Chapter 363
"Yi Chen." The middle-aged man's eyes did not fall on Gu Guangning, but on Huo Yichen who was beside Gu Guangning.

"Uncle." Huo Yichen went over and saluted him respectfully.

"This is Qiqi?" The middle-aged man's eyes fell on Huo Qiqi.

"Qiqi met uncle." Huo Qiqi who was called also went over to salute him with a smile.From memory, this uncle was very kind to the two brothers and sisters. From childhood to adulthood, as long as it was a festival, the Shu land never cut off their gifts.

Just thinking about this is enough to move Huo Qiqi.

The family of the Huo family brothers is actually very interesting. The boss, Huo Yi'an's family, is a bit calculating, so Huo Yi'an and the other side are almost just maintaining face-to-face contacts.The second child Huo Yining's natal family is relatively complicated and belongs to the people of the world, so it is not appropriate to get too close to the Duke Huo's House.

Therefore, Huo Yining's family always sent things to Huo Yining in the dark.

The third child, Huo Yixing's family, since the two old people passed away, Huo Yixing directly severed ties with them.After all, only Huo Qiqi's grandfather's family has a good relationship, and the old man seems to have a lot of praise for the Gu family.

"Yi Chen and Qiqi?" At this moment, another middle-aged woman got off the carriage.

"Mother, be careful." Gu Jinpei went over coquettishly and helped him down.

"It's grown a lot taller." The woman looked at Gu Jinpei tenderly, with an excited expression on her face.

Huo Qiqi saw that she had a scholarly atmosphere all over her body, so he developed a good impression of her for no reason.

"In the blink of an eye, it has grown so big. I met him once before, but I was still in my infancy." Aunt Zhen looked at Huo Qiqi with some distress. "It would be great if my sister could see it."

After speaking, her eyes couldn't help turning red.

"Don't mention the past." Gu Guye was worried that Huo Qiqi and Huo Yichen would be upset, so he reprimanded Zhen Shi softly.

"Look at me." Zhen Shi quickly stopped her tears and looked at Huo Qiqi embarrassedly.

"My aunt thinks the same as me. Only after I saw my aunt did I know why my cousin is so good-looking and has such a good temper." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

"Poor mouth." Gu Jinpei gave her a blank look, and Zhen Shi was also taken aback.

Huo Qiqi was so annoyed that she almost got into the ground, she had forgotten that she was still pretending to be a man, and when she said this, it seemed a little too aggressive.

How to remedy?You won't be called a disciple just after meeting your uncle, right?
"It's strange to say that although I just met my uncle and aunt for the first time, I seem to have met you countless times. Just like the first time I met my cousins, I feel like my brothers and sisters." Huo Qiqi added with a smile.

When Zhen heard this, she realized that she was thinking too much.

Gu Guye took another look. These years, he would send people to the capital to give gifts, the purpose is to tell others that although this nephew has no parents, he still has a family to rely on.Every year, he would also ask the people who came here how his nephew was doing.

The people who came here always spoke highly of Huo Yichen, but I heard that Huo Qiqi, the youngest nephew, was spoiled by Duke Huo and his brothers in the mansion, and grew up to be ignorant, wandering around every day. The younger brother of Hualou and Casino.

He wrote many letters to ask Huo Yichen to urge Huo Qiqi to finish his studies seriously, but the effect didn't seem to be good. In the news that he brought back every year, Huo Qiqi was still a rich man in the capital.

Unexpectedly, when his son came back, the Huo Qiqi in their letters would look different.But undoubtedly, Gu Guye felt that Huo Qiqi in front of him was not the vicious person that his subordinates said.When I saw it today, Qiqi was not only smart, but also very lively, and his son didn't lie to him.

He looked at Huo Qiqi with some relief, "You look a lot like your mother."

"Uncle, although this is the truth. But you must not tell it in front of my brother, and don't tell it in front of others. My brother will be jealous. He is not as good-looking as I am. Outsiders will gossip even more, Jingcheng There are already many people here who are so jealous of my looks that they want to jump off the building." Huo Qiqi joked with a smile.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Zhen Shi saw her lively and interesting, and looked at her with very pure eyes, the worry in her heart disappeared immediately.

At this time, several people descended from the carriage behind them, and some of them were not dressed like servants.

"Brother and sister, I finally saw you." At this time, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy got out of the car. His facial features were similar to Gu Gu Ye's, but he was more lively than Gu Gu Ye.

"This is your second cousin Gu Guangxi." Gu Guye introduced them.

"Are these two cousins ​​of my aunt's family?" Gu Guangxi looked at Huo Qiqi in surprise.

"Yes." Huo Yichen smiled slightly. In the letter, he knew that the Gu family had a cousin and a cousin.But this one is from my aunt.

When Huo Qiqi saw the respectful woman standing behind Zhen's, he knew the identity of the other party, so he also greeted the other party with a smile.

There was another woman standing next to an eight or nine-year-old girl, secretly looking at Huo Qiqi and Huo Yichen, but she didn't dare to go forward.

The two aunts went over and greeted Gu Guangning.

"Father, mother, we have tidied up the yard. We are just waiting for you to come." Gu Jinpei said with a smile, and all of Zhen's attention was on her daughter-in-law, Qin. She looked at Qin's swollen belly , eyes are red.

"Okay, mother." Gu Jinpei patted her hand to comfort her.

"You guys have come to the end of all hardships." Zhen's tears still flowed down.

"It's all thanks to my cousin." Qin gave Huo Qiqi a grateful look.

And Huo Qiqi was talking to Gu Zhenye at this time.

The family entered the yard in a friendly manner. The yard was not too big, but it was not too small. It was also a three-entry yard. The maids and servants kept their duties and entered the house, and the furniture was brand new.

"It cost a lot of money, right?" asked Zhen Shi.

"Most of these furniture are thanks to the two cousins." Gu Guangning said shyly, "In addition to the money I brought, I also did a little business with Qiqi and made a little money."

Gu Zhenye is not an unreasonable person, and he is not angry when he hears about doing small business.

That night, Huo Qiqi and Huo Yichen had dinner at Gu's house before going back.

On the second day, Gu Guye did not visit the Duke Huguo's mansion.

Huo Qiqi can understand this point, the direct contact between ancient officials does not mean that relatives can walk around at will, if the emperor is taboo, then there may be big troubles.

Gu Zhenye had just arrived in the capital, so he would definitely have some scruples.

But fortunately, the Gu family didn't come over, because a major incident happened in the Duke Protector's Mansion, and this incident had a very important relationship with Huo Qiqi.

"What, marriage proposal?" Huo Qiqi and Huo Yichen were both outside, but in the morning, their brothers were all found by servants.

When he got home, he saw that the old general of the Chen family was sitting with Duke Hu Guo, and beside him stood a woman who looked like a matchmaker.

(End of this chapter)

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