Chapter 377 It Was You
When Huo Qiqi carried the fat Huo Wuji into the yard again, he found that there were many people in the yard.

"This is your child? I didn't expect you to have a child at such a young age. You really are not a decent person." When a little girl in a green jacket saw Huo Qiqi, she immediately rushed to her.

When Huo Qiqi saw the other party, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up. "The girl is also a guest of the Duke Protector's Mansion?"

"Yes." The little girl was still arrogant, "We are from the Valley of Miraculous Doctors. Wherever we go, we are aboveboard. Do you think everyone is as sneaky as you are all day long? A liar who sells fake medicines dares to go to such a place Come on. Are you not afraid of being exposed and sent to the government?"

"I've said it before, I'm not a serious doctor, at most I'm an ordinary person who knows more about herbal medicine than others. As for the fake medicine I made, whether others like to buy it or not." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

"Hmph, don't be complacent. You met us. Sister An will stay in the capital from now on. If you want to fish in troubled waters to deceive people, it's impossible." Jiang Ting also went to help.

"That's right." Jiang Wan smiled triumphantly, "I'm telling you, Sister An is a lady from the Marquis of Wuyi's Mansion, and she came from our genius doctor Valley. You'd better be honest in the future. Look at you, even if you don't think about yourself, You have to think about the child in your arms, too."

People from the Valley of Miraculous Doctors?Many people chatting in the yard looked at the two little girls in surprise.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting and Jiang Wan became even more proud.

"Everyone, see clearly, this wild medicine seller is still selling at sky-high prices, you must not be fooled by her." Jiang Wan pointed to Huo Qiqi for everyone to see.

Everyone just glanced at Huo Qiqi, and then they immediately turned their heads tacitly and pretended not to see it.

Just kidding, Huo Qiqi is difficult enough on her own.What's more, this is still the site of the Duke Protector's Mansion.Even if these two girls are from the Miracle Doctor Valley, they can't offend Huo Qiqi because of these two girls.

This is the little ancestor of the capital.

"Hit." Huo Wuji, who was in Huo Qiqi's arms, probably sensed the unfriendly tone of the two little girls, so he raised his little hand and shook them hard.

"Hey, look at how you take care of the child." Jiang Wan pointed at Huo Qiqi angrily.

Huo Qiqi's face turned cold, she dared to despise Wuji, her super cute baby nephew, it was unforgivable.

"The child is so good, don't lead him down." Jiang Wan sighed and looked at the child, "As the child's father, you have to set a good example for the child."

Huo Qiqi lost his temper instantly.Although the little girl's mouth is a bit poisonous and her temper is a bit bad, her human nature is not bad.

However, what kind of ghost doctor came out of Gu, blind, she is so young, does she look like a married couple?
"Jiang Ting, Jiang Wan." A soft cry sounded, and the two little girls immediately turned their heads with a smile, "Sister An, guess who we met?"

Is there any need to guess?The man in the red fire cloak was standing in the yard.

"So it's you!" An Xishi's eyes were gentle, and she smiled sweetly. She seemed to have never had any problems with Huo Qiqi, and her tone was polite and polite.

"Oh, so it's you." Huo Qiqi used an affirmative sentence.

An Xishi's eyes fell on the child in Huo Qiqi's arms again. "Your brother?"

"Brother?" Jiang Wan and Jiang Ting turned their heads in surprise, they looked Huo Qiqi up and down together, the more they looked, the more they felt that Huo Qiqi was younger.Thinking that something might have gone wrong, the faces of the two little girls immediately turned red.

"If it's your younger brother, you, as an older brother, should set an example for him." Jiang Wan pouted.

Being blind again, Huo Qiqi smiled more tenderly than An Xishi, "I'm sorry, but I'm the youngest in my family."

Seeing Huo Qiqi teasing each other, Huaxi and the others couldn't help lowering their heads and chuckling.

"Huh?" Huo Wuji waved his small hand, trying to catch something falling in the air.

"My lord, it's snowing." Huaxi chuckled.

"Everyone, it's snowing. Please sit inside." Huo Yichen greeted the guests.

Huo Yining ordered the boy to quickly put down the curtains on the temporary shed and send some pots of fire inside.

Huo Qiqi was also wearing a cape made of fiery red fox fur, with a white fox fur trim on the side.Her skin is very fair, and she is extremely beautiful. Standing in the yard where the snowflakes are flying, she hugs Huo Wuji who is also wearing a fiery red cape.

An Xishi, who was very confident in her appearance, actually felt that she had fallen into inferiority at this moment.

In fact, she did fall into the lower class.

When Li Yuanbai and the third prince came out of the corner, they saw a few people in the yard, but they were more concerned with the blush in their eyes.

"Book." Huo Wuji hugged Huo Qiqi's face and kissed him fiercely.

"Young master, you're slobbering all over your face." Huaxi handed Huo Qiqi a handkerchief.

Huo Qiqi took it with one hand, and gently wiped his face.

"My lord, let this servant hug you for a while. You must be tired." The woman in Wang Chuyun's yard stretched out her hand to hug Huo Wuji.

Huo Wuji quickly hugged Huo Qiqi's neck tightly, "Book."

"No, I'll just hug it." Huo Qiqi said flatly, then turned to kiss the fat baby's face.

Huo Wuji immediately giggled happily.

Huo Qiqi put the hat on his cloak on for him, Huo Wuji quickly grabbed the hat on Huo Qiqi's cloak with both hands, and wanted to put it on for her too.

"Young master is really smart." Hua Qiao laughed and went to help.

"Third Prince, Sixth Prince, Miss An, it's snowing outside, please come inside." Huo Qiqi walked in with Huo Wuji in his arms, smiling.

An Xishi had already seen the third and sixth princes, and she walked over slowly with light steps.

Huo Qiqi also carried Huo Wuji to the eaves. She nodded slightly to Li Yuanbai and the third prince, and then went straight into the room.

"It turns out Miss An has already arrived." The third prince said with a smile, "We just arrived, and we haven't greeted the Duke Hu. See you later."

"Okay." An Xishi turned her body considerately.

"Wait, third prince." Jiang Ting said.

"Miss, what's the matter?" The third prince asked with a smile.

"Who was that liar just now?" Jiang Ting asked curiously.

"Don't you know?" The third prince asked with a smile.The little girl is so funny, she dared to call Huo Qiqi a liar on her territory, if the Duke Huo or the brothers of the Huo family heard about it, she would probably throw her out of the Huo family's gate.

"She is Huo Qiqi, the youngest son of the Duke Protector's Mansion." Seeing his sly smile, An Xishi immediately thought of Huo Qiqi's identity.Damn it, who else is there besides Huo Qiqi who looks like a beauty in the capital?

"Young Master of the Protector's Mansion?" Jiang Ting and Jiang Wan said in unison.The two girls were dumbfounded. You looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't know what to say.

The two of them just kept calling someone a liar, and even reprimanded Huo Qiqi harshly, what's going on now?
(End of this chapter)

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