Chapter 367 Not Too Bad

"Huo Qiqi, come here if you have the guts." Chen Zhenzhu called out to her in disgust.

Huo Qiqi thought for a while before answering, "Then just pretend I didn't plant it."

All the onlookers burst out laughing.When many people looked at Huo Qiqi again, they also had contempt in their eyes.No matter how handsome Huo Qiqi looked, in fact she was a man, a big man, and a woman forced her to admit that she was worthless in front of everyone. Not only was she worthless, she was also shameless.

"Well, Huo Qiqi, let me ask you. Do you really like the sixth prince?" Chen Zhenzhu asked again through gritted teeth.

"Yes." Huo Qiqi admitted very simply.

All the people immediately let out a gasp.

Li Yuanbai's complexion suddenly darkened.

"Don't get me wrong, I said I like you, but I won't really make a fuss about meddling in your life. You can't deny me the right to like you, right?" Huo Qiqi saw that his expression was not good, and quickly explained, " I just simply like you, and I have no other superfluous thoughts. In other words, it can also be said to be a kind of appreciation and belief."

Under Li Yuanbai's deep gaze, Huo Qiqi could hardly bear the pressure.

"Huo Qiqi, let me ask you again, besides the sixth prince, do you still like other men?" Chen Zhenzhu asked domineeringly with her hips on her hips.

"No." Huo Qiqi asked bluntly. "It's good to have someone who appreciates or believes in it."

"You hang out with Wang Shaojie every day, and you don't have any thoughts about him?" Chen Zhenzhu expressed disbelief.

The third prince's eyes are bright and he likes to gossip. In fact, he also wants to study this issue in depth.The onlookers expressed their opinions without waiting for Huo Qiqi to speak.

"Mr. Huo Qi is more charming than a woman. When Wang Shaojie was the son of Zhan Shifu, he was always messing around. I don't believe he doesn't have any thoughts about Mr. Huo Qi."

"I think so too."

"The tortoise and the bastard have upper eyes."


These people actually overwhelmingly believed that she was having an affair with Wang Shaojie.

The third prince pricked up his ears and listened with gusto, but Li Yuanbai's face became more and more gloomy.

If Chen Zhenzhu's gaze could kill, Huo Qiqi felt that he could die seven or eight times.

"A big man keeps his word. If you don't have it, you don't have it. Wang Shaojie and I have a very pure buddy friendship. We grew up together. To me, he is just like my brother. Although that kid is not very special." Huo Qiqi was very pleased. Seriously, "Is Miss Chen satisfied with such an answer?"

Chen Zhenzhu snorted coldly and didn't speak, but her face looked a little better.

"Yes, Old General Chen loves me very much. It's because your Chen family thinks highly of me. However, I also made it very clear that day that the sixth prince is just a belief to me. I can't even say it to myself. Clearly, is it true that I like him? But one thing, the partner I will find in the future must be the same as me. I will never have any thoughts about the third party. For me, when the first The three are actually very shameful. If you love someone, you should devote yourself wholeheartedly. Otherwise, you will be disrespectful to others, harsh on yourself, and an insult to the person you love. Ms. Chen, I didn’t know you before Familiar, I really can't say whether I like or dislike you, but I only have respect for you, and I don't have any obscene thoughts." Huo Qiqi said sincerely, "The marriage I yearn for is a couple for life, do you believe it? I I can't harm you just because of fighting for a good reputation, that's very selfish. You deserve someone better to take care of you, and I'm not that person. "

Chen Zhenzhu wanted to say that if she didn't believe it, she couldn't do it. A man can really only like one woman in his whole life.Her grandfather, father, and uncle, who didn't have a few aunts and Tongfang around her?

Huo Qiqi's words made her feel shocked, and this shock completely suppressed her initial anger.But looking at Huo Qiqi's serious eyes, she hesitated again.

"Huo Qiqi, don't fool me. You are still a couple for the rest of your life. You spend all your time in the flower house, and now even the top card in the flower house is hidden by your golden house. You are a villain who says nothing but what he means." Suddenly, Chen Zhenzhu turned her face again.

"Miss Chen, this is a long story. Although I often go to Hualou, I haven't done any dirty things. I just go to listen to ditties and drink wine. I don't even have hands with those girls. Pulled. In my eyes, all living beings are equal, and those girls are forced to enter the flower building to make a living. They live a life of being greeted and sent every day, and it is just to make a living. I think they are already miserable as women. If As women, if you can’t understand them, it’s even more pathetic. As for Miss Qingya, I didn’t redeem her for a golden house. She is now the embroiderer of my embroidery shop and the shareholder of my embroidery shop. One." Huo Qiqi explained very seriously, of course, she didn't just want to get rid of Chen Zhenzhu, but wanted to take the opportunity to justify Qingya girl's name.

She hoped that Qingya girl would meet a good man in the future to start a family and start a career. Such a woman is pitiful.

"She was redeemed by you, how did she become a shareholder?" Chen Zhenzhu looked at her with a sneer.

"Miss Chen, why bother to look down on others. Everyone only knows that Qingya girl is outstanding in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but who knows that her female celebrity is even more outstanding? It's true that Qingya girl has no money, but she has embroidery skills, and she can't buy shares with embroidery skills. Is it?" Speaking of this, Huo Qiqi already seemed very impatient.

The third prince couldn't laugh this time, he realized that he seemed to know too little about Huo Qiqi.Where did this guy get so many fallacies!

Li Yuanbai was not surprised, he knew very well that Huo Qiqi was just using him as an excuse.Huo Qiqi looked at him with some admiration, but absolutely no liking.He even sometimes saw that Huo Qiqi felt a little disgusted with him.

However, Huo Qiqi's idea is really unique.

Chen Zhenzhu was in a daze, Huo Qiqi's words completely overturned her original cognition.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, the horse is frightened." Just as everyone was discussing, an out-of-control carriage suddenly rushed over from South Street.

The young man driving the cart tried his best to pull the rein, but he couldn't control the crazy horse.He yelled loudly as he tugged at the reins.

Seeing this, the crowd panicked immediately, and everyone tried to hide to the side.

"Young Master, be careful." Seeing this, Jian Yu hurriedly stood in front of her.

Chen Zhenzhu was still in a daze, but the girls around her were scattered by the crowd.

Huo Qiqi was startled, stretched out his hand and pulled her to the side, and the three of them stuck to the corner of the wall together.

"How did it get out of control?" The third prince beside him muttered to himself.

Huo Qiqi's eyes fell on several figures not far away in surprise, they were Li Yuanbai, Qingfeng, and Minglang.They are helping the coachman to control the carriage.

The panicked crowd around screamed, Li Yuanbai saw that the horses were not obeying at all, so he simply slapped one of the horses with his palm, Qingfeng immediately cut off the reins, and the carriage fell to the ground, but luckily It was an empty carriage, and the driver was lifted out of the carriage by Ming Lang.

It was finally controlled, and everyone let out a cry of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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