Chapter 365 Debt collection is coming

Huo Qiqi said it so decisively and so emotionally, in the end old General Chen was moved and finally gave up the idea of ​​getting married between the two families.

"Guo Huo Gong, Young Master Huo Qi is young, find a girl who is pleasing to her eyes as soon as possible, and she will definitely be able to win her over." Before leaving, he pulled the Hu Guo Gong behind his back, and gave her some good advice.

The protector groaned, he didn't agree, he didn't refuse, he just put it off.

Old General Chen took a look at Huo Qiqi, feeling sorry in his heart, the seventh prince is such a good person, why did he just like the sixth prince?

After the Chen family's father and son left, Huo Yichen couldn't help it, and immediately burst out laughing with his stomach in his arms.

Huo Qiqi looked at him and couldn't help laughing too.

"Grandfather, why did Old General Chen think of getting married?" After laughing, Huo Qiqi couldn't help asking.

"You are busy all day long, and it has been rumored that you are crazy." The Lord Protector replied with a smile, "There are rumors that the Sixth Prince even used beauty tricks in order to get the nutrient solution in your hand."

"There are also rumors that you like the sixth prince, even if you pay for food." Huo Yi'an walked in and said.He may have also heard about the Chen family coming to ask for marriage.

"Old man Chen is stubborn. You saved his life, and Zhuangzi brought them a lot of benefits. After hearing the rumors outside, he thought about it on his own and came up with such a bad idea." Huguo The old man smiled and said, "You may not know yet, that girl from the Chen family has been practicing martial arts since she was a child, and she is amazing with a whip in one hand. Old man Chen probably thinks that if you fall into the hands of Miss Chen with your thin body, you will definitely be cured." Be obedient, and then cure your problems."

"Grandfather, when will Qiqi be able to..." Huo Yi'an asked anxiously.

"Next autumn, she can change into women's clothes when she reaches the age of ji." The Duke Protector said.

"Grandfather, my reputation is already like this. Aren't you afraid that if I change into women's clothing, my reputation will be ruined, and no one will want it?" Huo Qiqi asked with a playful smile.

"Hmph, my girl is so beautiful, it's his blessing to choose someone. If you dare to pick and choose, I will break her leg." The old man replied with a cold snort.

Domineering!Huo Qiqi gave him a thumbs up, "It's a good idea, but you forget my temper. If he doesn't like me, I can like him? What's the matter, I have to find a man who will obey me. I told him to kill chickens, but he didn't dare to beat dogs. I told him to go west, but he couldn't go east. Of course, this man has to be able to go to the hall and go to the kitchen. He must also grow up well, be able to support his family, and protect his wife. Only then."

Huo Qiqi said it half-jokingly and half-seriously, but Huo Yichen and Huo Yichen nodded repeatedly, yes, what Qiqi said was too right.From now on, when Qiqi looks for a gentleman, she has to follow this standard.

Seeing their serious looks, Huo Qiqi couldn't help laughing out loud.

To be honest, she is not at all enthusiastic about getting married.Especially after she saw that even the serious Gu Gu Ye found two aunts yesterday, she didn't like the men in ancient times even more.

The Huo family didn't take this matter seriously, and Huo Qiqi didn't take it seriously.

But the power of people's gossip is beyond the imagination of Duke Huguo, and it is unknown who leaked the news.

The story about Old General Chen bringing a matchmaker to Duke Hu's mansion spread inadvertently in the streets and alleys, and became a joke for everyone.

Even if the rumors outside spread like crazy, Huo Qiqi didn't care about the rumors outside. Besides, the more serious you are about rumors, the more it is creating topics for others.

On the third day when Chen's family came to Huguo Gong's Mansion to propose marriage, Huo Qiqi took only Shuyu to the embroidery shop.

"Huo Qiqi, stop, girl." Huo Qiqi had just turned a corner when a girl in red clothes stopped Huo Qiqi aggressively with a whip in her hand.

"You called me?" Huo Qiqi asked, pointing to his nose.

"Still pretending to be stupid." The little girl was young, but her temper was very violent. Huo Qiqi's attitude seemed to irritate her. She pointed at Huo Qiqi viciously with the whip in her hand, "Tell me, what is wrong with this girl?" Not as good as you, how dare you despise this girl?"

Seeing her fierce attitude, Jian Yu quickly stood in front of Huo Qiqi to protect her.

"Girl, we don't seem to know each other." Huo Qiqi pulled away Sheen Yu, already having vague guesses about the identity of this girl in her heart.

"Still sophistry." The little girl's eyes were red with anger, "Grandpa went to your house to propose marriage, why did you humiliate me?"

"Miss Chen?" Huo Qiqi asked cautiously.

"It's not too stupid." Ms. Chen's eyes became more fierce.

"Ms. Chen misunderstood. I was worried that I would miss Ms. Chen's life. Besides, we are not familiar with each other. Even if I have no one in my heart, I can't agree to this marriage rashly. If I agree rashly, it will not only be for the girl The humiliation is also irresponsible to me, isn't it?" Huo Qiqi reasoned with her with a smile.

As the saying goes, reach out and never hit a smiling face.If she is so polite, the other party should also calm down, right?
It's a pity that Miss Chen's temperament is as stubborn as Old General Chen's, "Huo Qiqi, don't talk nicely. Anyway, you hurt me. Let me tell you, whether you want it or not, you will have to do it for me in the future." Be responsible. Also, if you dare to have any thoughts about other people in your heart, I will break your dog legs."

"Miss Chen, are you being too unreasonable?" Huo Qiqi stared at her dumbfounded.

She thought that Princess Changle was annoying enough, but she didn't expect that there was another Miss Chen.What's even more irritating is that, to her, this was completely unwarranted.

"You still say I'm unreasonable, listen to how people outside humiliate me, all of this is not all because of you. Let me tell you, since you dare to harm me, I will pester you for the rest of my life. You must become honest." Miss Chen said angrily, "Tell me honestly, do you still like the sixth prince?"

"I like it." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile, "I can't go against my conscience, can't I. I advise you..."

As soon as a word of persuasion fell, the whip in Chen Zhenzhu's hand seemed to have eyes, and it immediately lashed towards Huo Qiqi.

Huo Qiqi was taken aback, her body reacted naturally, she jumped and stepped back a long way.

How could Cut Yu let Chen Zhenzhu hurt Huo Qiqi, "Miss Chen, I offended you."

She stood in front of Huo Qiqi.

"Hmph, Huo Qiqi, I knew you, a coward, would only hide behind others." Chen Zhenzhu snorted coldly, "Surround her for me."

When Jian Yu and Huo Qiqi heard the words, they suddenly felt bad.Sure enough, as Chen Zhenzhu's voice fell, six girls with weapons in their hands flashed out from all around.

They came up without saying a word, and directly surrounded Jian Yu.

And the whip in Chen Zhenzhu's hand went towards Huo Qiqi again.

"Oh my god, it's still here." Huo Qiqi screamed.

Because of nervousness, she even forgot how to use the lightness kung fu, and could only rely on instinct to dodge.

(End of this chapter)

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