Li Yuanbai, she would soon die of exhaustion.This person is too boring, he has always acted too seriously, and she?Barely be regarded as the "unserious" category.

"If nothing happens..." She really had nothing to say, so she wanted to chase him away.

"It's a bit late to rush back to eat at this time. I'll interrupt you for lunch. Just be casual, don't be too polite, just a dozen or so dishes will do." The third prince said cheerfully first, "For wine, feel free."

"It's the busy farming season, and there is no manpower available. The kitchen can prepare up to four dishes, two meat and two vegetables, and no wine. If the two princes don't dislike it, you can stay for a light meal. Other requests, sorry, sincerely I can't reach it." Huo Qiqi replied bluntly.

Three princes...

"Whatever you want." Li Yuanbai seemed to be determined here.

Huo Qiqi nodded, and told Shu Yun to inform the kitchen that he would cook four dishes for lunch.

Seeing that she was serious, the third prince was dumbfounded.

But in fact, Huo Qiqi was really busy, and all the people in the yard who could go to the fields to help went to the fields.Only a few people were left busy in the kitchen, even Shu Yun and Jing Mu were sent to the kitchen to help.

Although the beginning of autumn, the sun at noon is still very hot.

Huo Qiqi ordered the kitchen to burn rock sugar and mung bean soup, packed it in wooden barrels, and transported it to the field to quench the thirst of the laborers who harvested rice.And she herself went to see orchards and flowers everywhere.

Li Yuanbai and the third prince, who were left behind by her, were not idle either. They led the guards and went directly to the field.

The rice in the field is golden yellow, and its color is better than that of other places.Li Yuanbai squatted down and broke off an ear of rice. This ear of rice is not only full of grains, but also full of grains. No wonder the yield per mu is so high.

"It's a pity that Huo Qiqi didn't become the chief minister." The third prince sighed.

Many farmers in Dayun Kingdom have planted for a lifetime, but they have never grown such a high yield.

Not to mention that they lamented, the laborers who came to harvest even lamented and lamented as they worked.Many people have already made up their minds. After the autumn harvest is over, they will ask the village chief to come over and help the villagers buy more rice seeds.

There are many people and strong strength, some people are mowing, some are carrying, and some people are fighting in the valley field not far away, and a large area of ​​the field is quickly cleared.

"What is this?" Li Yuanbai couldn't help asking when he saw several weird wooden dragons.

"My son, this is a good thing. Look at it, gentlemen. Grab the rice into small handles and put it on the wooden dragon to beat it. When you step on it, the wooden dragon will spin up, and the particles on the rice will be easily knocked down." Without stone milling, we alone can sow several acres of grain in a day." The day laborers in Zhuangzi didn't know Li Yuanbai and the third prince at all, so they couldn't help bragging.

Li Yuanbai and the third prince looked around the wooden dragon for a while, unable to conceal the shock in their eyes.The wooden dragon is actually very simple. There is a roller on the top, and the iron nails are inserted on the roller, and the extension of the roller is connected with a pedal below with animal skin. When a person sits and steps on it alternately, the wooden dragon will turn. Get up, and then spread the rice with both hands, and the grains are knocked down by iron nails.

Things look simple, but it is not easy to think out.But practicality is very strong!

"Do you know who came up with the idea?" The third prince asked with a smile.

Li Yuanbai and the third prince looked at each other and made up their minds.Even if the people in Huo Qiqi's farm created the wooden dragon, they would still ask Huo Qiqi to take him back.talent!If the Dayun Kingdom promotes the wooden dragon, I don't know how much labor will be saved.

"I know. This wooden dragon was conceived by the seventh son. There are several in the Zhuangzi, and there are also some in the Wanggongzi's Zhuangzi." The laborer replied with a smile, "Good guy, it saves effort and is easy to use. Sell ​​the excess."

Yes, it's Huo Qiqi!The third prince felt that he still underestimated Huo Qiqi.

When eating at noon, there were only four dishes on the table, two vegetarian dishes and two meat dishes.There are not many types, but the portions are large and the taste is good.

The third prince and Li Yuanbai wandered around for a long time, they were hungry, and the two of them didn't dislike it, so they sat down and started eating.

"Huo Qiqi, what's the matter with that wooden dragon?" The third prince didn't forget his business, and asked for news while eating with a smile.

"Oh, there is a lot of land in the village, so I thought about it and came up with the idea of ​​making a few wooden dragons to reduce everyone's burden and improve efficiency." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile, "Why, the third and sixth princes also Have you taken a fancy to the wooden dragon?"

Hearing the words, the third prince immediately gave her a thumbs up, "Smart. Speaking of which, you are not enough friends. Why don't you say anything about such a good thing?"

"I didn't know you would be interested." Huo Qiqi replied with a half-smile.

"How about handing it over to the Ministry of Industry?" Li Yuanbai glanced at her and asked.

not how? !Wang Shaojie was a little annoyed when he heard that, he felt that the third prince and Li Yuanbai were simply robbers, every time they saw Huo Qiqi had something good in his hand, they would change their ways to grab it.

"What's the benefit?" Huo Qiqi asked.

"Huo Qiqi, can you not mention the benefits?" The third prince gave her a disgusted look and educated her. "It's obviously a great thing, but when you mention the benefits, it changes the flavor."

"The third prince and the sixth prince are dedicated to the people. I can understand that you are all good princes in the hearts of the people. But I am different. I have no official position, and I am not a good person. How can I live if I don't mention benefits?" Huo Qiqi was very serious. break up with him.

The third prince was speechless when he heard this, it was the first time he heard someone actively admit that he was not a good person.

As far as the original Huo Qiqi is concerned, his reputation is really not good.But now Huo Qiqi, basically no one can say otherwise.But this guy is good, but he doesn't care about his reputation at all.

"Third prince, I pay taxes on time, and I am a positive person, not breaking the law. I naturally want to get something back for what I do, isn't that right?" Huo Qiqi asked seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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