Chapter 370 The Deed of Life and Death

"My lord, you can't leave." The family members of the injured nearby were dumbfounded when they saw that Gu Guangxi was rescued by Huo Qiqi.

Looking at his relatives again, although the old doctor tried his best, it was obvious that he hadn't stopped the bleeding of the wounded.

The wounded suffered from convulsions from time to time, and the old doctor's back was soaked in sweat, but the treatment effect was not satisfactory.

Seeing this, the injured daughter-in-law immediately pulled the child and knelt down in front of Huo Qiqi, "My lord, I'm blind, I offended you just now. It doesn't matter if you don't have a medical certificate, I just ask you to save my husband's life."

"I beg your son to save my father."

"As long as the young master can save my father, I am willing to be a cow and a horse for the young master."

"I also hope that the young master will save my son's life."

In a blink of an eye, the whole family of the injured knelt down in front of Huo Qiqi.

Gu Guye and Gu Guangning took a look at the wounded man who was almost bloody, and then looked at the sweating old doctor, and immediately felt that things were more difficult.

"Everyone, it's not that my cousin is unwilling to act. It's really because she doesn't have a medical certificate. According to the laws of Dayun Kingdom, she can't act to treat the wounded." Gu Guangning explained loudly that he was not selfish.The injury is so serious, so many people are watching, Huo Qiqi has no medical certificate, it will be fine if he can be rescued, but if the person dies at the hands of Huo Qiqi, Qiqi's reputation will definitely be greatly affected .

He must not let Huo Qiqi's reputation be ruined because of this.

"Cousin, why bother to cover for me." Huo Qiqi said with a smile, "I didn't intend to save anyone. If Second Cousin wasn't here, I would have gone straight back. I never said I was a good person Ouch, my waist."

Gu Guangning...

Gu Zhenye and Zhen Shi were also dumbfounded, this was the first time they saw the somewhat evil Huo Qiqi.

It turned out that the rumors about Huo Qiqi brought back from the capital were not all false.

This kid has a really bad temper...

The husband and wife thought for a long time, but they couldn't think of any words to describe Huo Qiqi.Anyway, Huo Qiqi was their own child, so they wouldn't use bad words on Huo Qiqi, let alone allow others to ruin Huo Qiqi's reputation.

Gu Guangxi had already been carried onto a stretcher. At this time, Huo Yixing, who had just returned to the Zuixian Tower, also came over.

When he saw the patient's family kneeling on the ground and crying bitterly, forcing Huo Qiqi to treat them, his anger went straight up, "You are asking the wrong person, she is not a doctor. You are forcing her, she has no medical certificate You can't make a move either."

"Why can't you make a move? She was treating someone else's disease just now." A woman was a little aggressive.

But being swept away by Huo Yixing's cold eyes, he immediately lowered his head in fright.

The family kneeling on the ground was still crying, telling about the misfortune of the family.

Huo Qiqi was a little annoyed, and turned to leave.

The two children suddenly rushed over and wanted to hug her leg, Huo Qiqi moved, and they immediately hugged her.

The two children continued to catch up, Huo Qiqi sneered, "Do you think you are children, so I dare not do it?"

Chen Zhenzhu looked at the wanton Huo Qiqi, for some reason, a warm current flowed quietly in her heart, she suddenly felt that what Huo Qiqi said to him did not seem to be lying.

Perhaps because Huo Qiqi didn't care about her, he didn't even hide it in front of her.

Is this Huo Qiqi's real temperament?
"If you want her to treat you, the whole family must sign the life and death certificate. Whether the injured end up dead or alive, it has nothing to do with her. Just find a few more people to guarantee you." Li Yuanbai Leng Open your mouth coldly.

The injured family looked up at him in surprise.

"This prince and the third prince are willing to be your guarantors. You just need to find someone. The owner of the gourmet restaurant and the owner of Yunkelai can also be guarantors." Li Yuanbai's tone was very cold. "You can ask them."

When the family members of the injured heard that he was the prince, they rushed over to kowtow to Zhao Xiankun and Li Yuanjin, asking them to be their guarantors.

Cho Hyun-kun...

He just heard that Huo Qiqi was being stalked, so he came here on purpose to watch the excitement.He didn't want to be a guarantor anymore.

But it was Li Yuanbai who spoke, even if Zhao Xiankun looked down on the injured and was unwilling to have anything to do with Huo Qiqi, he couldn't hurt Huo Qiqi's face.

Li Yuanjin didn't refuse, he really wanted to see how Huo Qiqi could save the wounded patient.

Could it be that Huo Qiqi still forced the injured to drink urine?
"Success, since the sixth prince has spoken, I agree to be the guarantor." Zhao Xiankun agreed with a smile.

"Do you have money?" Huo Qiqi looked at the patient indifferently, "One pill costs 500 taels of silver. Other expenses will be calculated separately."

The family members of the injured were dumbfounded.

They are just a well-off family, how can they have so much money?

"Silver, my prince is out." Li Yuanbai said again.

After hearing this, the family members of the injured immediately knelt down to thank Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai.

After talking about this, Huo Qiqi sighed and could only agree to cure the illness.

The pen, ink, paper and inkstone were quickly brought, and Shu Yun quickly wrote down the agreement.

All the family members of the patient put their fingerprints on it, and several guarantors also signed their names.

Huo Qiqi walked up to the patient and began to feel the patient's pulse.

Zhen Shi and Gu Guye were worried about Huo Qiqi's side, and also worried about Gu Guangxi, so they couldn't help being in a dilemma.

"Uncle, aunt, don't worry about me. Anyway, whether he lives or dies has nothing to do with me. I said that I don't have a medical certificate. They forced me to do it, and they should be worried." Huo Qi Qi said lightly, "Huaxi, today you and Zhizhi go to take care of Young Master Biao."

"Yes, young master." Huaxi agreed, and quickly another medical girl stood among the Gu family.

"Then be careful." Gu Guye saw that she wasn't panicking at all, and Huo Yixing was there, so he felt relieved.

"Seventh Young Master, look..." The old man was sweating profusely as he looked at Huo Qiqi.

After Huo Qiqi took the patient's pulse, he looked at the position where the needle was given, and praised him with a chuckle, "Sir, you are always strong, and the needle is accurate and delicate. But if you add a few more needles here, you can temporarily stop the internal pain." Bleeding symptoms in the

"The bleeding stops when the intestine is broken, is it feasible to stagnate in the abdomen?" The old man looked at her in amazement and added a few more stitches.

"It can only stop the bleeding temporarily, but it can't be used for a long time. If we want to solve the problem fundamentally, we can only connect the intestines." Huo Qiqi said in a low voice.

Intestines?The old man was taken aback, he had never heard that a broken intestine could be reconnected.

Regardless of what he thought, Huo Qiqi immediately ordered his own people to send the injured to the nearby Minsheng Hall, and asked for a separate room.

Such a simple operating room has become.

When the family of the injured person heard that Huo Qiqi was going to cut open the wounded person's stomach and take out the intestines, the old man was so frightened that he fainted immediately.

"If the intestines cannot be connected as soon as possible, he will not live for half an hour." The old doctor said with a sigh, "I have tried my best, but my medical skills are not good, I am ashamed."

"It's up to you, anyway, I've already given the treatment, so there's no need to delay it any longer, he can't hold on." Huo Qiqi said lazily.

"Okay, listen to the son's order. Take the intestines." The patient's father pressed his fingerprints on a piece of paper again.

(End of this chapter)

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